How unscientific are the Biden's administration "green energy" policies!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Strange Sounds reported that Soon said,
"what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront."
"As the effects of global warming worsen, human health, livelihood, food security, water supply, and economic growth will be jeopardized. It is incumbent on us to implement a plan in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and begin to combat the consequential long-term and short-term effects of global warming on both the environment and on humans."

So Joe... are you really following the "science" when some "scientists" say we are in for a "cold spell"????

Nine Ways Biden’s $2 Trillion Plan Will Tackle Climate Change​

Biden’s infrastructure proposal includes climate action that could benefit every Congressional district and lure Republican support.​

So Biden's administration wants to spend $2 trillion for a problem that will NOT exist in 30 years..."global warming"????
Strange Sounds reported that Soon said,
"what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront."
"As the effects of global warming worsen, human health, livelihood, food security, water supply, and economic growth will be jeopardized. It is incumbent on us to implement a plan in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and begin to combat the consequential long-term and short-term effects of global warming on both the environment and on humans."

So Joe... are you really following the "science" when some "scientists" say we are in for a "cold spell"????
More crazy stuff, huh?

do you ever get bored posting propaganda?

Nine Ways Biden’s $2 Trillion Plan Will Tackle Climate Change​

Biden’s infrastructure proposal includes climate action that could benefit every Congressional district and lure Republican support.​

So Biden's administration wants to spend $2 trillion for a problem that will NOT exist in 30 years..."global warming"????
You seem lost, they used the words, "climate change" not "global warming".

Nine Ways Biden’s $2 Trillion Plan Will Tackle Climate Change​

Biden’s infrastructure proposal includes climate action that could benefit every Congressional district and lure Republican support.​

So Biden's administration wants to spend $2 trillion for a problem that will NOT exist in 30 years..."global warming"????

Of course because his old ass won't exist in 30 years either. This is the problem with electing geriatrics. They will never have to live in the mess they created.
The moonbats aren't about science....They're about the new pseudo-religion of scientism.

If they can get some asshole in a lab coat and/or with a slew of letters following their name, saying that the solution to the given problem is to grow The State, then their word is gospel.
Strange Sounds reported that Soon said,
"what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront."
"As the effects of global warming worsen, human health, livelihood, food security, water supply, and economic growth will be jeopardized. It is incumbent on us to implement a plan in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and begin to combat the consequential long-term and short-term effects of global warming on both the environment and on humans."

So Joe... are you really following the "science" when some "scientists" say we are in for a "cold spell"????
Yeah, my 58 degrees in August moment this morning has me fully convinced that we are suffering from AGW.
You seem lost, they used the words, "climate change" not "global warming".
You are right! It is "Climate Change"!
And in this case the "global warming" aspect would seem from a "scientific" perspective "reduce" global cooling which the "scientists" say is caused BY the sun becoming "dimmer". Did you read the article? "Scientists" are saying the earth is cooling BECAUSE of a growing dimmer sun, thus that would be "climate change" to counter "global warming" WHICH is what Biden are saying is the problem.
By the way... Obama's birthday party this weekend is being held less than a mile from the rising ocean that Obama believes is rising due to "climate change"! So why did he spend $12 million buying this if it was going to be under water?


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From this "unscientific" article...
He also said,
"If you want to face a serious problem, worry about an ice age; never worry about global warming."

History shows this is true.
Societies flourish in warm weather, in part because the good weather improves the crops.
Sunspot activity has fallen off from the hyperactivity of the 1990s and early 2000s. More sunspots, more sun, higher temperatures. Carbon dioxide has scant effect on this.:

So if $2 trillion is being spent on "climate change" that includes reducing "HEAT" emissions...
"Houston...we have a problem"!
Spending trillions on encouraging "cooler" temperatures to keep the oceans from rising will CONTRIBUTE it appears to the "cooling" of the earth from a dimmer sun. How hard is that to comprehend?
Screen Shot 2021-08-03 at 9.42.20 AM.png
Strange Sounds reported that Soon said,
"what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront."
"As the effects of global warming worsen, human health, livelihood, food security, water supply, and economic growth will be jeopardized. It is incumbent on us to implement a plan in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and begin to combat the consequential long-term and short-term effects of global warming on both the environment and on humans."

So Joe... are you really following the "science" when some "scientists" say we are in for a "cold spell"????

We've had two weak solar cycles since the late 90's and temperatures are still rising.
Strange Sounds reported that Soon said,
"what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront."
"As the effects of global warming worsen, human health, livelihood, food security, water supply, and economic growth will be jeopardized. It is incumbent on us to implement a plan in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and begin to combat the consequential long-term and short-term effects of global warming on both the environment and on humans."

So Joe... are you really following the "science" when some "scientists" say we are in for a "cold spell"????
Funny how they couldn't get their Red...errr.....I mean Green policies implemented when they solar cycle was trending warm. Now that the solar activity has shifted to cool, they are forced to change their words, etc.


It's funny when global communist scams fail.
We've had two weak solar cycles since the late 90's and temperatures are still rising.
And again the article supports your point!!!

Sunspot activity has fallen off from the hyperactivity of the 1990s and early 2000s.
More sunspots, more sun, higher temperatures.
Carbon dioxide has scant effect on this.

Remember... this was the consensus of "global scientists" in the 1970s...
But this cycle is less active than previous ones.
This was predicted by physicist Leona Woods Marshall Libby 40 years ago in an interview the Los Angeles Times published in 1979. Among her many life accomplishments was developing a way to carbon date trees to retrieve climate data from centuries ago.
As I wrote back in my newspaper days, "In 1979 -- when the scientific consensus was global cooling -- Dr. Libby forecast a rise in temperatures until the year 2000 when it would get colder again for the next 50 years.
'Easily one to two degrees,' she told the Los Angeles Times.
'And maybe even three or four degrees. It takes only 10 degrees to bring on an Ice Age.'
"The first half of her prediction proved true. Temperatures peaked in 1998."
PROGS are tarded.

First they suggest humans are responsible for all climate change.

Then they pretend batteries will save us because they never thought to think batteries require electric power & electric power requires a GRID and a GRID damages the Earth that confuses them.

On top of that GRIDS in communist States can't even support what they got.

That and the most resource intensive people I know are leftists to begin with.
Leftists are completely brainwashed and gullible. They are the perfect specimens for government takeovers.
"The first half of her prediction proved true. Temperatures peaked in 1998."

Yeah, except no, they didn't. They continued to rise.

The earth is naturally warming but there is no real scientific proof of AWG. AGW is a Liberal scam with no scientific validity. Just unscientific correlations, false and cherry picked data and shit in shit out computer simulations.

Therefore any policies made to deter AGW is nothing more than Liberal stupidity.

Of course we all know that Liberals aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, don't we?

Worst yet are the uneducated Moon Bats that fall for scam. Too damn stupid to understand the scam.
The earth is naturally warming but there is no real scientific proof of AWG. AGW is a Liberal scam with no scientific validity. Just unscientific correlations, false and cherry picked data and shit in shit out computer simulations.

Therefore any policies made to deter AGW is nothing more than Liberal stupidity.

Of course we all know that Liberals aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, don't we?

Worst yet are the uneducated Moon Bats that fall for scam. Too damn stupid to understand the scam.


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