Jewish History

Because I have lived with, gone to school with, and worked with Jews I have a high opinion of the Children of Israel.

Reading the Bible from cover to cover, including the Apocrypha, has enhanced my respect for Jews, Judaism, and Israel.

I like the way Jews have overcome persecution and genocide and become the most accomplished 0.2% of the human species. :)
The core at the Middle East ‘conflict’ is about anti-Jewish bigotry.

The Palestine Problem and Proposals for Its Solution. (1947). United States: Nation Associates, p.50.


At the beginning of the war the estimated number of Jews in the world was 17,000,000. Even in 1944 we had no knowledge of the extent of Jewish massacres. The Mufti had.
In a broadcast from Berlin on September 20, 1944, he asked the Arab world the rhetorical question, 'Is it not in your power to repulse the Jews whose number is not more than eleven million?' " By this time, six million Jews had in fact been murdered. What was the source of the Mufti's information?
The New Palestine⁩, 9 May 1947⁩.

⁨⁨The New Palestine⁩, 9 May 1947⁩ — American Press Asks Justice For the Jewish People at UN.

American Press Asks Justice For the Jewish People at UN.

As the special session of the UN General Assembly convened to deliberate upon the •; vexing problem of Palestine, the preponderance of newspaper opinion, as expressed editorially in a number of New York metropolitan papers, was overwhelmingly sympathetic to the Zionist position. Citing the Palestine Mandate and Balfour Declaration and decrying the British duplicity which has brought about the present impasse, much of the newspaper sentiment went all-out for the establishment — without further procrastination — of a Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine.

Following are excepts from editorials which appeared in The New York Post, The Daily News , The New York Journal-American, The Daily Mirror, and PM:

N. Y. Post

"For more than 20 years, the U. S. has been committed to the proposition that Palestine should be made the Jewish national home. Every President, from Harding to Truman, has reiterated that pledge.

"The U. S. and British Governments were solemnly committed to immediate entrance of 100,000 Jews into Palestine and repeal of the prohibition of purchase of land by Jews, when the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry made its report almost a year ago. We have never believed that there was any need for appointment of a United Nations Commission to investigate Palestine. The facts are known wherever men can read. Appointment of another commission, without immediate and vigorous action, would be mere cowardice.

"At the very least, the U. S. delegation, for the honor of the people of the United States and for the personal honor of their President, must take leadership in demanding:

1. Immediate admission to Palestine of 100,000 Jews.
2. Immediate repeal of laws prohibiting Jewish land-purchase.

"Neither of these steps to carry out the original pledge need wait on solution of the political problem. Both are essential preliminaries. Both are vital to immediate justice."

"Today the test begins. If the present session of the United Nations ends without adopting a minimum program of justice for the Jews in relation to Palestine, then the United Nations will have started along the path of moral bankruptcy to which the League of Nations turned in the case of Ethiopia."

* * *

Daily News

"Various Jewish groups are asking that the Jews be allowed to have one or more spokesmen at the UN General Assembly hearings.

"It is not proposed by anybody that the Jews have a vote in the General Assembly. All they want is to send representatives to listen to what goes on and to argue the Jewish side of each dispute that comes up.

"To us, the request seems entirely reasonable. After all, it is the ancient Jewish homeland that is to be under discussion, not China or Persia or Czechoslovakia.
The purpose of the debate, is tq air all factions' grievances and start work toward some Palestine plan into which the Security Council can get its teeth.

"Yet there has been a great deal of hush-hush hesitancy about admitting Jewish spokesmen to the hearings, and Britain, the U. S. and Russia have furnished most of said hesitancy.

"We don't know the reason for it, but it has the aroma of the same old runaround which the Jews have been getting for years from England with reference to Palestine, and lately from the U. S. Government as well.

"We hope the General Assembly will decide to admit Jewish representatives as the logical and honest thing to do."

* * *


"Today six million ghosts are converging on the United Nations Hall in Flushing. They are the helpless Jewish men, women and children slaughtered by the Nazis. They are the martyred dead. They are the remnants living in the DP camps of Europe.

