"Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border"

Again? Yes again. Trump and the GOP want chaos at the border in order to highlight what they claim is Biden's problem, ignoring decades of failures in solving the issues at the border. This year, we've been here before:

Cut the bullshit.

You are not even a good liar:

Two of the border deal’s chief Senate negotiators, Oklahoma Republican James Lankford and Arizona independent Kyrsten Sinema, voted against advancing the measure Thursday, protesting what they said was an unserious process focused on political optics. The bill’s third major sponsor, Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy, voted in favor.

What optics you ask (even though your lying ass knows the answer).

Schumer won't allow discussion on the bill. This is total gamesmanship on his part and he is lying to the American Public.

Sinnema pretty much told him to GFH.

Some democrats did not support it who had before:

The bill did not get all Democrats on board, which Schumer acknowledged earlier this week was a possibility.

“We do not expect every Democrat or every Republican to come out in favor of this bill,” Schumer said on the Senate floor Tuesday. “The only way to pass this bill – or any border bill – is with broad bipartisan support.”

But the bill failed to attract that broad support, losing backing even from Democrats who’d voted for the foreign aid package.

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said in a Wednesday statement that while he voted for the larger package in early February – mostly because it included critical aid to Ukraine – he would not do so this time around because the bill was too restrictive.

“I will not vote for the bill coming to the Senate floor this week because it includes several provisions that will violate Americans’ shared values,” Booker said. “The proposed bill would exclude people fleeing violence and persecution from seeking asylum and instead doubles down on failed anti-immigrant policies that encourage irregular immigration.”

Why do you stop playing the role of lying asshole ?

He's reaping where he doesn't sow.

You are a liar.

You are a liar.

You are a liar.
Now you're blaming Obama for racists coming out of the woodwork and the closets?


Trump kept saying Obama was not a real American and that Obama was a secret Muslim, and had hundreds of political operatives help him fake his birth certificate.
If you're American, you should definitely know Obama's legacy.

So he deepened the race divide, turned blacks onto whites, and vice versa.

Trump just made Democrats lose their shit and turn against Americans and the country.

Border Deal Fails Again in the Senate​

Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, scheduled a vote, seeking to remind voters that Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border.

Again? Yes again. Trump and the GOP want chaos at the border in order to highlight what they claim is Biden's problem, ignoring decades of failures in solving the issues at the border. This year, we've been here before:​

Michigan Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said Republicans’ newfound opposition to the border security and immigration policy changes they wanted in the first place will “absolutely” impact voters’ thinking heading toward the November elections.
“This is a significant piece of legislation to deal with border security and Republicans are rejecting it,” Peters said. “And that will come back to haunt them

note: the thread title is in quotes
It is not a solution!
Agree, no border fix coming from the right,
IT helps them get votes. After election who knows.
"The right" is not in charge of border security, Quid Pro Joe is, and it's on him to solve the problem. You wouldn't blame democrats for border problems if all they controlled was the House, would you? The border was much more sealed before Quid Pro undid everything he could his first days in office that TRUMP! had done. He could have first put those back in place.
It's a horrible bill that solves nothing. Getting rid of Joe is the solution to the border problem.

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