God is not obvious

When I see a chair, I know that someone built that chair
A house? Same thing.
Regardless of how much a non-believer tries to contort their way around it, complexity of design DOES prove a Creator.
You really want to believe that we're merely a protoplasmic coincidence?

Its not likely that someone could take a box of alphabet soup and throw it on the floor and end up with the declaration of independence, however many times you tried for however many billions of years.

That's God exists seems to be a logical assumption but what you do not seem to realize is that without definitive proof that could be verified by anyone you merely have a belief just as likely to be true as a belief that all life sprang from an ancient alien visitor that died in a puddle of water or a belief that the universe began when God farted.

What is your evidence that God exists? Have you ever heard a single word from him in your entire life spoken directly to you even if only in a dream or a vision or during an acid trip?

If so how can someone verify your claim and make contact with God and speak with him and hear his words so they too can believe?

If not how do you resolve his silence if God is the God of the living? Maybe he has been sleeping for the duration of your life? Maybe he was on vacation in another galaxy? Maybe you didn't pray loud enough for him to hear you? Could you be dead?
If you truly want answers to those questions, seek Him out.
I assure you that He will answer.
I have my answers
I have my proof , more than I could ever try to type out on my phone, that He is the God of the living.......or as He said "the Alpha and Omega".

You could have just said that you have had no direct experience of God and not enough faith in what you have convinced yourself is proof absent of evidence to even mention it.

If I was praying to God for decades and never heard a single word in response, I would begin to wonder if .he either does not exist or if I am doing something wrong.

Since you already believe that God exists, you should probably begin to consider something so hard to believe as you might be doing something wrong like praying to a false mangod or even worse, misidentifying your own thoughts as proof of God just like someone who believes in irrational things might think that any rational thought that they might have is a demonic attack and proof of the devil..

Every proof of god comes with a fatal flaw that makes it not evidence.

Absence of evidence is evidence of absense
And I can turn that back I you and say youcan't prove a negative

The burden of proofs on you.

I have a car that flies. Do you want to buy it before proof? I even have people who will testify its true. Ready to buy?

And if it doesn't fly its because you don't want it bad enough. You have to believe. It flew for the last owner.
Which god? Misra? Yahway? Zeus? And why did he go to such great length to hide from us?

You might want to stop and consider the remote possibility that God is not hiding.

My guess is that people who do not see evidence of God and can perceive no God in existence, even through speculation, are not sufficiently intellectually, emotionally, or ethically evolved enough to be capable of perceiving him.

If a person wanted to do an experiment to discover the truth of something, they would first have to sterilize the environment in which the experiment will be conducted as well as all of the tools, test tubes, beakers, etc. and they would also have to calibrate everything being used to test the results otherwise any number of unseen contaminants could skew the results rendering the outcome unreliable or false.

In the same way if you want to discover whether God actually exists or not, you too have to first sterilize the environment in which you are going to conduct the experiment. You must cleanse and purify your mind from all contaminants, the only tool or place at your disposal capable of such an inquiry, otherwise if your mind is filled with bias, emotional wounds, unfounded assumptions, ignorance about the nature of God and the language of the prophets, etc., you will never find any evidence of God wherever you look even if you have 20/20 vision and always got straight A's in school.

On the other hand if you bother to take the time and trouble to cleanse and accurately calibrate your brain and upload all the available facts, free from from contaminants, everywhere you look, even within, you will see evidence of God, whether under a rock, at the bottom of the sea, through a telescope into deep space or under a microscope, and even if you were literally blind, you would still see.

If you were once hoodwinked into buying a lemon by some used car salesman, that certainly is not proof that there is no such thing as a good car.
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Which god? Misra? Yahway? Zeus? And why did he go to such great length to hide from us?

You might want to stop and consider the remote possibility that God is not hiding.

My guess is that people who do not see evidence of God and can perceive no God in existence, even through speculation, are not sufficiently intellectually, emotionally, or ethically evolved enough to be capable of perceiving him.

If a person wanted to do an experiment to discover the truth of something, they would first have to sterilize the environment in which the experiment will be conducted as well as all of the tools, test tubes, beakers, etc. and they would also have to calibrate everything being used to test the results otherwise any number of unseen contaminants could skew the results rendering the outcome unreliable or false.

