Kickl said Austria needs "massive deportations"


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
el cigala
Do you think he would deport me too or at least make my life here in Austria very difficult?

Wir müssen handeln! Wie viele Messerstechereien, Schießereien etc. müssen wir noch erleben? Wie lange soll unser Land noch Austragungsort für multikulturelle Konflikte sein? Die ÖVP redet nur, tut aber nichts und die SPÖ ist unter Babler sowieso schon vollkommen links abgebogen.
⛔ Es reicht: Sicherheit statt importierter Gewalt! Wir brauchen eine groß angelegte Abschiebeoffensive. Ein freiheitlicher Volkskanzler wird dafür sorgen!

We have to take action! How many more stabbings, shootings, etc. do we have to experience? How long should our country continue to be a venue for multicultural conflicts? The ÖVP only talks but does nothing and the SPÖ has already turned completely left under Babler.
⛔ Enough: security instead of imported violence! We need a large-scale deportation offensive. A liberal people's chancellor will make sure of that!
Do you think he would deport me too or at least make my life here in Austria very difficult?

Wir müssen handeln! Wie viele Messerstechereien, Schießereien etc. müssen wir noch erleben? Wie lange soll unser Land noch Austragungsort für multikulturelle Konflikte sein? Die ÖVP redet nur, tut aber nichts und die SPÖ ist unter Babler sowieso schon vollkommen links abgebogen.
⛔ Es reicht: Sicherheit statt importierter Gewalt! Wir brauchen eine groß angelegte Abschiebeoffensive. Ein freiheitlicher Volkskanzler wird dafür sorgen!

We have to take action! How many more stabbings, shootings, etc. do we have to experience? How long should our country continue to be a venue for multicultural conflicts? The ÖVP only talks but does nothing and the SPÖ has already turned completely left under Babler.
⛔ Enough: security instead of imported violence! We need a large-scale deportation offensive. A liberal people's chancellor will make sure of that!

If you weren't born in another country and emigrated to there, you should have nothing to worry about.
I was born 1983 in Serbia, in Austria legally since 1990, since 2006 Austrian citizen.

Like ESay said, you have nothing to worry about. Deportations are for illegals and non-citizens.
Do you think he would deport me too or at least make my life here in Austria very difficult?

Wir müssen handeln! Wie viele Messerstechereien, Schießereien etc. müssen wir noch erleben? Wie lange soll unser Land noch Austragungsort für multikulturelle Konflikte sein? Die ÖVP redet nur, tut aber nichts und die SPÖ ist unter Babler sowieso schon vollkommen links abgebogen.
⛔ Es reicht: Sicherheit statt importierter Gewalt! Wir brauchen eine groß angelegte Abschiebeoffensive. Ein freiheitlicher Volkskanzler wird dafür sorgen!

We have to take action! How many more stabbings, shootings, etc. do we have to experience? How long should our country continue to be a venue for multicultural conflicts? The ÖVP only talks but does nothing and the SPÖ has already turned completely left under Babler.
⛔ Enough: security instead of imported violence! We need a large-scale deportation offensive. A liberal people's chancellor will make sure of that!

People from such parties in Austria would just keep deporting people until only the blond hair, blue eyed people were left.

They'd end up like the French revolution where they'd get deported themselves, or guillotined
Werent 6 million jews german citizens in 1933? Not comparing Kickl to Hitler though, but it isnt black and white just because im citizen.

The FPÖ's deportation policy has nothing to do with Jews, Muslims, or Christians. It's about immigrants, illegal immigrants, and the crimes they're committing. You haven't illegally-entered the country, you're not a criminal, and you're an Austrian citizen.
It's not strange you dabble in far right policies and memes. Nor is it strange you complain when far right policies are put into practice.

People voting for the Leopards Eating Faces Party are always surprised when their face is eaten.
People from such parties in Austria would just keep deporting people until only the blond hair, blue eyed people were left.

They'd end up like the French revolution where they'd get deported themselves, or guillotined

lol only clueless racist tards think Germans and Euros are all blonde haired blue eyed super models n stuff.

In fact, after watching several womens' soccer playoff games, it's easy to note it's the American and Canadian teams that have the best looking women by far, while the German teams have few blondes and even fewer good looking blondes. Don't have to go to Germany or Austria to take note of this fact. Mexican s have more than their fair share of beauties as well. Sample:

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It's not strange you dabble in far right policies and memes. Nor is it strange you complain when far right policies are put into practice.

People voting for the Leopards Eating Faces Party are always surprised when their face is eaten.

You say that only because you dislike me
The FPÖ's deportation policy has nothing to do with Jews, Muslims, or Christians. It's about immigrants, illegal immigrants, and the crimes they're committing. You haven't illegally-entered the country, you're not a criminal, and you're an Austrian citizen.
Do you think it has really only to do with a persons legal status and really nothing what someones ancestry is?
Morty feels guilty about something, like maybe not using his real name when he fled Serbia to Austria maybe? Serbian war criminal in hiding?
I don't think you'd have any problems. It looks like Herr Kickl is looking to deport Illegal Aliens from Austria.

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