Do these Black democrat voters know the history of Planned Parenthood AND they are the largest users?

Well this conservative that personally like many do not LIKE Trump personally if you can understand that.
I don't like Trump either...
All the characteristics you obviously dislike I too dislike.
The big difference between people like you with TDS (Trump disorder syndrome) and people like me is we are obviously driven by the EFFECTIVENESS key word of Trump as an EXECUTIVE! But of course people like you respond to Trump like junior high kids....whining "but I don't like Trump.....waaaa!"
...but I don't have TDS. I don't like Trump because of the things he's done (e.g. he said that he thinks Israel should own Congress) and for thing he promised to do but refused to do (e.g. build the wall). People with TDS hate Trump for things that never even happened (e.g. calling dead soldiers suckers) or for things they take out of context (e.g. his very fine people comment).

Trump did something
1) only 2 other presidents have done donated his 4 year total $1.6 million presidential salary to charity.
2) Had no wars
Trump didn't start any new wars and I give him credit for that. However he was perfectly happy fighting the Neocon wars that had already been started. He even bragged about stealing Syria's oil.

3) “Drill, baby, drill.” said Trump and as a result these were the gas prices at the pump that idiots like
you have no idea. Look dummy Biden by making this truly ignorant and destructive
"Guarantee" caused gas prices to climb!
BTW, what does any of this have to do with Republicans wanting blacks to breed more?
He called them suckers and losers.

Citing anonymous officials from the administration, the 2020 article by The Atlantic, titled, "Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are 'Losers' and 'Suckers'," unpacked Trump's trip to Paris in 2018 when he allegedly did not want to visit a cemetery of American war dead. The visit was cancelled.
Abortions by race in the USA.
Black women have the highest abortion ratio in the country with 474 abortions per 1,000 live births.
Percentages at these levels illustrate that more than 19 million black babies have been aborted since 1973.

I read a article where the put up a billboard in a black a turf prompting AB.

The usual suspects called it racist ! I'm a pretty smart guy but I'm having a hard one figuring that one out.
Yes, what's your point)

It's really simple commie. Between blacks killing their future in commiecrat abortion mills, they are also killing each other in the streets of major commiecrat cities, in unimaginable numbers. They only have themselves to blame that they remain around 13% of the US population, they are fully engaged in their own population control. People like IM2 and Superbadbrutha thinks all this is good for blacks. I disagree.

What are Republicans proposing to do FOR Black Americans?

Concentrate on education, get a good job, get married, settle down, have a family, buy a home, you know the American dream.

Do you prefer what I said in post 30 as an alternative?

It's really simple commie. Between blacks killing their future in commiecrat abortion mills, they are also killing each other in the streets of major commiecrat cities, in unimaginable numbers. They only have themselves to blame that they remain around 13% of the US population, they are fully engaged in their own population control. People like IM2 and Superbadbrutha thinks all this is good for blacks. I disagree.

Dumbass who the hell thinks it's good for folks to murder each either. Who keeps pumping the guns into these neighborhoods, who keeps pumping the drugs into the neighborhoods?
Dumbass who the hell thinks it's good for folks to murder each either. Who keeps pumping the guns into these neighborhoods, who keeps pumping the drugs into the neighborhoods?
Xiden turning the border over to cartels certainly had a lot to do with drugs being pumped into this country…heck coke ended up at his own White House
Dumbass who the hell thinks it's good for folks to murder each either. Who keeps pumping the guns into these neighborhoods, who keeps pumping the drugs into the neighborhoods?

The same folks that are killing each other, it's all a matter of choices. Who's promoting the prison culture? Who choses to?

The segment of society that benefits most from Planned Parenthood is the liberal man who sees his future responsibilities erased at the stroke of a scalpel. How many women are bullied or coerced or threatened into hiring a technician to kill the life inside them while they endure a condition similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives? It's probably significant but we won't know because the research is careful not to go in that direction.
Stop repeating right wing propaganda you heard on Hannity.
Haha I don’t watch hannity.

Sorry, I’m not a plantation boy, I can see things with my own eyes, don’t need some mouth piece propagandist telling me I don’t see what I see

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