The enlightened progressive liberals say that firearms should only be held by a well regulated militia and other people have no need of them. Well... My military ID card for retirement says INDEF (meaning indefinitely) on it. So I'm taking it that means I'm part of the well regulated militia. Therefore any requirement for my having to obtain a license, training, or anything else about a firearm should be provided to me for free and that the government should have to pay for my time in obtaining those items. Also since I'm part of the well regulated militia I want to know when they're going to provide me with a standard issue machine gun, 10,000 rounds for said weapon, body armor, and any other item they want their well regulated militia to have. Those items they require me to have are provided to me for by the government at their expense. This also means that any state or city laws regarding firearms are rescinded and that castle law and concealed carry is allowed in any state due to our being part of the well regulated militia.
Also I want made available to purchase on the open market to all members of the well regulated militia any weapon, body armor, or other accessory (That's not standard issue for the well regulated militia) that civil law enforcement, secret service, private security, or any other organization or agency is allowed to purchase. If you want an item to be under the sole jurisdiction of the military that's where it remains and those agencies and organizations don't qualify as being part of the military therefore they can't have them either.
Additionally I think anyone that has signed up for selective service is to be considered part of the well regulated militia and they need to attend training for a minimum of one to two weeks and pick up their gear also. We can make signing up for selective service a requirement for voting and kill two birds with one stone at the ballot box by having their selective service card also being their voter ID card. Before you say anything about women in the military they are the shield maidens of Rohan and with equal rights comes equal responsibilities. Besides to change a quote slightly, "Samuel Colt made all people equal."
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