Zone1 My Testimony Of How Christ Found Me

Several lines of written evidence support the historical accuracy of the Bible,

big deal ...

non are original - same baked stories cooked for self serving consumption.

* how phony is proven by not a single - dead sea scroll - mentions jesus or their having ever existed, same as all other sources. those sources are all jewish - as in being deliberately deceiving.
I liked reading your testimony. However, you were not entirely wrong to feel that God.. not so much hates you or anyone else, but that He hates SIN. And people don't hate sin half as much as He does, so there are problems... Life is full of problems.

We are called by Scripture to offer up all our "penances" (problems, miseries) to God through Christ to make up for (atone for) our sinfulness. Jesus atoned for our sins, yet there is something missing, namely YOU... You have to apply what Jesus did on the Cross. The rosary meditations on Calvary are excellent for this, as it involves mentally being with Jesus as He goes through His ordeal

I know Protestants don't believe in people doing anything to atone for their sins, but this is in Scripture ("Unless you do penance, you will all perish [eternally in Hell]." Then there's another one: "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." Phil 2:12

The world today--if it mentions God or Jesus at all-- focuses on His love and mercy and forgets almost entirely about God's wrath perfect justice...

In the Old Testament (which was never thrown out by Catholics or other intellectually honest people) we are told (Proverbs 1?) that God has mercy on those who--


Fear Him.

If a person is a sinner, he has reason to fear Him (His judgment against his sins).

And who is not a sinner?
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there are only fragments found in those written documents passed down verbally used to verify the true events as passed down over the centuries by those not so corrupted by the false version found in the desert books of forgeries, lies and fallacies.

where are the stone tablets w/ heavenly commandments claimed by the liar moses ... they never existed as known from the beginning the heavens provide only goals for admission to the everlasting - there are no commandments is exactly the true story of a&e their choice of self determination their journey they began for humanity.
Sounds like you have your own version of the Bible. Where is it?
Now, I will agree that the Old Testament is not complete and there are books missing. But, that doesn't diminish the OT that we have today. We have records of Moses and of Abraham. Also more on Enoch. But, you have provided absolutely nothing. So, put up or shut up. Show us your book of scriptures that proves your obsession with dessert blah, blah, blah.
I liked reading your testimony. However, you were not entirely wrong to feel that God.. not so much hates you or anyone else, but that He hates SIN. And people don't hate sin half as much as He does, so there are problems... Life is full of problems.

We are called by Scripture to offer up all our "penances" (problems, miseries) to God through Christ to make up for (atone for) our sinfulness. Jesus atoned for our sins, yet there is something missing, namely YOU... You have to apply what Jesus did on the Cross. The rosary meditations on Calvary are excellent for this, as it involves mentally being with Jesus as He goes through His ordeal

I know Protestants don't believe in people doing anything to atone for their sins, but this is in Scripture ("Unless you do penance, you will all perish [eternally in Hell]." Then there's another one: "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." Phil 2:12

The world today--if it mentions God or Jesus at all-- focuses on His love and mercy and forgets almost entirely about God's wrath perfect justice...

In the Old Testament (which was never thrown out by Catholics or other intellectually honest people) we are told (Proverbs 1?) that God has mercy on those who--


Fear Him.

If a person is a sinner, he has reason to fear Him (His judgment against his sins).

And who is not a sinner?
When you say Protestants don't believe this or that, you have to be careful because there are differences between each of the Protestant Churches. When you say they don't believe in people doing anything for their sins, which Church, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Methodist......? The Bible says these are the steps of repentance:
1. Acknowledge the sins
2. Feel sorrow
3. Confess your sins
4. Ask for forgiveness from God and others you hurt
5. Make restitution if applicable
6. Keep the commandments of God
7. And, sin no more.

As far as I know, all Protestants follow this. What do you know that says otherwise?
big deal ...

non are original - same baked stories cooked for self serving consumption.

* how phony is proven by not a single - dead sea scroll - mentions jesus or their having ever existed, same as all other sources. those sources are all jewish - as in being deliberately deceiving.
Is this a joke? Your foul-mouthed nasty ass has never been within 50 feet of a church. If you had you probably would have burst into flame.

