How come people can support the Democratic Party in good conscious?

How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

One of the best political con jobs ever was the by the Democratic party convincing people they were the party of diversity while the GOP is old white men. You only need to look at the candidates in this election cycle to see its all bullshit. I mean for God's sake, Harry Reid referred to Obama as "light-skinned" and as having "no Negro dialect.". Reid is a racist piece of shit and yet suffered no political repercussions for his rant.

Why would there be "repercussions" for that? Explain.
It see,s to me that the white democrats on this thread don't feel guilty for slavery at all. What does that say about them?
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.
Super, could you provide a current example of whatever it is you are talking about? I am assuming you are talking about the Democratic party pre-1964, which is the year southern Publicans assumed the characteristics of the Dem party they replaced but still try to blame the continuance of the evils you name on the party that shed the 'old ways'.

And bullwinkle provides the early morning laugh for today. Thanks!

The Democratic Party shed nothing. It has morphed over the last half century into a weird hybrid of Marxist and fascist philosophies that seek to extend their penchant for slavery from the slavery of black-to-white to the slavery of all to The State.
Hey, billy. You sure can stuff a lot of psycho-crap into a single sentence. Slavery to the State? Me? You're the guy that thinks Putin is a model of leadership.

We've been here before. Please post where I expressed any such sentiment.

I don't know what you mean by "Slavery to the State".

I mean slavery to the State. What is not clear?

Presumably you mean the fed and not one of the 50.


Seriously, can you clue me in to what slavery you are talking about.

Seriously, you're older than I am, and have lived through even more history. Did you sleepwalk through life? Study the 20th Century. Your answers are there.

"We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well and live, 41." :laugh2:
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

No problem acknowledging the bad actions of the Democratic party from last century, and if any of the people that did that are still around, they won't get Democratic support. They have to go to republicans for that now.
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

No problem acknowledging the bad actions of the Democratic party from last century, and if any of the people that did that are still around, they won't get Democratic support. They have to go to republicans for that now.

It never ceases to amuse me, these armchair historians with three minutes' experience who somehow seem to believe political parties are some sort of static object that's fixed in place. The Democrats and Republicans of 150 years ago are pretty much the reverse of what they are now. "Smaller government" sentiment lived in the DP and the party of Big Gummint doing big things was the RP. The Liberal concept of Abolition manifest in the young Republican Party while the conservatives were Democrats, especially in the South.

'Round about the turn of the century they did a mutual about-face as the RP took on the interests of the rich and corporations and the DP absorbed the Populists, making alliances with labor unions, immigrants and minorities. Once that split personality between the still-conservative South and the rest of the nation was finally abandoned in the LBJ days, the Republican "Southern Strategy" completed the sea change.

Some of our inexperienced wags don't seem to get that the purpose of a political party is to organize and consolidate power -- not to represent a fixed ideology.
Contemporary liberals are sanctimonious with artificial passion.

we are human beings like everyone else------you are painting with a
broad brush <<< the current mode for expressing disapproval and
accusing you of being a jerk

Humans beings, sure. Human beings who have fooled themselves into believing they actually care about societal integrity, hence, why I call contemporary liberals sanctimonious.

sanctimonious is a display of the stars and stripes UPSIDE DOWN as in
It see,s to me that the white democrats on this thread don't feel guilty for slavery at all. What does that say about them?

Well actually, we white Conservatives don't feel guilty about slavery either. I also doubt if any white Independents or Republicans feel guilty about slavery either. Why in the world should anyone feel guilty about it?
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

No problem acknowledging the bad actions of the Democratic party from last century, and if any of the people that did that are still around, they won't get Democratic support. They have to go to republicans for that now.

It never ceases to amuse me, these armchair historians with three minutes' experience who somehow seem to believe political parties are some sort of static object that's fixed in place. The Democrats and Republicans of 150 years ago are pretty much the reverse of what they are now. "Smaller government" sentiment lived in the DP and the party of Big Gummint doing big things was the RP. The Liberal concept of Abolition manifest in the young Republican Party while the conservatives were Democrats, especially in the South.

'Round about the turn of the century they did a mutual about-face as the RP took on the interests of the rich and corporations and the DP absorbed the Populists. Once that split personality between the still-conservative South and the rest of the nation was abandoned in the LBJ days, the Republican "Southern Strategy" completed the sea change.

Some of our inexperienced wags don't seem to get that the purpose of a political party is to organize and consolidate power -- not to represent an ideology.

Hmmm ... is that Zinn's version?
How come people can support the Democratic Party in good conscious?

I plan to do exactly that, thank you very much.

The new breed RW's are to thank for that too.

You'll never catch me whining along side all of those yellow-back patriots and pants shitters ... ever.

I am a democrat for life-----generally if I really cannot tolerate the
democrat candidate-----I ABSTAIN. 2016 may be an INNOVATIVE
year for me

Have you read your post before you punched the "POST REPLY" button?

Do yo realize how stupid you are?

Obviously, you abstained when the Good Lord awarded brains.
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

Whose past crimes do you accept responsibility for?
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.

