Happy Memorial Day!

Don't you deranged NaziCon morons have any sense of decency and respect - even on Memorial Day?

BTW, George W. Bush was president in 2007 when Sergeant James J. Regan was killed in combat in Iraq.
Do you think Biden won’t be in a hurry this Memorial Day? How many times will he be looking at his watch?
I hope you have a good one! What does Memorial Day mean to you?

Mary McHugh mourns her slain fiancé Sgt. James Regan at "Section 60" of the Arlington National Cemetery.

"In between beers and hot dogs, I hope they take a moment to reflect on why Memorial Day exists," one US Army captain says.

Do you say 'Happy Memorial Day'? Why some military families wish you wouldn't

Unlike a lion's share of Americans .. it is the remembrance of those who served their country and lost their lives. Just like the 13 soldiers in the Afghanistan withdrawal.

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