Happy Easter!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
This goes out to everyone!

It is a day where I celebrate the only man I respect enough and love enough to call my God. A man who did not achieve worldly success and praise like most other people who have walked the earth, a man who died one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, yet he is perhaps the most famous of all men to date despite this. This is a man who challenges me every time I read about him to be more like him no matter how many times I may fail.

Within this one man resides all my hopes for a better tomorrow. We all have similar hopes no matter our beliefs. It may be the hope for a better government or some other religion, but we all have some hope of making the world a better place nonetheless. May our hopes not be displaced. This is all we can hope for. May we never give up hope no matter how dark the world becomes around us, no matter if we hang condemned to die with everyone spitting on us as we die. For without hope, life has little meaning.

When I think about the two thieves dying next to Jesus, I think of all of humankind. We are all dying and suffering to various degrees. We may not like it or understand it, but the only thing we do know for sure is that we will continue to suffer on some level and eventually die. So what will we do? Which thief will we imitate? Will it be the one mocking him and cursing him saying, "If you be the Son of God get us the @@@@ out of here, or will we be the one asking, "Please remember me when you enter paradise"?

Either way, know he is right there with us every step of the way and no matter how bleak it may seem, there is always hope in one Christ Jesus. There is no other man In which such hope can be placed.
This goes out to everyone!

It is a day where I celebrate the only man I respect enough and love enough to call my God. A man who did not achieve worldly success and praise like most other people who have walked the earth, a man who died one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, yet he is perhaps the most famous of all men to date despite this. This is a man who challenges me every time I read about him to be more like him no matter how many times I may fail.

Within this one man resides all my hopes for a better tomorrow. We all have similar hopes no matter our beliefs. It may be the hope for a better government or some other religion, but we all have some hope of making the world a better place nonetheless. May our hopes not be displaced. This is all we can hope for. May we never give up hope no matter how dark the world becomes around us, no matter if we hang condemned to die with everyone spitting on us as we die. For without hope, life has little meaning.

When I think about the two thieves dying next to Jesus, I think of all of humankind. We are all dying and suffering to various degrees. We may not like it or understand it, but the only thing we do know for sure is that we will continue to suffer on some level and eventually die. So what will we do? Which thief will we imitate? Will it be the one mocking him and cursing him saying, "If you be the Son of God get us the @@@@ out of here, or will we be the one asking, "Please remember me when you enter paradise"?

Either way, know he is right there with us every step of the way and no matter how bleak it may seem, there is always hope in one Christ Jesus. There is no other man In which such hope can be placed.

Yes Happy Easter....but I've already eaten ALL of the eggs :smoke:

Including THESE one's pictured, that people thought they were so clever trying to hide....I found them, and have eaten them also :smile:

This goes out to everyone!

It is a day where I celebrate the only man I respect enough and love enough to call my God. A man who did not achieve worldly success and praise like most other people who have walked the earth, a man who died one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, yet he is perhaps the most famous of all men to date despite this. This is a man who challenges me every time I read about him to be more like him no matter how many times I may fail.

Within this one man resides all my hopes for a better tomorrow. We all have similar hopes no matter our beliefs. It may be the hope for a better government or some other religion, but we all have some hope of making the world a better place nonetheless. May our hopes not be displaced. This is all we can hope for. May we never give up hope no matter how dark the world becomes around us, no matter if we hang condemned to die with everyone spitting on us as we die. For without hope, life has little meaning.

When I think about the two thieves dying next to Jesus, I think of all of humankind. We are all dying and suffering to various degrees. We may not like it or understand it, but the only thing we do know for sure is that we will continue to suffer on some level and eventually die. So what will we do? Which thief will we imitate? Will it be the one mocking him and cursing him saying, "If you be the Son of God get us the @@@@ out of here, or will we be the one asking, "Please remember me when you enter paradise"?

Either way, know he is right there with us every step of the way and no matter how bleak it may seem, there is always hope in one Christ Jesus. There is no other man In which such hope can be placed.
Do you have any commentary to offer regarding His Mother?
This goes out to everyone!

It is a day where I celebrate the only man I respect enough and love enough to call my God. A man who did not achieve worldly success and praise like most other people who have walked the earth, a man who died one of the most horrific deaths imaginable, yet he is perhaps the most famous of all men to date despite this. This is a man who challenges me every time I read about him to be more like him no matter how many times I may fail.

Within this one man resides all my hopes for a better tomorrow. We all have similar hopes no matter our beliefs. It may be the hope for a better government or some other religion, but we all have some hope of making the world a better place nonetheless. May our hopes not be displaced. This is all we can hope for. May we never give up hope no matter how dark the world becomes around us, no matter if we hang condemned to die with everyone spitting on us as we die. For without hope, life has little meaning.

When I think about the two thieves dying next to Jesus, I think of all of humankind. We are all dying and suffering to various degrees. We may not like it or understand it, but the only thing we do know for sure is that we will continue to suffer on some level and eventually die. So what will we do? Which thief will we imitate? Will it be the one mocking him and cursing him saying, "If you be the Son of God get us the @@@@ out of here, or will we be the one asking, "Please remember me when you enter paradise"?

Either way, know he is right there with us every step of the way and no matter how bleak it may seem, there is always hope in one Christ Jesus. There is no other man In which such hope can be placed.
Do you have any commentary to offer regarding His Mother?

His mother must have been an amazing woman. She was the first Christian. She was told of God's plan to restore mankind to him through her Son and she believed.

Not much is really said about her so it is hard to comment on her. I can only imagine though what it was like for her watching her own son die on a cross.
The ignorance and insensitivity of this OP makes me want to set aside this day to recognize the many people like
Giordano Bruno who were tortured over this Ishtar morning star story and by and through those followers who claim to recognize human suffering even though their ignorance, group affiliation pride, and wormwood has been the catalyst to that human suffering. *shaking my head*
Make Easter Giordano Bruno day!
Let Justice be served.
I went to Mass yesterday and brought my son. For the first time in a long time, I actually appreciated the Mass for what it is, an invitation to eat at the Lord's table. Jesus commanded us to eat his body and drink his blood, and I understand many people don't get that. But the Eucharist is the center of the Mass, and the Mass is the most important thing the Catholic Church does.
Then explain why of all the Eucharists in all the many RCC churches are merely
Baal Crosses, but the one in
Birmingham, Al at the
Chaplet of Saint Michael the one with EWTN Mother Angelica has the Eucharist
with symbols of all 3 of my companies logos in it and my initials on it's banners and shawls? Even the Floor tile has both the cross(sign of death) and the eight ray Evening Star(birth & life) not just the cross.
That's an Evening Star (crossed out cross) on the floor.

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