They are crying out in one mighty voice:
'We have had enough sympathy. We have had enough of fine words with no action to back them up. Stop the Jewish tragedy once and for all by ending our national homelessness. Fulfill the pledge made to us by the nations of the world. Let us rebuild our lives and our hopes in our ancient land — of Palestine!'

"Will the agonized appeal reach the hearts of the powers which are about to determine the fate of an entire people?

"Our Government must take a forthright stand in support of the Jewish homeland. Our Government is pledged to this American policy."

"We have promised Palestine to them. We have allowed them to pour their lives, their dreams and hopes into 'Eretz Israel' and then we shut the doors in their face.

"It is imperative that President Truman instruct our delegation to the UN to take the initiative in achieving a just solution based upon America's historic policy of support for Jewish national aspirations."

* * *

N. Y. Post

"There has never been a period in history, from Abraham to this day, that the Jewish people, scattered over the earth, citizens and sojourners in many lands, have not looked toward Palestine as the Jewish Homeland.

"To separate Judaism from Palestine is to deny to a child the, reality of a mother. In that sense, even a non-Zionist cannot deny that Palestine is truly the Homeland, the Motherland of the Jews.

"The League of Nations appointed Great Britain a mandatory in 1920. The British accepted in 1923.

"Great Britain is only an agent for the League of Nations. It possesses no rights to the soil. It promised by the Balfour Declaration to permit the development of Palestine as the national Jewish Homeland.

"Zion built there 'a modern world upon its ancient soil.'
"Then Britain broke its promise.
"The United Nations has succeeded to the rights of the League of Nations. Therefore, UN is really responsible for Palestine.

"America expects UN to give the Jews a square deal in Palestine. The American people will not accept any solution of this problem which is unjust to the Jews."

* * *


"Don't be misled by the loud Arab talk of 'majority-rule' and 'self-determination' and 'democracy' in Palestine. It is curious to listen to talk about democracy from the Arab leaders, like the Mufti of Jerusalem, who were the closest supporters of Hitler. It is , interesting to get assurances that Jewish rights will be respected from men who helped Hitler plot the mass-extermination, of six million Jews. The fact is that a Jew as little chance of freedom in the Arab states as he ever had in Germany, lind his Chances for life itself depend only on how far the Arabs daret go.

"Actually the argument about the present Arab majority in Palestine is a hollow one : The British mandate was set up for" the express purpose of helping the Jews ceate a homeland which would eventually became a state, and of admitting enough immigration so that they would become a majority."
Stumping for Harris, Bill Clinton notes Jews were in Holy Land prior to advent of Islam.
The former president said that he understands that too many have died in Gaza but noted that Hamas murdered Israelis, who were “the most pro-friendship with Palestine.”

(Nov. 1, 2024 / JNS)
Campaigning for Vice President Kamala Harris at Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Church in Muskegon Heights, Mich., on Wednesday night, former President Bill Clinton discussed Israel extensively at the end of his nearly 45-minute remarks.

“I understand why young Palestinian and Arab Americans in Michigan think too many people have died since—I get that. But if you lived in one of those kibbutzim and in Israel, right next to Gaza, where the people there were the most pro-friendship with Palestine, most pro-two state solution of any of the Israeli communities—were the ones right next to Gaza, and Hamas butchered them,” Clinton, 78, said.

Those who criticize the Jewish state “are essentially saying, ‘Yeah, but look how many people you’ve killed in [retaliation]. So how many is enough for you to kill to punish them for the terrible things they did?’” Clinton added. “That all sounds nice until you realize what would you do if it was your family? And you hadn’t done anything but support a homeland for the Palestinians, and one day they come for you and slaughter the people in your village.”

“You would say, ‘Well, you have to forgive me. I’m not keeping score that way. It isn’t how many we’ve had to kill because Hamas makes sure that they’re shielded by civilians,’” he said. “They’ll force you to kill civilians if you want to defend yourself.”

