Happy Memorial Day!


Smartest thing you ever said.
Let's see what hate tweets Putin's asslicker Trump posts this Memorial Day.
How sad your life must be when you can't help but inject your hatred into a subject that has fuck all to do with Trump. No matter the subject you loons just can not help yourself. It's almost Pavlovian in nature.

Before you go on what I'm sure will be another hate filled rant about MAGA and Trump. I don't like the man and never voted for him.
Looks like the memo got sent out. It's "pretend we support the military and blacks" season once again for the party of shit.

It will end at 12 midnite, 5 Nov 2024. You can bet the house on it.

Happy Memorial Day:

afghanistan fuckup 332.jpg
I hope you have a good one! What does Memorial Day mean to you?

War Dead Honored On Memorial Day Weekend

Mary McHugh mourns her slain fiancé Sgt. James Regan at "Section 60" of the Arlington National Cemetery.

"In between beers and hot dogs, I hope they take a moment to reflect on why Memorial Day exists," one US Army captain says.

Do you say 'Happy Memorial Day'? Why some military families wish you wouldn't

So your view of Memorial weekend is fun? It is a sacred holiday commemorating all those that their lives in service defending our nation, it Is a somber day of showing gratitude to those who served or are serving. That your BBQ BS and shove it!
I hope you have a good one! What does Memorial Day mean to you?

War Dead Honored On Memorial Day Weekend

Mary McHugh mourns her slain fiancé Sgt. James Regan at "Section 60" of the Arlington National Cemetery.

"In between beers and hot dogs, I hope they take a moment to reflect on why Memorial Day exists," one US Army captain says.

Do you say 'Happy Memorial Day'? Why some military families wish you wouldn't

As with most war vets, for me it's a day of reflection, and the thought, there but for the grace of God go I.

yes. Ignoring information to prevent deaths, and giving the go-ahead is blood on the evil regimes hands. Same as open borders. Anyone comes in with killing-raping-mayhem on the brain. Obiden owns all the excess increased unnecessary deaths. 13 at the Afghan airport was basically murder.

It is Memorial Day. It is a day we recognize and thank those men & women who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Save the political crap for another day or thread.
I hope you have a good one! What does Memorial Day mean to you?

War Dead Honored On Memorial Day Weekend

Mary McHugh mourns her slain fiancé Sgt. James Regan at "Section 60" of the Arlington National Cemetery.

"In between beers and hot dogs, I hope they take a moment to reflect on why Memorial Day exists," one US Army captain says.

Do you say 'Happy Memorial Day'? Why some military families wish you wouldn't

I'm going to take this question seriously, if I may...As a veteran who was fortunate enough to serve during peace time, and never saw any combat, that I take the sacrifice very seriously on this day for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for this great country...On Memorial Day family and friends will come over to enjoy the pool and cookout, but before we commence the fun of celebrating the traditional start to summer, we always have a prayer for the fallen, and an moment of silence for those that help ensure that we can enjoy the day....Without them, and their sacrifices we wouldn't be free to do the day...

But, we should not just have a symbolic day, we should carry the memory of their sacrifice in our thoughts, and prayers every day...However, I don't believe that means we should walk through our lives in a state of depression either...

So, remember those who defended our freedom, and bow your head in thanks for what they did, then enjoy the day as they would have wanted you to....

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