How come people can support the Democratic Party in good conscious?

How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

I don't normally do this but spelling really does matter. I usually believe if you get your point across that's all that matters.

However it's not just tucked into your post, it's in your title.

The word CONSCIENCE isn't spelled conscious. The word you spelled is used for a person being awake and not asleep or in a coma or put under drugs for a surgery. The word CONSCIENCE is an inner feeling that is a guide of one's behavior.

Seriously here, learn the english language and learn how to spell. You people don't use words correctly and it's getting very old.

I tried to read what you posted and am not surprised with your knowledge of facts is as bad as your spelling.

Yes the democratic party WAS conservative and WAS the party of discrimination.

That changed in the 60s with the civil rights movement.

Now all those democrats who are racists are conservative and republican.

Democrats of today aren't the racists nor would they be caught dead at a kkk rally or a neo nazi rally. The same can't be said about conservatives and republicans.

You can talk about what things were decades ago but it's what is reality today that counts.

All you conservatives have been told this a million times. All you have to do is look at who votes for republicans or calls themselves conservative and listen to them, way too many of them are racists.

The KKK came out and endorsed trump. The top neo nazi website, stormfront, endorses trump.

If you're so appalled with racism and discrimination then look at the republican party of today. The republican party of today is the party of hate, racism, discrimination and division. And lies. None of you can be honest about anything. You have to reach back over 50 years to find any racism in the democratic party.

I will point out that it was a democratic president who got the civil rights act and voting rights act passed through congress and signed into law.

If you don't like racism and discrimination then leave the republican party and never vote for another one of them again.

Oh, learn to spell and the meaning of words you use.

Thank you for checking my spelling. I always appreciate the opportunity to improve my writing with due criticism. Thank you :)

Im glad you at least admit the racism that has historically existed and still exist in the Democratic Party. A good case is the recently deceased Byrd who was the grandmaster of the kkk. Wasn't bill Clinton at his funeral?

There's no such thing as a "grandmaster" in the Klan. You're thinking of rap music.

Byrd was a member, in the '40s before he ever ran for office, when the KKK was more influential, like several million people including one-third of the male population of Indiana (who incidentally ran the state through the Republican Party). Your nakedly puerile attempts at political hackery point-scoring is as bad as your pathetic command of the English lexicon.

And again --- racism is a cultural thing, not a political platform. Racists and anti-racists have populated both parties, depending on their interests at the time and avenues to power. As noted before -- a political party is formed to consolidate power, not to represent fixed ideologies. Racism traditionally was manifest most markedly in the South, particularly after the Civil War.

Concurrent with that the South was effectively a one-party state (that party being the Democratic) for the next 99 years, meaning that if you were a white racist in the South you were probably a Democrat, and if you were a white non-racist in the South you were probably still a Democrat. The Republican Party wasn't established there (Lincoln didn't even run for POTUS in the South) so if you wanted to run for Dogcatcher, you either ran as a Democrat, or you lost. Knowing they had the "Solid South" in the bag virtually uncontested, the Democratic Party operated as a bipolar entity, taking the votes of the racist conservatives in the south along with the non-racist Liberals in other parts.

Naturally trying to be all things to all people brought tensions, the Southern wing constantly whining about Liberals and splitting off occasionally to run their own candidates against the DP, which goes as far back as 1860. LBJ finally got rid of that bipolar coalition in 1964 --- which is exactly when Strom Thurmond did the unthinkable and became a Southern Republican, ending that 99 years of Democratic control.

Take your KKK inference above. Lots of pockets of KKK activity in the South, and consequently, probably Democrats as above. Meanwhile the same KKK ran the state of Indiana via Republicans, electing a governor and Senator (and doing the same in Colorado, also Republicans) as well as other offices in the West. Again -- whatever worked for the time and place. Because established political party machines exist to acquire power -- not to represent an ideology.

Want to see how culture and region trumps political parties in numbers?

Here's the vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act (note "Northern" here means "everywhere else")

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NORTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NORTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)

Where's your pattern? Political party -- or region?

So much for your simplistic black-and-white ideas.
Don't trifle with superficial history. It insults the record.

And I should add, lest my own brush be broad -- "the South" -- and its race relations --- is not a monolith either, and I don't want to leave that implication.

I heard some talk show last week where a guy was whining that the Andy Griffith show never had a black character on it. "Come on, it's the South, and no blacks??" he said....