I disdain any sort of recognition of any of this seasonal mumbo jumbo .
I hate and detest my species as much over this period as the rest of the year .
Something which gives me a modicum of self respect and integrity .

The more so when I also look at people like you who spend their year spreading deceit , misinformation and ignorance and then dole out the sugar and hypocrisy for a short time .

A real advertisement for Cult Christianity .
Without the Bible, Old and New Testaments, how would you know about Jesus Christ? The answer is, you wouldn't. So, I reject your claims.
Actually, Islam hijacked Him as an honored prophet. Flavius Josephus and Thallos wrote of him. Josephus called him, "Jesus, the one they called the Christ". That's pretty evidentiary. Ancient historians pondered the darkness that fell, midday, while He was hanging on that cross, accepting the punishment for our crimes.
There was a war on Christianity for a hundred years after Christ. They murdered Christians en masse. They burnt the churches, crucified believers, and did everything they could to erase that man from history. They failed.
Because that same man said that His word would never pass away. He wins.

Here we are, 2000 years later, fulfilling that prophesy...
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Actually, Islam hijacked Him as an honored prophet. Flavius Josephus and Thallos wrote of him. Josephus called him, "Jesus, the one they called the Christ". That's pretty evidentiary. Ancient historians pondered the darkness that fell, midday, while He was hanging on that cross, accepting the punishment for our crimes.
There was a war on Christianity for a hundred years after Christ. They murdered Christians en masse. They burnt the churches, crucified believers, and did everything they could to erase that man from history. They failed.
Because that same man said that His word would never pass away. He wins.

Here we are, 2000 years later, fulfilling that prophesy...
Again, without the Bible, those two persons would not know of Jesus because it was the apostles who taught and wrote about Jesus Christ. The people of the Bible are why we know about Jesus Christ.
His word survived in the old world and also in the new world in the Book of Mormon.
What Bible do you think those men were reading in 37 AD?
Great question. Obviously no "Bible", and at this time, not even a scant of a Gospel was being jotted down. Eventually, these eye witness accounts were notated. Then Paul's conversion, and his letters were sent, copied and spread to the Gentile churches. Eventually the Roman Catholic Church, once they legalized Christianity, thought it was a good idea to scrutinize all the letters and teachings, but by now, we are 300 years post life of Christ.

What I believe is that Christianity has unnecessarily created a problem, by believing in the concept that Christians today must have a "Bible", this infallible perfect word of God that not only includes the letters and gospels of the NT but also the Jewish Tanakh, and then believe they must somehow harmonize two very distinct versions of God, the warring angry god of the OT verses the incarnate crucified God who unselfishly allows himself to be the atonement for not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles.

First Century Christians, for them, Scripture was the Tanakh. Yes, the did revere and respect the writings of the apostles and of Paul, but to assume that the NT authors were writing a "New" testament or Tanakh, is speculative at best. First Century Christians, the majority, believed because they heard the gospel, period. Many of them saw signs and wonders performed, that helped spread the gospel. Then, many of those First Century Christians, lived and died with their faith, never having read one single letter, mainly because they were illiterate. Their faith, came by hearing.

Today, Christians have added the concept of the Bible as additional salvific belief. In order to be a Christian you MUST believe that the bible is the infallible word of God. However, there is not ONE instance where Jesus states that to be a believer or saved, that Christians must believe in a future library of letters, yet to be written and along those lines outlined the belief system of those letters.