In the same way if you want to discover whether God actually exists or not, you too have to first sterilize the environment in which you are going to conduct the experiment. You must cleanse your brain, the only tool at your disposal capable of such an inquiry, from all contaminants otherwise if your mind is filled with bias, unfounded assumptions and ignorance about the nature of God, the language of the prophets, etc., you will never find any evidence of God wherever you look even if you have 20/20 vision and always got straight A's in school.

On the other hand if you bother to take the time and trouble to cleanse and accurately calibrate your brain and upload all the available facts, free from from contaminants, everywhere you look, even within, you will see evidence of God, whether under a rock, at the bottom of the sea, through a telescope into deep space or under a microscope, and even if you were literally blind, you would still see.
I'm s
Which god? Misra? Yahway? Zeus? And why did he go to such great length to hide from us?

You might want to stop and consider the remote possibility that God is not hiding.

My guess is that people who do not see evidence of God and can perceive no God in existence, even through speculation, are not sufficiently intellectually, emotionally, or ethically evolved enough to be capable of perceiving him.

If a person wanted to do an experiment to discover the truth of something, they would first have to sterilize the environment in which the experiment will be conducted as well as all of the tools, test tubes, beakers, etc. and they would also have to calibrate everything being used to test the results otherwise any number of unseen contaminants could skew the results rendering the outcome unreliable or false.

In the same way if you want to discover whether God actually exists or not, you too have to first sterilize the environment in which you are going to conduct the experiment. You must cleanse your brain, the only tool at your disposal capable of such an inquiry, from all contaminants otherwise if your mind is filled with bias, unfounded assumptions and ignorance about the nature of God, the language of the prophets, etc., you will never find any evidence of God wherever you look even if you have 20/20 vision and always got straight A's in school.

On the other hand if you bother to take the time and trouble to cleanse and accurately calibrate your brain and upload all the available facts, free from from contaminants, everywhere you look, even within, you will see evidence of God, whether under a rock, at the bottom of the sea, through a telescope into deep space or under a microscope, and even if you were literally blind, you would still see.
Problem is back when I knew less I believed in god. Then like a lot of us atheists I didn't believe in religions but for awhile still believed in god. Then I learned enough to realize god himself was invented.

I wasn't angry or evil either.

Long before I knew the scientific method I was using it. Question everything including the ancients and authority. If a hypothesis doesn't pass the test throw it out even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

If after 30 years of believing didn't work I don't know how much more open to the idea one can be. Chances are you want to believe too much and that's getting in your way of seeing the truth.
The concept of god is so pervasive even us atheists understand how powerful it is. How can he not exist? Well science and logic say there doesn't have to be and people who don't believe are not bad for admitting it.

Hard to think honestly when you are told you are evil for not believing something that might not be true.

And this is why it is so easy for Muslim Mormon and christian churches to win people over.

Also, when you say god is obvious, even if that is true, does he care about me? Care who I sleep with or if I masturbate? Is this obvious too?

Maybe something did create our universe. That doesn't mean it sent his son here to die for our sins nor did it talk to Mohammad
Its not likely that someone could take a box of alphabet soup and throw it on the floor and end up with the declaration of independence, however many times you tried for however many billions of years.

That's God exists seems to be a logical assumption but what you do not seem to realize is that without definitive proof that could be verified by anyone you merely have a belief just as likely to be true as a belief that all life sprang from an ancient alien visitor that died in a puddle of water or a belief that the universe began when God farted.

What is your evidence that God exists? Have you ever heard a single word from him in your entire life spoken directly to you even if only in a dream or a vision or during an acid trip?

If so how can someone verify your claim and make contact with God and speak with him and hear his words so they too can believe?

If not how do you resolve his silence if God is the God of the living? Maybe he has been sleeping for the duration of your life? Maybe he was on vacation in another galaxy? Maybe you didn't pray loud enough for him to hear you? Could you be dead?
If you truly want answers to those questions, seek Him out.
I assure you that He will answer.
I have my answers
I have my proof , more than I could ever try to type out on my phone, that He is the God of the living.......or as He said "the Alpha and Omega".

