Joe Biden to Declare War on Republican Party Prime Time Thursday

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This is how you steal election folks.
Joe Biden plans to address the nation Thursday warning anyone who will listen that "Democracy" is under attack in the U.S. by sinister forces aka the "MAGA opposition

This is how you steal election folks.
Joe Biden plans to address the nation Thursday warning anyone who will listen that "Democracy" is under attack in the U.S. by sinister forces aka the "MAGA opposition

it's all about lying cruds going on about a stolen election that never happened, pure anti American garbage. And the poor fools that believe it...
This is how you steal election folks.
Joe Biden plans to address the nation Thursday warning anyone who will listen that "Democracy" is under attack in the U.S. by sinister forces aka the "MAGA opposition


You do not even bother to listen to what he says.
The Trumpster should schedule a rally for Thursday opposite Biden's diatribe.

Give the people a little bit of hope.
Yes, Trump's hope for Dictatorship so that he can avoid being indicted for any of the investigations against him. So many, he is really scared.

Nothing is working for him. Republicans are turning away from him with the extremism against Roe, voting rights, and many other things which run against a democracy.
You mean Old Joe will LIE to Americans about Republicans, and in November, Joe will see that his LIES didn't work.
Would you like to bet your membership on this board on the outcome of the upcoming primaries in November?
What happened to that little weasel's promise to unite the nation?

Guess he meant unite the left against the right.
That kinda went out the window after his opponent failed to play nice in the sandbox after he lost his re-election bid and then riled his supporters up to overthrow the government on 1/6/2021.

Fuck uniting. It isn't possible in the current political climate.
I'm not interested in reaching across the aisle to rabid election deniers and believers in conspiracy theories. :)
No OP, ole Sleepy Joe Biden will inform viewers of the Republican war on Americans.
Nazi Joe will spew hate at "the white menace" and remind America that ending white people is a major goal of the democrat Reich. Then he'll dance around the rake his goons stepped on when they assaulted his opponent in the 2024 presidential race. He'll explain that troops arresting those running against him is the heart of our Duhmobcracy - Uber Alles Democrat.


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