This doesn't mean that the Bible doesn't have value. But Christians must not place ideas and concepts of belief around the bible that Jesus never said was needed and isn't stated anywhere in the letters contained in the NT.
the truth has been passed down through the centuries as well the true heavenly religion spoken than written as in the most corrupt books, the desert bibles, ever published and adorned by the most dishonest people exclusively for their own benefit - their false christmass they claim than the holidays being the heavenly of the two.
Most serious Christians are aware of the origins of Christmas and Easter and the errors contained in them.
there are only fragments found in those written documents passed down verbally used to verify the true events as passed down over the centuries by those not so corrupted by the false version found in the desert books of forgeries, lies and fallacies.

where are the stone tablets w/ heavenly commandments claimed by the liar moses ... they never existed as known from the beginning the heavens provide only goals for admission to the everlasting - there are no commandments is exactly the true story of a&e their choice of self determination their journey they began for humanity.
All that from gazing at your navel. Interesting. :biggrin:
Great question. Obviously no "Bible", and at this time, not even a scant of a Gospel was being jotted down. Eventually, these eye witness accounts were notated. Then Paul's conversion, and his letters were sent, copied and spread to the Gentile churches. Eventually the Roman Catholic Church, once they legalized Christianity, thought it was a good idea to scrutinize all the letters and teachings, but by now, we are 300 years post life of Christ.

What I believe is that Christianity has unnecessarily created a problem, by believing in the concept that Christians today must have a "Bible", this infallible perfect word of God that not only includes the letters and gospels of the NT but also the Jewish Tanakh, and then believe they must somehow harmonize two very distinct versions of God, the warring angry god of the OT verses the incarnate crucified God who unselfishly allows himself to be the atonement for not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles.

First Century Christians, for them, Scripture was the Tanakh. Yes, the did revere and respect the writings of the apostles and of Paul, but to assume that the NT authors were writing a "New" testament or Tanakh, is speculative at best. First Century Christians, the majority, believed because they heard the gospel, period. Many of them saw signs and wonders performed, that helped spread the gospel. Then, many of those First Century Christians, lived and died with their faith, never having read one single letter, mainly because they were illiterate. Their faith, came by hearing.

Today, Christians have added the concept of the Bible as additional salvific belief. In order to be a Christian you MUST believe that the bible is the infallible word of God. However, there is not ONE instance where Jesus states that to be a believer or saved, that Christians must believe in a future library of letters, yet to be written and along those lines outlined the belief system of those letters.

This doesn't mean that the Bible doesn't have value. But Christians must not place ideas and concepts of belief around the bible that Jesus never said was needed and isn't stated anywhere in the letters contained in the NT.
The importance of the Bible came to fruition with the printing press and the Reformation. Literacy exploded as people were finally able to obtain a Bible and were eager to read it for themselves, much to the displeasure of the Roman Catholic Church who "held the truth in unrighteousness".
The importance of the Bible came to fruition with the printing press and the Reformation. Literacy exploded as people were finally able to obtain a Bible and were eager to read it for themselves, much to the displeasure of the Roman Catholic Church who "held the truth in unrighteousness".
I wouldn't have expected you to see it any other way. The reality is that the fragmentation - while perfectly natural - had unintended consequences. Specifically... socialism.

The importance of the Bible came to fruition with the printing press and the Reformation. Literacy exploded as people were finally able to obtain a Bible and were eager to read it for themselves, much to the displeasure of the Roman Catholic Church who "held the truth in unrighteousness".
I don't disagree that the printing press made the Bible much more accessible. But that access has created more division in Christianity than what was ever intended. How many denominations, and they all think they have cornered the market on interpretation. If the Bible was "Perfect", why so many interpretations? Why so much division? Also, the printing press did not create a spiritual or salvific need for a Bible. If the first century christians were "Christian" and "saved" without a Bible, why do many Christians today treat the belief in the Bible as important as belief in Jesus?