You could have just said that you have had no direct experience of God and not enough faith in what you have convinced yourself is proof absent of evidence to even mention it.

If I was praying to God for decades and never heard a single word in response, I would begin to wonder if .he either does not exist or if I am doing something wrong.

Since you already believe that God exists, you should probably begin to consider something so hard to believe as you might be doing something wrong like praying to a false mangod or even worse, misidentifying your own thoughts as proof of God just like someone who believes in irrational things might think that any rational thought that they might have is a demonic attack and proof of the devil..

Every proof of god comes with a fatal flaw that makes it not evidence.

Absence of evidence is evidence of absense
And I can turn that back I you and say youcan't prove a negative

The burden of proofs on you.

I have a car that flies. Do you want to buy it before proof? I even have people who will testify its true. Ready to buy?

And if it doesn't fly its because you don't want it bad enough. You have to believe. It flew for the last owner.
Actually, OP the burden of proof lies with you
It's your claim that God is not obvious.

Obvious, or not, is a perception
You can't prove what I perceive any more than I can prove what you can't see.
1) Your use of the word "probably" is telling.
2) I DON'T put my trust in science when I get sick. There are far more deaths by medical malpractice than there are by gunshot.
3) Nobody has claimed that churches know everything. If it's a Bible-centric Church then it knows what's important.
4) I get regular newsletters from a science community that believes in God. The Institute for Creation Science. They're scientists and they're Christians. They keep seeking answers to all of those unanswered questions that the mainstream science community can't answer.
5) We should never throw the wisdom of the past away. Good philosophers will tell you that "hindsight is 20/20." Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I will venture to say that modern men are likely less wise than many thinkers of the past.

By the way, I don't have a problem with people believing in god. I think they are wrong and that religion isn't good for people other than making them feel better about themselves but I get why people believe.

And it shouldn't matter to you if I believe because that's just what your ancients believe or tell you.is true. That's how they get you to join. The ancient Greeks thought Zeus was punishing them when bad things happen. To them it was obvious too.

But if theists say god talked to their ancestors and if I don't believe that I'm going to hell, that god I know 100% doesn't exist. That's what's obvious.

What is obvious is that you are not a Christian and those that are Christians believe that you are going to hell. That is not to say they won't pray that you see the light and accept Christ, because they will do that.

You should have ended with "that doesn't mean they are right"

Mormons believe your church is corrupt because god told their profit so. While you pray for me they pray for u

I could have ended with they will do no harm since I know they are right. If you are living like there is no God then you better be right.

I am a good person so if there really is a god that's what he cares about.

I am 100% sure the Jesus Mohammad and Jewish god doesn't exist.

Being a good person is important, and I am 100% sure that God does exist. I repeat, eternity is a long time to think about what you should have done.
I was dreaming about how someone said that god was obvious. That's the dumbest thing a theist can say. What they mean is they can't imagine all this was created without an intelligent designer. But science looks at the universe and to science it is obvious that we are not significant or special. In fact the universe is probably full of life and were just too far away to know.

Then we see birth defects and kids with cancer and mental retardation and we realize we weren't intelligently designed by a perfect creator who loves us. We just happen to be the top of the food chain on this tiny planet.

And if god were obvious and we didn't make him up we wouldn't have such unbelievable stories of when he visited and the threat of hell if we don't believe.

I have more to say but let's start here. Seriously I was sleeping and this dawned on me. God isn't obvious. There might be something that created everything but scientifically it isn't obvious. So if you can't even fathom he doesn't exist then you really aren't thinking rationally or with fair and balanced eyes

Not only is God obvious, but so obvious is He that His obviousness makes Him look unobvious.
There is inside the eye, as we know in biology a mechanism that turns the image upside down so that we see right. Everything we see, we see it reverse, but thanks to a special mechanism inside the eye, it is turned upside down so that we see right. Someone who dares to say that there is no God that exists is like someone who never studied any science but says that the eye does not see things reverse: exact same thing.
To some of your questions we just don't know. But you guys say god must have done everything we don't know. Your god keeps getting smaller. He use to cause thunder when he was mad. Now we know that isn't true. Science figured it out. Not a god. God of the gaps look it up.