Clinton said the Hamas terror group doesn’t care about a Palestinian homeland.

“They wanted to kill Israelis and make Israel uninhabitable. Well, I got news for them. They were there first before there was—their faith existed,” he said. “They were there in the time of King David in the southernmost tribes had Judea and Samaria.”

The former president recalled his own efforts to try to bring Israel and the Palestinians together.

“Look, I worked on this hard, and the only time Yasser Arafat didn’t tell me the truth was that he promised me he was going to accept the peace deal that we had worked out, which would have given the Palestinians a state on 96% of the West Bank and 4% of Israel, and they got to choose where the 4% of Israel was,” he said.

“I can hardly talk about this,” he said.

A racist unreliable propaganda, masquerading as "news."

And lies often too.


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Hundreds of cancellations at Haaretz following Schocken's comments.
Haaretz faces crisis after publisher's Hamas comments, as government and private subscribers abandon paper.
By David Wertheim/Walla!
November 4, 2024.
Hundreds of cancellations and subscription termination requests have hit the Haaretz- The Marker Group since publisher Amos Schocken's comments, in which he referred to Hamas as ‘freedom fighters’ - Walla has learned. Since then, Schocken has retracted and clarified his statements, but the damage has been done.

Since Thursday's publication, several government ministries have requested to cancel their subscriptions, with each ministry having dozens of subscriptions. The Foreign Ministry alone canceled 90 newspaper subscriptions.

In internal meetings at Haaretz Group on Sunday, there was a discussion of "a crazy rate of cancellations and sharp decline in newspaper advertising."

Ministries call to cut ties with Haaretz after publisher calls terrorists 'freedom fighters'.
Ran Boker|10.31.24

"Haaretz" will pay tens of thousands of shekels in damages: "Publication of lies and slander".
Jun 11, 2024 — "Haaretz" will pay compensation in the tens of thousands of shekels: "publishing lies and defamations". The Peace Court recently ruled in favor of the Ad Kan organization and the head of it, Gilad Ach, in a libel suit against Haaretz newspaper.
In 2019, a news item was published in the Haaretz newspaper, according to which the settlement division provided funding for the construction of the house of 'Ad Kan' CEO Gilad Ach, as part of the article, Ach's house was photographed and it was claimed that the house was built with public funds.

Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.
A Haaretz article sparked outrage online after it claimed that 'IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.' Online users criticized: 'How do we get to such a twisted situation?'
Israel National News. Jun 20, 2024.

‘Have you no decency?’ US ambassador lashes out at Haaretz.
By Israel Hayom Staff. Published on 02-09-2018.

Haaretz's Descent Into Clickbait
David Frum.
Published Apr. 23 2013. is emerging as an indispensable new English-language source on Israel and the Middle East.

Today's post on the descent of Israel's once-eminent Haaretz newspaper into a click-seeking sensationalist website is another must read:

On October 23, 2012, an article by Haaretz’s notoriously scandal-prone columnist, Gideon Levy, was published as the main story on the front page of the newspaper with the outrage-provoking headline..

Yet a careful look at the survey on which the article was based revealed that neither the headline nor Levy’s analysis were supported in any way by the poll’s actual data. Following public criticism, Haaretz was forced to publish an apology five days later, as well as a correction, in small letters tucked away at the bottom of a page, that read...

Column One: The Haaretz spy scandal
Haaretz provides Israeli affirmation for anti-Israel attitudes.
By Caroline Glick.
April 16, 2010.
Over the past two weeks Israel has been rocked by a major espionage scandal in which the Haaretz newspaper plays a central role. To understand the significance of the scandal, it is worthwhile to preface a discussion of it with a look at a smaller story Haaretz developed this week.
On Sunday, Haaretz’s Amira Hass reported that in January, the IDF published a new military order that paves the way for the mass expulsion of illegal aliens from Judea and Samaria. The story sported the disturbing headline, “IDF order will enable mass deportation from West Bank.”
In a follow-up on Monday, Hass reported that 10 self-described human rights organizations (all funded by the New Israel Fund) sent a joint letter to Defense Minister Ehud Barak asking him to rescind the order. She noted, too, that, “the international media also has taken great interest in the story.”