Well, actually yeah. Mount Airy North Carolina, the source of Mayberry, is in the hills/mountains of Appalachia, and there are very few blacks there, so that portrayal was in fact accurate. There are even fewer here where I live. More's the pity for the lack of cultural diversity, but there never has been a black population here. And that's because this area never had either slavery or manufacturing to speak of, the two factors that coincide with growing a black demographic. 'Round these parts I can go for weeks without ever seeing a black person. They were never here. And consequently this area (western North Carolina/East Tennessee) voted not to secede in the Civil War and generally supported the Union. Even though it's well deep in the South.

History's always deeper than superficial memes and façile talking head sound bites can cover.
Perhaps if the GOP could run a candidate who doesn't hate the working class and was in it to protect the 1 percent the dems might not have a shot. The last GOP candidate enjoyed firing people. Nice.
:dunno: I don't know "Zinn's version". I do my own research.

You think I should write a book?

Why not? Any idiot can write a book.

Guess that's why I haven't written one. Not qualified.

More like incapable. You first need something worthwhile to write about.

Actually what I would need is an audience that would read it instead of going :lalala:

You would be hard pressed. Democrats don't like to read.

Say, maybe I could write a book about morons who think political parties are the same thing as personality traits. Or dichotomous cretins who think the whole world is made up of either "Democrats" or "Republicans".....

Oh wait, I can't write about that mentality. I don't even understand it. :eusa_doh:
Some people are stupid and cannot make decisions for themselves, they must rely on the government to make these decisions for them.
We call these people Democrats.
"How come people can support the Democratic Party in good conscious?"

That many on the right still buy into this nonsense, and attempt to propagate this inane canard, is as remarkable as it is ridiculous – it also illustrates the ignorance and stupidity common to many on the right with regard to this non-issue, and the desperate partisanism it exhibits.

Indeed, democrats have reason to be very proud of their party, where once its Southern members practiced racism and discrimination, the party as a whole successfully rejected that dogma of hate more than 50 years ago, and since then have been advocates of inclusion, freedom, and equality.
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

I guess you should ask EVERY minority group in the United States- all of whom vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

By the way- as African Americans know- the Democrats passed the 1964 Civil Rights Bill- with the assistance of Republicans- and a Democratic President signed it into law.

They seem to remember that- while Republicans don't.

Fine, but African Americans forget that it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves.

And when you remind them they call you a racist cracker.
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

I guess you should ask EVERY minority group in the United States- all of whom vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

By the way- as African Americans know- the Democrats passed the 1964 Civil Rights Bill- with the assistance of Republicans- and a Democratic President signed it into law.

They seem to remember that- while Republicans don't.

Fine, but African Americans forget that it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves.

And when you remind them they call you a racist cracker.

The Republican Party .... of 1865. 150 years ago that's where the Liberals lived.
It was also where the fans of doing big things with federal government lived -- a legacy of the Whigs. Hence, Reconstruction. And the first Affirmative Action in land grants to freed slaves, though it wasn't called AA yet.

A typical 1865 Republican and a 2015 Republican have virtually nothing in common ideologically. Same is true for Democrats.
How come every single orga.nization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

The same question can be asked of Republicans who support the Fascist Der Trumpenfuhrer
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

I guess you should ask EVERY minority group in the United States- all of whom vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

By the way- as African Americans know- the Democrats passed the 1964 Civil Rights Bill- with the assistance of Republicans- and a Democratic President signed it into law.

They seem to remember that- while Republicans don't.

Fine, but African Americans forget that it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves.

And when you remind them they call you a racist cracker.

Really- how often does that happen to you?

I am fine with pointing out that the Democratic Party was the party of the Confederate States of America- I am fine with anyone who believes that the good old boys driving their pickups with the Battle Flag plastered all over it are Democrats.....but African Americans apparently know otherwise.

The Republican Party of 1865 is not the Republican Party of 2015- and that is why minorities vote overwhelmingly Democratic.
"How come people can support the Democratic Party in good conscious?"

That many on the right still buy into this nonsense, and attempt to propagate this inane canard, is as remarkable as it is ridiculous – it also illustrates the ignorance and stupidity common to many on the right with regard to this non-issue, and the desperate partisanism it exhibits.

Indeed, democrats have reason to be very proud of their party, where once its Southern members practiced racism and discrimination, the party as a whole successfully rejected that dogma of hate more than 50 years ago, and since then have been advocates of inclusion, freedom, and equality.

Cue Laff-Trak.

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