The universes are eternal. They always have been. Why? Just because. What created god? What created the universe? The universe just simply has always been and always will be. Why not?

How can you think there is or ever was a beginning or will ever be an end? Every star and planet will die someday but the debree will either collect and start again

OR I believe new universes are just on the other side of black holes.

Imagine an intimate number of universes. You can't so instead you imagine god. You think too small. Giordano Bruno was right. Even though he believed in god he was right about humans.
I see. So, you don't know, yet you object to or criticize what others believe? What I'm hearing from you is just your opinion, which is no different from others expressing their opinion. Am I right? If not, please explain where I'm wrong here. Thanks.

The burd end of proof is on you. If you have no proof then don't try to use your imaginary friend to ban abortion or gay rights.

And the bible isn't proof. It was written 400 years after Jesus. Google oldest bible and tell me what the oldest copy dates back to.

Or should we consult the Koran or book of mormons too?
I don't have to prove anything. No one can prove either side of the argument, and never will be able to prove their side. This debate has been going on for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. No one has ever been able to prove either way. It's all opinion and faith, nothing more. Some believe in GOD the creator, and some believe otherwise.

Eternity is a long time to think about what you should have done.

Your god is worse than Kim Jung un. At least you can escape north Korea when you die. Your dictator will torture me for eternity?

Do you hear how dumb you sound?

Your rejection of God is what condemns you for eternity. See how that works? I am not a religious scholar, but I sincerely believe everyone has a soul. Their soul will live in eternity if they believe in God. The soul of those who do not will cease to exist. Dumb, perhaps, but that is what I believe as true.
And you and I know the devil isn't making us think this so we realize theists are not thinking rationally this is emotional for them. Its personal. So they aren't being intellectually honest with us or themselves. Brainwashed and close minded to the facts.

This is the problem. Children are taught to believe in things that make no sense under threats of real and imaginary violence and are also taught to believe that the devil is an invisible disembodied entity that tries to dissuade people from believing in the garbage that is being crammed down their throats . What happens then is that any rational doubt or rational question that is bound to arise in their own minds as they grow older is perceived as a demonic attack from the devil himself who to them is as real as their own thoughts. This sets the mind against itself and effectively renders them incapable of rational thinking and incapable of accurate perception, zombies if you will, easy prey for the unscrupulous.

Don't be fooled. The devil is real. He is the one who fucks up their heads.... for a nominal service charge.

Same ancestors who said spare the rod spoil the child

I don't think I would have ever realized they made god up if they would have said being good was what matters but instead they fucked up and made up stories and said we have to believe the improbable to get into heaven.

I wonder how many more atheists there will be in 100 years. Look how much our numbers have grown since the internet put all the facts right in front of our faces. If someone goes and gets sucked into religions after doing their research I guess the concept of god is truly a very powerful thing.

One day 49% of americans won't believe in Jesus. I wonder what percent of atheists will be in the Muslim middle east? Probably no one because it will continue to be the law of the land. I know many atheists live in Iran but they don't dare say it.

And there are plenty of people who call themselves christians but they admit the bible is just stories to teach right and wrong. They were born into it and don't see the harm. They feel like they will go to heaven or don't want to question too much for fear of punishment. Just like the ancient Greeks didn't want to offend Apollo or Zeus.

What will happen to the food banks and clothing and shelter that the poor all over the world now get from Catholic and many other Christian based charities that give aid and comfort to millions all over the world? Do you have a great big color picture of the Atheists taking their place?

I suppose the people who do good deeds will continue to good without god. I do.

Let me get this straight. God cares about me minds what I do answers my prayers cares who I go to bed with if I masturbate and can convict me of thought crime?

God forgives you of your sins if you believe in him, period.
By the way, I don't have a problem with people believing in god. I think they are wrong and that religion isn't good for people other than making them feel better about themselves but I get why people believe.

And it shouldn't matter to you if I believe because that's just what your ancients believe or tell you.is true. That's how they get you to join. The ancient Greeks thought Zeus was punishing them when bad things happen. To them it was obvious too.

But if theists say god talked to their ancestors and if I don't believe that I'm going to hell, that god I know 100% doesn't exist. That's what's obvious.