You'll manage without us.
Even hard-core and prominent left-wingers are becoming fed up with Haaretz newspaper and with its editorial content that bashes Israel .. • Haaretz blusters: Anyone who doesn't read Haaretz isn't worthy of reading Haaretz.
The people at Haaretz don't understand how it happened. They could more or less accept subscribers abandoning them: The paper is the knight of conscience and those who cancel their subscriptions are crazy right-wingers, and shallow, of course. Sometimes the paper's response is more childish than condescending: Anyone who doesn't read Haaretz isn't worthy of reading Haaretz..

‘Haaretz’ Corrects Forced-Contraception Story.
Over a month too late, an explosive story loses its bite.
By Adam Chandler.
March 08, 2013
There was no shortage of outrage following a report by Haaretz in late Janaury ....The first problem with the story: No Israeli official ever acknowledged there was such a practice at all; it was denied by Joint Distribution Committe, which ran the clinics, and the Health Ministry...

After an Israeli committee was established to investigate the matter, a second story ran in Haaretz last week repeating much of its original reporting. Then, earlier this week, came this correction...

Shame on 'Haaretz' - Isi Leibler. Jerusalem Post, Nov 6, 2007.
Nahum Barnea, the distinguished Yediot Aharonot columnist, went so far as to describe senior Haaretz journalists Gideon Levy, Amira Haas and Akiva Eldar as failing to pass the "lynch test" - i.e., even failing to condemn Palestinians when they murdered two Israelis in a lynch mob in Ramallah at the onset of the second intifada. More recently, consistent with frequent Haaretz depictions of Israel as a racist entity, the paper's chief Arab affairs expert, Danny Rubinstein, told a UN body that Israel was indeed an apartheid state. Of course, behind this torrid situation stands the publisher of Haaretz, Amos Schocken, who is personally convinced that Israel does indeed practice apartheid. BUT IT was only recently that Landau threw away all semblance of journalistic integrity and publicly confessed to crossing the ultimate red line that distinguishes reputable journalism from propaganda...

Ma'ariv, 103FM, 01/26/2023. Gadi Taub attacks "Haaretz" after his dismissal: "Engages in inciting anti-Semitism"
The journalist commented on 103FM about the storm that broke out following the cessation of publication of his articles in the newspaper: "The state should not pay a newspaper that is not just criticizing it, it is against it"
Later, he supported the words of Communications Minister Karhi who said that he would stop the publication of government ads in the Haaretz newspaper. "That the state should not pay a newspaper that not only criticizes it, it is against it, that it supplies most of the incendiary material to neo-Nazi websites by defaming us, this is the most cited source on Nazi websites, because it really deals with inflaming anti-Semitism, so why should the state finance the this? Especially in the age of the Internet".

Haaretz’s Owner Proves Paper Has an Anti-Israel Political Agenda - Algemeiner, January 25, 2016. S. Plosker.
With a circulation as low as 6% market share of Israeli print media according to recent research, Haaretz is utterly unrepresentative of the Israeli public and political system at large.

'Haaretz legitimizing Neo-Nazis' anti-Semitism' - Arutz Sheva Staff, Aug 10, 2016.
American journalist rips left-wing Israeli daily...

Ha'aretz is an Enemy of the Jewish People. By Vic Rosenthal - 27 Tammuz 5781 – July 7, 2021.