Christians today are the ones who say:
  • Bible is infallible: Not said by the Jesus nor the Bible Itself
  • That reading the Bible everyday is a mark of a good Christian: Keep in mind that first Century Christians, majority were probably illiterate, and didn't have access to the earliest manuscripts/letters. If they read any scripture, it was from the Tanakh as they understood how Jesus fulfilled OT prophecies.
  • That reading the Bible brings about spiritual blessings - Jesus didn't say this nor does the bible say this of itself
  • The idea that memorizing scripture is somehow another sign of a good Christian
  • Strict adherence to 'literal interpretations': Noah and the Ark must be real, or ignoring the absolute apocalyptic and coded nature of Revelation. A Christian's salvation is not contingent on whether the Ark is literal or one's belief in the end times. Yet today, many Christians debate and argue over these concepts, when in reality, IT DOESN'T MATTER! But because some Christians state "This is the word of God", to them, these stories have to matter, and how you believe in them matter. Jesus never once said that to be Christian, one must have a certain belief around the OT stories and or end times (those are just two examples not exhaustive)
  • Nothing can be added or taken away: This concept is clearly taken out of context from OT scripture, which clearly isn't talking about a "bible" and John quoting and using the OT in Revelation stating the same, clearly, no Bible when John wrote Revelation. This also can mean that there is nothing anyone can learn from God or hear from God that isn't in the Bible. I have heard and read a lot of great commentary, that I feel is absolutely inspired, why can't that be "Scripture"?
I don't disagree that the printing press made the Bible much more accessible. But that access has created more division in Christianity than what was ever intended. How many denominations, and they all think they have cornered the market on interpretation. If the Bible was "Perfect", why so many interpretations? Why so much division? Also, the printing press did not create a spiritual or salvific need for a Bible. If the first century christians were "Christian" and "saved" without a Bible, why do many Christians today treat the belief in the Bible as important as belief in Jesus?

Christians today are the ones who say:
  • Bible is infallible: Not said by the Jesus nor the Bible Itself
  • That reading the Bible everyday is a mark of a good Christian: Keep in mind that first Century Christians, majority were probably illiterate, and didn't have access to the earliest manuscripts/letters. If they read any scripture, it was from the Tanakh as they understood how Jesus fulfilled OT prophecies.
  • That reading the Bible brings about spiritual blessings - Jesus didn't say this nor does the bible say this of itself
  • The idea that memorizing scripture is somehow another sign of a good Christian
  • Strict adherence to 'literal interpretations': Noah and the Ark must be real, or ignoring the absolute apocalyptic and coded nature of Revelation. A Christian's salvation is not contingent on whether the Ark is literal or one's belief in the end times. Yet today, many Christians debate and argue over these concepts, when in reality, IT DOESN'T MATTER! But because some Christians state "This is the word of God", to them, these stories have to matter, and how you believe in them matter. Jesus never once said that to be Christian, one must have a certain belief around the OT stories and or end times (those are just two examples not exhaustive)
  • Nothing can be added or taken away: This concept is clearly taken out of context from OT scripture, which clearly isn't talking about a "bible" and John quoting and using the OT in Revelation stating the same, clearly, no Bible when John wrote Revelation. This also can mean that there is nothing anyone can learn from God or hear from God that isn't in the Bible. I have heard and read a lot of great commentary, that I feel is absolutely inspired, why can't that be "Scripture"?
The importance of the Bible is that it contains the words of God written down by men inspired to do so. One could sit in church all their life and never learn what they can learn by reading their own Bible. Many churches insist on certain interpretations of scripture that they spoon-feed to their flock. By personal study this can be confirmed or rejected. The Bible helps one establish a deeper and more personal relationship with and understanding of God, without the middleman of the pastor.
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I wouldn't have expected you to see it any other way. The reality is that the fragmentation - while perfectly natural - had unintended consequences. Specifically... socialism.

There were doctrinal differences in the early church before the Bible was canonized. But, as the scripture says, "iron sharpens iron". Recall that the Bereans "searched the scriptures" to see if what Paul was saying was true. Without the written word, in this case the OT writings, the Bereans would have nothing to study. The New Testament demystifies the Old Testament.
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The Bible helps one establish a deeper and more personal relationship with and understanding of God, without the middleman of the pastor.
And yet, Jesus never said that Christians need a Bible, nor makes the claim about a bible that you have just made.
And yet, Jesus never said that Christians need a Bible, nor makes the claim about a bible that you have just made.
And yet Jesus often quoted from the OT writings. The disciples were told to study the scriptures, which were the 'bible' of the time. Also note that the "Oral Torah", the Jewish oral traditions, have been written down lest they be forgotten.

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