What is obvious is that you are not a Christian and those that are Christians believe that you are going to hell. That is not to say they won't pray that you see the light and accept Christ, because they will do that.

You should have ended with "that doesn't mean they are right"

Mormons believe your church is corrupt because god told their profit so. While you pray for me they pray for u

I could have ended with they will do no harm since I know they are right. If you are living like there is no God then you better be right.

I am a good person so if there really is a god that's what he cares about.

I am 100% sure the Jesus Mohammad and Jewish god doesn't exist.

Being a good person is important, and I am 100% sure that God does exist. I repeat, eternity is a long time to think about what you should have done.

Great point. What do you say about the eternity before god put life on earth or for that matter the eternity it took for him to even put our solar system in the universe? Or the millions of years that trilobite's first lived here then the dinosaurs.

Something might have created the universe but to think it cares about you is hubris. Only someone who doesn't believe or know all the facts can believe in god. Only someone who wants to or is afraid of hell for doubting.

We can't say god doesn't exist but can say no good reason exists for god.

Don't put your trust in the writings of the ancients. Your religion is no different than all the other religions and they say you're doing it wrong.
And you and I know the devil isn't making us think this so we realize theists are not thinking rationally this is emotional for them. Its personal. So they aren't being intellectually honest with us or themselves. Brainwashed and close minded to the facts.

This is the problem. Children are taught to believe in things that make no sense under threats of real and imaginary violence and are also taught to believe that the devil is an invisible disembodied entity that tries to dissuade people from believing in the garbage that is being crammed down their throats . What happens then is that any rational doubt or rational question that is bound to arise in their own minds as they grow older is perceived as a demonic attack from the devil himself who to them is as real as their own thoughts. This sets the mind against itself and effectively renders them incapable of rational thinking and incapable of accurate perception, zombies if you will, easy prey for the unscrupulous.

Don't be fooled. The devil is real. He is the one who fucks up their heads.... for a nominal service charge.

Same ancestors who said spare the rod spoil the child

I don't think I would have ever realized they made god up if they would have said being good was what matters but instead they fucked up and made up stories and said we have to believe the improbable to get into heaven.

I wonder how many more atheists there will be in 100 years. Look how much our numbers have grown since the internet put all the facts right in front of our faces. If someone goes and gets sucked into religions after doing their research I guess the concept of god is truly a very powerful thing.

One day 49% of americans won't believe in Jesus. I wonder what percent of atheists will be in the Muslim middle east? Probably no one because it will continue to be the law of the land. I know many atheists live in Iran but they don't dare say it.

And there are plenty of people who call themselves christians but they admit the bible is just stories to teach right and wrong. They were born into it and don't see the harm. They feel like they will go to heaven or don't want to question too much for fear of punishment. Just like the ancient Greeks didn't want to offend Apollo or Zeus.

What will happen to the food banks and clothing and shelter that the poor all over the world now get from Catholic and many other Christian based charities that give aid and comfort to millions all over the world? Do you have a great big color picture of the Atheists taking their place?

I suppose the people who do good deeds will continue to good without god. I do.

Let me get this straight. God cares about me minds what I do answers my prayers cares who I go to bed with if I masturbate and can convict me of thought crime?

God forgives you of your sins if you believe in him, period.

Why do I have to believe in him? A god that cares about worshiping him should go to such great length to hide from us.

Is he the African god juju? The one that talked to Joseph smith or Mohammad and wrote their books? Why not? We threw Zeus out for christianity

Ask yourself why Greeks didn't convert to Jews because of what god told moses? Christianity is just a spinoff religion for non Jews. Just believe and dunk and your in
I see. So, you don't know, yet you object to or criticize what others believe? What I'm hearing from you is just your opinion, which is no different from others expressing their opinion. Am I right? If not, please explain where I'm wrong here. Thanks.

The burd end of proof is on you. If you have no proof then don't try to use your imaginary friend to ban abortion or gay rights.

And the bible isn't proof. It was written 400 years after Jesus. Google oldest bible and tell me what the oldest copy dates back to.