Haaretz: Neeman called us "Der Sturmer". INN, Jan 5, 2012
The newspaper "Haaretz" claims this morning that the Minister of Justice Neeman compared him in closed conversations with ministers to the Nazi party "Dr. Sturmer"

'The pictures in Haaretz's or Der Sturmer's exhibition.' Jacob Kory, News 1, 22/02/20
Close to International Holocaust Day, I went to a lecture in the Rappaport Hall in Haifa, when I saw a display of photos in the exhibition that I was convinced were taken from Der Sturmer or another anti-Semitic newspaper and were displayed to illustrate the hatred of the Jews. After I asked, it became clear to me that it was a journalistic photo exhibition in honor of the 100th anniversary of Haaretz newspaper

Hanan Greenwood, Haaretz accused of maligning Haredim in COVID cartoon, ILH, By 07-19-2021.
"...Haaretz and Biderman will always find a way to make fun of someone, even if that is based on lies and hatred that could be taken right out of Der Sturmer," he wrote...

Rotter, 15.04.14 Sturmer & Shtrasler - big difference?

* This is the website The daily stormer (its name is based on the Nazi propaganda magazine 'Der Sturmer'). Rotter News, 06.05.20.

* Haaretz and Der Sturmer: Take a magnifying glass and find the differences. Haaretz is once again setting a record this morning in factions and incitement. Back to the cluster of their crocodile howls about the incitement on the right from recent times, illuminating the newspaper in a ridiculous light. Hanan Amior, 04.02.20

*.Haaretz is a newspaper for "thinking" people (Elik) and its readers reveal hatred, rage, brutality and racism that are hard to find in the media today, perhaps in "Der Sturmer". The hateful readers and the newspaper that does not bother to delete such abusive words and hatred are among the worst haters of Israel and the joke that they consider themselves enlightened and thinking. How blind the stupidity and condescension ...

[Journalist Haviv Rettig Gur]. To my liberal friends abroad who fear Israel is collapsing into fascism because, well, they read Haaretz.... - Haviv Rettig Gur | Facebook January 28, 2016 at 12:45 PM.
To my liberal friends abroad who fear Israel is collapsing into fascism because, well, they read Haaretz, here's the latest evidence that reading Haaretz can be hazardous to your capacity to actually understand (as opposed to just rail hysterically about) Israeli society and politics.
Haaretz, like others in that wing of the left, are fighting a vindictive, bitter culture war, that is emphatically and explicitly disdainful of Israeliness itself. Here is one of Haaretz's senior columnists arguing without the slightest sarcasm or irony that an Israeli NBA coach should be fired and explicitly for his Israeliness, because - are you sitting down?- Israelis emotional attachment to other Israelis in the NBA is ipso facto fascism.
Last month, Haaretz used the word "fascist" five different times in a two-week period to describe Israel.
For many Haaretz writers, Israeli cultural touchstones are fascist not because they are fascist, but because they are Israeli.
It is often argued among Israelis that Haaretz has adopted this strange political identity for sheer clickbait, prostitution their intellectual integrity and journalistic seriousness for greed. That, at any rate is the optimistic interpretation.
As long as Haaretz itself isn't ashamed of its willful decline, no real harm come to Haaretz from this sort of journalism.
But, inasmuch as it is identified with the broader Israeli left, it is hard to think of any single voice or political actor that has done more damage to that left's prospect in the only arena that counts: the mind of Israeli voters.
In Haaretz, the right is given, miraculously, reification of its own caricature of an incompetent, intellectually dishonest, utterly unelectable, jealously vindictive Israeli left.
I have no evidence that Rogel Alpher and his like-minded friends work for Benjamin Netanyahu. But they do. They are the enemy he yearns for, the enemy that makes his campaign slogan of "It's me or them" an election winner.
I hope he at least goes to the trouble of sending them flowers every time he wins another round at the ballot box.