No problem acknowledging the bad actions of the Democratic party from last century, and if any of the people that did that are still around, they won't get Democratic support. They have to go to republicans for that now.

It never ceases to amuse me, these armchair historians with three minutes' experience who somehow seem to believe political parties are some sort of static object that's fixed in place. The Democrats and Republicans of 150 years ago are pretty much the reverse of what they are now. "Smaller government" sentiment lived in the DP and the party of Big Gummint doing big things was the RP. The Liberal concept of Abolition manifest in the young Republican Party while the conservatives were Democrats, especially in the South.

'Round about the turn of the century they did a mutual about-face as the RP took on the interests of the rich and corporations and the DP absorbed the Populists. Once that split personality between the still-conservative South and the rest of the nation was abandoned in the LBJ days, the Republican "Southern Strategy" completed the sea change.

Some of our inexperienced wags don't seem to get that the purpose of a political party is to organize and consolidate power -- not to represent an ideology.

Hmmm ... is that Zinn's version?

:dunno: I don't know "Zinn's version". I do my own research.

You think I should write a book?
Will anyone read it, since all they do here is go :lalala: ?
If I were to vote I would support, in good CONSCIENCE, the party of my choice, while I was "CONSCIOUS".

And that would be the party whose followers are not ignorant college graduates, but honest people who know how to spell simple words like the one misspelled in the title of the thread.
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.
Super, could you provide a current example of whatever it is you are talking about? I am assuming you are talking about the Democratic party pre-1964, which is the year southern Publicans assumed the characteristics of the Dem party they replaced but still try to blame the continuance of the evils you name on the party that shed the 'old ways'.

And bullwinkle provides the early morning laugh for today. Thanks!

The Democratic Party shed nothing. It has morphed over the last half century into a weird hybrid of Marxist and fascist philosophies that seek to extend their penchant for slavery from the slavery of black-to-white to the slavery of all to The State.
Hey, billy. You sure can stuff a lot of psycho-crap into a single sentence. Slavery to the State? Me? You're the guy that thinks Putin is a model of leadership.

We've been here before. Please post where I expressed any such sentiment.

I don't know what you mean by "Slavery to the State".

I mean slavery to the State. What is not clear?

Presumably you mean the fed and not one of the 50.


Seriously, can you clue me in to what slavery you are talking about.

Seriously, you're older than I am, and have lived through even more history. Did you sleepwalk through life? Study the 20th Century. Your answers are there.

"We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well and live, 41." :laugh2:
I don't know how to split up a quoted post, so bear with me. There you go again, saying 'slave to the State', but not in what way. Although I appreciate the way you try to dump the blame for your vagueness onto me, as in "What is not clear?". I suspect you may mean Obamacare, but I'm not sure. So spell it out for an old do I advocate being a slave to the State?

As for Putin, how often have you compared his sledge hammer scattergun style of leadership with Obama's style and mourned the difference?
sanctimonious is a display of the stars and stripes UPSIDE DOWN as in

Do you mean sacrilege? I agree that it is sacrilegious, but not sanctimonious. It would be sanctimonious of me to declare that I actually give a fuck about what others think.
How come every single organization that either had some kind of racist dude or is responsible for some racist act in the past has to except responsibility for their crimes except for the modern Democratic Party. It just seems like that if we are going to purify our conscience of all sin then why not start with the major political party that supported slavery, the klan, opposed most civil rights legislation, and had an active member of the klan it. It just seems kind of politically motivated unless it is done to everyone and not just the political enemies of the Democratic Party.
Super, could you provide a current example of whatever it is you are talking about? I am assuming you are talking about the Democratic party pre-1964, which is the year southern Publicans assumed the characteristics of the Dem party they replaced but still try to blame the continuance of the evils you name on the party that shed the 'old ways'.

And bullwinkle provides the early morning laugh for today. Thanks!

The Democratic Party shed nothing. It has morphed over the last half century into a weird hybrid of Marxist and fascist philosophies that seek to extend their penchant for slavery from the slavery of black-to-white to the slavery of all to The State.
Hey, billy. You sure can stuff a lot of psycho-crap into a single sentence. Slavery to the State? Me? You're the guy that thinks Putin is a model of leadership.

We've been here before. Please post where I expressed any such sentiment.

I don't know what you mean by "Slavery to the State".

I mean slavery to the State. What is not clear?

Presumably you mean the fed and not one of the 50.


Seriously, can you clue me in to what slavery you are talking about.

Seriously, you're older than I am, and have lived through even more history. Did you sleepwalk through life? Study the 20th Century. Your answers are there.

"We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well and live, 41." :laugh2:
I don't know how to split up a quoted post, so bear with me.

Here's an easy way -- I use it alla time.

FIRST highlight the passage you want to quote in the post where it resides. Right-click, choose "+Quote". Highlight the next one (same post or different post) and do the same thing. You can do this several times (at least 5, I don't know what the limit is).

THEN go down to the blank Reply box, you'll get a box lower left saying "Insert Quotes". That will open a box where you can review what you quoted, remove any you don't want, and select "Quote these messages". Voilà, they will appear each separately with their own link. You then insert responses after each one.

HTH ---- Boris Badenov
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