Or should we consult the Koran or book of mormons too?
I don't have to prove anything. No one can prove either side of the argument, and never will be able to prove their side. This debate has been going on for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. No one has ever been able to prove either way. It's all opinion and faith, nothing more. Some believe in GOD the creator, and some believe otherwise.

Eternity is a long time to think about what you should have done.

Your god is worse than Kim Jung un. At least you can escape north Korea when you die. Your dictator will torture me for eternity?

Do you hear how dumb you sound?

Your rejection of God is what condemns you for eternity. See how that works? I am not a religious scholar, but I sincerely believe everyone has a soul. Their soul will live in eternity if they believe in God. The soul of those who do not will cease to exist. Dumb, perhaps, but that is what I believe as true.
No I don't see how that works. I see why a cult would make up that brilliant hook. I don't reject god because gods don't exist. I reject what you are telling me. See how that works?
And you and I know the devil isn't making us think this so we realize theists are not thinking rationally this is emotional for them. Its personal. So they aren't being intellectually honest with us or themselves. Brainwashed and close minded to the facts.

This is the problem. Children are taught to believe in things that make no sense under threats of real and imaginary violence and are also taught to believe that the devil is an invisible disembodied entity that tries to dissuade people from believing in the garbage that is being crammed down their throats . What happens then is that any rational doubt or rational question that is bound to arise in their own minds as they grow older is perceived as a demonic attack from the devil himself who to them is as real as their own thoughts. This sets the mind against itself and effectively renders them incapable of rational thinking and incapable of accurate perception, zombies if you will, easy prey for the unscrupulous.

Don't be fooled. The devil is real. He is the one who fucks up their heads.... for a nominal service charge.

Same ancestors who said spare the rod spoil the child

I don't think I would have ever realized they made god up if they would have said being good was what matters but instead they fucked up and made up stories and said we have to believe the improbable to get into heaven.

I wonder how many more atheists there will be in 100 years. Look how much our numbers have grown since the internet put all the facts right in front of our faces. If someone goes and gets sucked into religions after doing their research I guess the concept of god is truly a very powerful thing.

One day 49% of americans won't believe in Jesus. I wonder what percent of atheists will be in the Muslim middle east? Probably no one because it will continue to be the law of the land. I know many atheists live in Iran but they don't dare say it.

And there are plenty of people who call themselves christians but they admit the bible is just stories to teach right and wrong. They were born into it and don't see the harm. They feel like they will go to heaven or don't want to question too much for fear of punishment. Just like the ancient Greeks didn't want to offend Apollo or Zeus.

What will happen to the food banks and clothing and shelter that the poor all over the world now get from Catholic and many other Christian based charities that give aid and comfort to millions all over the world? Do you have a great big color picture of the Atheists taking their place?

I suppose the people who do good deeds will continue to good without god. I do.

Let me get this straight. God cares about me minds what I do answers my prayers cares who I go to bed with if I masturbate and can convict me of thought crime?

God forgives you of your sins if you believe in him, period.
But he cares if I masturbate or what I'm thinking of while I masturbate? I thought he doesn't forgive unless you are truly sorry for your sins. How many christians are going to continue to think dirty thoughts and masturbate?

So all you have to do is just believe in god and you can sin with impunity?
I think I just busted christians. Christians say god will forgive any sin but you have to really be sorry. What about jacking off while thinking of women other than your wife? None of these men are truly sorry. They will do it till their penises stop working. This is a pretty big commandment. Do christians claim they get a free pass as long as they believe? What about murder? I really want to know.
I was dreaming about how someone said that god was obvious. That's the dumbest thing a theist can say. What they mean is they can't imagine all this was created without an intelligent designer. But science looks at the universe and to science it is obvious that we are not significant or special. In fact the universe is probably full of life and were just too far away to know.

Then we see birth defects and kids with cancer and mental retardation and we realize we weren't intelligently designed by a perfect creator who loves us. We just happen to be the top of the food chain on this tiny planet.

And if god were obvious and we didn't make him up we wouldn't have such unbelievable stories of when he visited and the threat of hell if we don't believe.