Jeffrey Herf, Manufacturing Falsehoods,, December 12, 2018.
Yemini is furious with the editors and writers of Haaretz:
In the last decade, Haaretz, the most widely read Israeli daily newspaper in English, has become a central pillar for the industry of lies. The problem is not the opinion pieces. The problem lies in the biases, distortions, and falsehoods, as well as in the encouragement of Palestinian intransigence and violence that Haaretz supports.
While parts of paper remain serious, “unfortunately, the core of writing on the conflict” in recent years has been “dominated by people on the outer margins of the radical Left.”. “While they cloak themselves as progressive and democratic,” Yemini writes, “Haaretz seeks to ‘detour around’ Israelis’ decision-making machinery (in essence, to cancel-out self-determination by the body public and its elected leaders) by selling movers and shakers abroad (both opinion-makers and policy-makers and world public opinion) a bill of goods with three messages about Israel, that need refutation: (1) that Israel commits war crimes (2) that Israel is an apartheid state (3) that Israel refuses to make peace, not the Palestinians.”
Yemini’s examples of erroneous reports along these lines in Haaretz include Gideon Levy’s report of Israeli border patrol soldiers tying prisoners to donkeys that are then sent running until the victims die of wounds and Yitzak Laor’s claim that Israeli soldiers blew up a mosque “with hundreds of people inside, including children.” Yemini also cites Levy’s claim in 2012 that a survey showed that most Israelis supported an apartheid regime and his favorable articles about Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, after the latter made widely-reported anti-Semitic comments. Then there is Amira Hass’s 2008 comment in the face of the Palestinian intifada that “[t]hrowing stones is the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule.” Fourteen Israelis had been killed by rocks. Yemini cites Levy’s claim in an interview with the British paper, the Independent, that during Operation Cast Lead in 2008-09, a picture of a dog appeared on front page of “the most popular newspaper in Israel” but nothing was there about the “tens of Palestinians killed” that day. None of the authors were fired or disciplined. He adds that Haaretz “no longer represents the liberal or left-wing of the Israeli public—wings that support both human rights and a Jewish and democratic state. There is a Left that rebuts lies and falsehoods about Israel, and there is a Left that disseminates them.”

Lapid v. Haaretz: A newspaper that has long since gone off the rails - nrg News | 4/14/2016.
Lapid's remarks were made in response to an opinion column by Gideon Levy, who claimed that IDF soldiers were shooting helpless Palestinian boys. In response, Lapid said: Haaretz is anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli, and is no longer really a newspaper.
MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) sharply attacked the Haaretz newspaper on his Facebook page this afternoon (Thursday). In response, Lapid wrote: "This is a monstrous text of a newspaper that has long since gone off the rails. Later on, he also accuses me of this killing, but I am sorry for my honor. Not for the honor of IDF soldiers."
A column published in Haaretz reads: "Nothing bad will happen to you if you kill the body of a Palestinian boy in his escape with three bullets at short range - your commanders and Yair Lapid will applaud you...
"Anyone who presents our soldiers as indiscriminate killers knowingly lies and also allows their blood. In all the history of the wars, there has not been an army that has done more to maintain the morale of the fighting and the purity of weapons, but Haaretz is not interested," Lapid said in response. "This is a leaflet saturated with extreme self - hatred of the far left, and this article - like many other articles - is a way to train terrorism. For reasons of self-defense, "wrote the chairman of the Yesh Atid party...
"They are in a hurry to shout 'Freedom of expression!' "One hundred percent, but freedom of expression belongs to everyone, and if in his name they are allowed to lie, then of course I am allowed to tell the truth: Haaretz is anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli, and it is no longer really a newspaper," Lapid wrote.

Amir Levy, Haaretz newspaper presents: telling the truth is racism, Mida, 30/05/2019.

Seth J. Frantzman, Why did an Israeli newspaper blame black women for long lines at checkpoints, Nov 20, 2017.

Liel Leibovitz, Amos Schocken’s Schocking Racism, Tablet Magazine, Apr 16, 2018.

David Bernstein, Racism in the name of anti-racism, Washington Post, June 5, 2014.

Today in Jewish History​

• "Purim Algiers" (1541)

In 1541, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and ruler of Spain, led a fleet in an attempted attack against Algiers. Miraculously, a storm capsized many of the attacking boats, resulting in the expedition’s failure and rescuing the city’s Jewish community from Spanish anti-Semitic rule. In commemoration of the miracle, the local community marked 4 MarCheshvan as a “minor Purim,” omitting the penitential Tachanunprayers and partaking of festive meals (Zeh Hashulchan pp. 96–97).

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