Let them eat cake


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
school kids twitter photos of the lunches they get

thanks to michelle obamas fancy anti-obesity policy


Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Overhaul ? Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why | TheBlaze.com

If I'm not mistaken, students are offered a fairly wide range of items from which to choose.
It's hardly fair of kids to post images of what they have chosen to put on their trays.
Holy crap...so I just looked at the school menus in my area.
Check this out......
MONDAY............not so bad, probably taste horrible
Orange Chicken
Mixed Vegetables
Tuesday...what?? This is it??..and this is healthy?
1 slice Cheese Pizza or Pepperoni
Apple slices
Wednesday...again this is it?, and this is healthy?
Pasta Alfredo or Chicken Alfredo
1 bread stick
Thursday...healthy? Uh...no.
Chili Dog or Cheesy Baked Potato (I kid you not)
Frozen Broccoli cuts (Nasty with a capital N)
Diced Peaches or Pineapple chunks
Friday...."I'm still hungry"
Meatball sub or PBJ
Green Beans

I can't believe this is all they get
If I'm not mistaken, students are offered a fairly wide range of items from which to choose.
It's hardly fair of kids to post images of what they have chosen to put on their trays.


most do have choices

but are limited to caloric count

something on the lines of

get one pulled pork burger

or two fruits

one scoop of slop


a piece of bologna on a soft shelled taco

yum yum
Holy crap...so I just looked at the school menus in my area.
Check this out......
MONDAY............not so bad, probably taste horrible
Orange Chicken
Mixed Vegetables
Tuesday...what?? This is it??..and this is healthy?
1 slice Cheese Pizza or Pepperoni
Apple slices
Wednesday...again this is it?, and this is healthy?
Pasta Alfredo or Chicken Alfredo
1 bread stick
Thursday...healthy? Uh...no.
Chili Dog or Cheesy Baked Potato (I kid you not)
Frozen Broccoli cuts (Nasty with a capital N)
Diced Peaches or Pineapple chunks
Friday...."I'm still hungry"
Meatball sub or PBJ
Green Beans

I can't believe this is all they get

the kids out here get treated pretty good

they have sound lunches

and an open salad bar

plus they can buy cookies and ice cream

the grandson says the food is good

and i have personally had lunch at the school

was not all that bad

but we are a small personal community
school kids twitter photos of the lunches they get

thanks to michelle obamas fancy anti-obesity policy


Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Overhaul ? Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why | TheBlaze.com


All I had to do was to see that it was from THE BLAZE to know that it's a political hitjob, lean on facts, heavy on propaganda. That poor starving student. Uhuh.

yeah i know it is fun to blast beck and all

but the problem is wide spread

even out here for some schools

KELOLAND.com | Students Trash Veggies Rather Than Eat Them
school kids twitter photos of the lunches they get

thanks to michelle obamas fancy anti-obesity policy


Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Overhaul ? Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why | TheBlaze.com


All I had to do was to see that it was from THE BLAZE to know that it's a political hitjob, lean on facts, heavy on propaganda. That poor starving student. Uhuh.

yeah i know it is fun to blast beck and all

but the problem is wide spread

even out here for some schools

KELOLAND.com | Students Trash Veggies Rather Than Eat Them

I'll tell you one thing, when I went to school our lunches were tasty and nutritious. You never saw anyone throw good food in the trash

Damn you Michelle Obama
I just left working in a school after four years

and I can tell you, the kids are trashing this new menu and schools are losing money and employees over it to boot

some stuff we cooked I wouldn't feed my dog

but this administration knows what's best for you and your children, don't forget

Parents need to start making their kids lunch's again
Holy crap...so I just looked at the school menus in my area.
Check this out......
MONDAY............not so bad, probably taste horrible
Orange Chicken
Mixed Vegetables
Tuesday...what?? This is it??..and this is healthy?
1 slice Cheese Pizza or Pepperoni
Apple slices
Wednesday...again this is it?, and this is healthy?
Pasta Alfredo or Chicken Alfredo
1 bread stick
Thursday...healthy? Uh...no.
Chili Dog or Cheesy Baked Potato (I kid you not)
Frozen Broccoli cuts (Nasty with a capital N)
Diced Peaches or Pineapple chunks
Friday...."I'm still hungry"
Meatball sub or PBJ
Green Beans

I can't believe this is all they get

Thats more than I usually eat for lunch
school kids twitter photos of the lunches they get

thanks to michelle obamas fancy anti-obesity policy


Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Overhaul ? Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why | TheBlaze.com


All I had to do was to see that it was from THE BLAZE to know that it's a political hitjob, lean on facts, heavy on propaganda. That poor starving student. Uhuh.

Considering it is in The Blaze lets look at the rest of the story they are not telling you

The kid has the beginning makings of a wrap, There is probably a bar with tomatoes, lettuce, onions, peppers and dressings to finish your wrap.