I have more to say but let's start here. Seriously I was sleeping and this dawned on me. God isn't obvious. There might be something that created everything but scientifically it isn't obvious. So if you can't even fathom he doesn't exist then you really aren't thinking rationally or with fair and balanced eyes

Not only is God obvious, but so obvious is He that His obviousness makes Him look unobvious.
There is inside the eye, as we know in biology a mechanism that turns the image upside down so that we see right. Everything we see, we see it reverse, but thanks to a special mechanism inside the eye, it is turned upside down so that we see right. Someone who dares to say that there is no God that exists is like someone who never studied any science but says that the eye does not see things reverse: exact same thing.

Science and evolution explain the eye. They use to think the eyes perfection proved a master designer but now we know how the eye evolved. Our eyes were meant for seeing under water because that's where the eye evolved. Fish see better underwater than we do. Maybe they are gods favorite.

Your assignment is to watch the old and new Cosmos series before you say another word. You only know one side of the argument
If you truly want answers to those questions, seek Him out.
I assure you that He will answer.
I have my answers
I have my proof , more than I could ever try to type out on my phone, that He is the God of the living.......or as He said "the Alpha and Omega".

You could have just said that you have had no direct experience of God and not enough faith in what you have convinced yourself is proof absent of evidence to even mention it.

If I was praying to God for decades and never heard a single word in response, I would begin to wonder if .he either does not exist or if I am doing something wrong.

Since you already believe that God exists, you should probably begin to consider something so hard to believe as you might be doing something wrong like praying to a false mangod or even worse, misidentifying your own thoughts as proof of God just like someone who believes in irrational things might think that any rational thought that they might have is a demonic attack and proof of the devil..

Every proof of god comes with a fatal flaw that makes it not evidence.

Absence of evidence is evidence of absense
And I can turn that back I you and say youcan't prove a negative

The burden of proofs on you.

I have a car that flies. Do you want to buy it before proof? I even have people who will testify its true. Ready to buy?

And if it doesn't fly its because you don't want it bad enough. You have to believe. It flew for the last owner.
Actually, OP the burden of proof lies with you
It's your claim that God is not obvious.

Obvious, or not, is a perception
You can't prove what I perceive any more than I can prove what you can't see.

No actually I started this when a theist said god is obvious. If it were don't you think wed believe?

A crazy person who has an imaginary friend thinks its obvious too. Is his belief just as valid as the psychiatrists opinion?

Please don't say we don't believe because were evil or the devils inside us.

There are many theists who believe something must of created all this but like us atheists they agree your religions are all made up. So even other theists who believe reject your stories too. Not to mention Mormons Jews and Muslims all think you are wrong. Hindus and Buddhists too.

So don't just think its just us atheists. Muslims believe you're going to hell too.
I think I just busted christians. Christians say god will forgive any sin but you have to really be sorry. What about jacking off while thinking of women other than your wife? None of these men are truly sorry. They will do it till their penises stop working. This is a pretty big commandment. Do christians claim they get a free pass as long as they believe? What about murder? I really want to know.

You really have a lot of questions, but I have only two. 1. Do you believe everyone is born with a soul? 2. What do you think happens to your soul when your body dies? If you don't believe everyone has a soul, forget the second question.
I think I just busted christians. Christians say god will forgive any sin but you have to really be sorry. What about jacking off while thinking of women other than your wife? None of these men are truly sorry. They will do it till their penises stop working. This is a pretty big commandment. Do christians claim they get a free pass as long as they believe? What about murder? I really want to know.

You really have a lot of questions, but I have only two. 1. Do you believe everyone is born with a soul? 2. What do you think happens to your soul when your body dies? If you don't believe everyone has a soul, forget the second question.

No I don't have a soul. I have a mind and body. The mind is where emotion comes from. Trilobite's ruled for millions of years before dinosaurs and dinos ruled for millions of years after them and before us. Did they have souls?

You would have to believe that a god created the universe for you to believe in souls and heaven.

What was it like for you the 13.5 billion years before you were born? That's what will happen when you die. Your soul will cease to exist.

What happens to a dogs essence personality feelings and thoughts go when it dies?
But science looks at the universe and to science it is obvious that we are not significant or special.
I find it amusing that you take the elements of your own dogma to be true despite the fact we all know you cannot prove them....then turn around and pretend you are logical......

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