
Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
Walking Dead Symbolism-
Jesus gave them the apple, Michonne partakes the Apple and gives it to Rick to partake the Apple. Clever & not very subtle way of calling Jesus the serpent (false prophet) of Genesis who offered eternal life for partaking of his (death symbol)tree and believing him.
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Yah... Interesting when the noble ones of Israel died they " slept" with their fathers but one among them in good old Roman fashion slept with the " fishes" I often wonder if these shows with the walking dead are not mocking the ones walking among us half asleep accepting all the nonsense and beliefs they have been fed since they were born sort of like a collective insomnia...
Script writing & Production is like any art form & can be used to creatively convey subtle or thought provoking messages.
Sometimes to leave clues to where the plot is heading and other times hiding symbolism so people offended don't *boycott* the works.
*(Rev 13:13 they will not buy or sell without the mark of the beast [cross & fish symbols])

I think they are leading their audience in a clever way if their eyes are open and they are observant, to notice the offer the Jesus character in the show made for them to continue to live is a serpents offer especially liken to today's struggles in the minds of hearts of followers.
To live on and survive they are offered abundance of food with the catch being they must slaughter the "Hill Top's" enemies for them, before they attack and pillage they themselves. Who does the Hill Top say is their enemy? Answer the Saviors.
So they have to kill the Saviors for Jesus and the "Hill Top"(Vatican is on the seven hills) in order for Alexandria to eat & survive.
Damn that sounds familiar. *L*
HENCE the Apple scene is warning the viewers that the offer (spoiler alert)comes at a price and is not what it seems.
We see this moral struggle today with how to deal with Radical anarchistic regions of the globe. Very creative way to convey the struggles they face. Probably why the show is so popular.

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