The kid went off without putting the rest of his wrap together and put on a sad face and whined...this is all they gave me for lunch
All I had to do was to see that it was from THE BLAZE to know that it's a political hitjob, lean on facts, heavy on propaganda. That poor starving student. Uhuh.

yeah i know it is fun to blast beck and all

but the problem is wide spread

even out here for some schools

KELOLAND.com | Students Trash Veggies Rather Than Eat Them

I'll tell you one thing, when I went to school our lunches were tasty and nutritious. You never saw anyone throw good food in the trash

Damn you Michelle Obama

pretty good when i was a kid

you also didnt throw away food

when i was in elementary

the principal stood beside the garbage can

and directed kids with food on their plate

back to the table to finish up
Holy crap...so I just looked at the school menus in my area.
Check this out......
MONDAY............not so bad, probably taste horrible
Orange Chicken
Mixed Vegetables
Tuesday...what?? This is it??..and this is healthy?
1 slice Cheese Pizza or Pepperoni
Apple slices
Wednesday...again this is it?, and this is healthy?
Pasta Alfredo or Chicken Alfredo
1 bread stick
Thursday...healthy? Uh...no.
Chili Dog or Cheesy Baked Potato (I kid you not)
Frozen Broccoli cuts (Nasty with a capital N)
Diced Peaches or Pineapple chunks
Friday...."I'm still hungry"
Meatball sub or PBJ
Green Beans

I can't believe this is all they get

Thats more than I usually eat for lunch

by high school many of us dropped out of eating at the school

and would give this mom and pop shop the business

i usually had a bag of chips and a pop

Here’s the feel-good story of the week: according to the Los Angeles Times, “students” in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) throw away at least $100,000 worth of food every day, mostly fruits and vegetables they’re required to place on their trays by federally mandated lunchroom regulations championed by Michelle Obama and her ilk, I mean…yeah, I mean her ilk. And even the Times admits that $100,000 a day (or about 10% of LAUSD’s total food spending) is probably a very conservative estimate.

Know what $100,000 a day adds up to over the course of a nine-month school year for the supposedly cash-strapped LAUSD? (OK, if you’re a graduate of the LAUSD system, you can use a calculator.) Eighteen million dollars a year! And the national figures for Michelle Obama’s Waste-A-Palooza? (No, not her far-flung vacations, I mean her food OCD thing). How does ONE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR wasted on food U.S. school kids throw in the trash every year grab you?

Great Scott Walker, that’s almost as much as California is planning to throw in the trash every year for something else nobody wants or needs: the “bullet” train. You know, the one that’s slower than air travel yet costs more, but is conveniently much less convenient? Yeah, that one! Gee, I wonder if the bullet train has a dining car that forces passengers to make healthy lunchtime eating choices.

This preposterous lunch charade only goes to prove the old adage: you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him eat broccoli. It’s also clear that even though the Obamas can force us, under penalty of law (without even a hint of constitutional authority to do so, regardless of what John Roberts said) to purchase health care plans we don’t want or need, even they can’t make a kid eat gray, disgusting turkey burgers and apricots that taste like…well, like apricots.

Still, federal regulators believe they can make anything happen if they just keep talking about it long enough. You know, the way ObamaCare gets more popular the more President Obama talks about it? OK, bad example.

Despite vast expanses of evidence to the contrary, federal busybodies continue to insist that, quote, "…repeated exposure to fruits and vegetables eventually leads children to eat more of them." Spoken like someone who has never actually met a child, much less tried to teach, feed, or (God forbid) raise one.

In case you’re wondering, here’s how the uneaten food ritual works. In order for the school to qualify for some of the $11.6 billion dollars annually disbursed through Michelle Obama’s Healthy, Hungry-Free Kids Act of 2010, kids going through the lunch line are requited to select three items, at least one of which must be a fruit or a vegetable. Which has one obvious benefit: there’s at least the possibility that the 1-to-3 ratio might help (otherwise math-illiterate) LAUSD students grasp the concept of fractions.

ALL of it here
LAUSD: A Rind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Here’s the feel-good story of the week: according to the Los Angeles Times, “students” in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) throw away at least $100,000 worth of food every day, mostly fruits and vegetables they’re required to place on their trays by federally mandated lunchroom regulations championed by Michelle Obama and her ilk, I mean…yeah, I mean her ilk. And even the Times admits that $100,000 a day (or about 10% of LAUSD’s total food spending) is probably a very conservative estimate.

Know what $100,000 a day adds up to over the course of a nine-month school year for the supposedly cash-strapped LAUSD? (OK, if you’re a graduate of the LAUSD system, you can use a calculator.) Eighteen million dollars a year! And the national figures for Michelle Obama’s Waste-A-Palooza? (No, not her far-flung vacations, I mean her food OCD thing). How does ONE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR wasted on food U.S. school kids throw in the trash every year grab you?

Great Scott Walker, that’s almost as much as California is planning to throw in the trash every year for something else nobody wants or needs: the “bullet” train. You know, the one that’s slower than air travel yet costs more, but is conveniently much less convenient? Yeah, that one! Gee, I wonder if the bullet train has a dining car that forces passengers to make healthy lunchtime eating choices.

This preposterous lunch charade only goes to prove the old adage: you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him eat broccoli. It’s also clear that even though the Obamas can force us, under penalty of law (without even a hint of constitutional authority to do so, regardless of what John Roberts said) to purchase health care plans we don’t want or need, even they can’t make a kid eat gray, disgusting turkey burgers and apricots that taste like…well, like apricots.

Still, federal regulators believe they can make anything happen if they just keep talking about it long enough. You know, the way ObamaCare gets more popular the more President Obama talks about it? OK, bad example.

Despite vast expanses of evidence to the contrary, federal busybodies continue to insist that, quote, "…repeated exposure to fruits and vegetables eventually leads children to eat more of them." Spoken like someone who has never actually met a child, much less tried to teach, feed, or (God forbid) raise one.

In case you’re wondering, here’s how the uneaten food ritual works. In order for the school to qualify for some of the $11.6 billion dollars annually disbursed through Michelle Obama’s Healthy, Hungry-Free Kids Act of 2010, kids going through the lunch line are requited to select three items, at least one of which must be a fruit or a vegetable. Which has one obvious benefit: there’s at least the possibility that the 1-to-3 ratio might help (otherwise math-illiterate) LAUSD students grasp the concept of fractions.

ALL of it here
LAUSD: A Rind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste


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