Game Over, Dems: New Numbers on Black Voter Approval for Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Remember when Donald Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2016 when he won?

Remember when it was said that even 20% African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020?

Remember how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88 percent of the black vote?

You Democrats might want to sit down for this: Two of the latest polls (Rasmussen and Emerson) are now indicating that President Trump's favorability among likely black voters, is at 34% and 34.5% respectively.

"Rasmussen is reporting a pretty significant fact which may make Democrats completely lose their minds.Because if this holds, it’s game over for them come the election. Rasmussen notes that they’re looking at likely voters which may explain why they were the most accurate in 2016..."

Game Over for Dems: Rasmussen, Emerson Numbers on Black Voter Approval for Trump

Maybe you can build a fire. Sing a couple songs, hah? Why don't you try that?

Lol. They ain’t voting for Trump . The GOP racism is a deal breaker .
Lol. They ain’t voting for Trump . The GOP racism is a deal breaker .

Your fantasy is the new deal breaker. As Rev. Al once said of the Democrats - "They dress us up, but they never take us to the ball."

All the black community has to do is look.
There is no GOP Racism. That is just your usual propaganda you trot out when you see your support slipping. You’ve done it every election since The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by The GOP which you opposed.

Lol. They ain’t voting for Trump . The GOP racism is a deal breaker .
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Why did Nazis become Nazis?

Why in the End Times do 3/4ths of the World’s Population choose to follow and worship The Ant-Christ and take The Mark of The Beast when they know that by doing so, they are damning their souls to Eternal Hell?

Evil People are self deluded. Darkness is attracted to Darkness. Evil Deeds are done in The Dark and Secrecy and when The Light is shined upon Darkness Those that Dwell in it become ENRAGED!

The Democrat Party is Stubborn, just like their Logo states. The Image of a Jackass.
This Logo is based on The Mule Andrew Jackson used To Lynch & Hang Native Americans and Runaway Slaves on.

Democrats Never Change. Slavery and owning people is their thing and had always been their thing. Economic Slavery is the modern evolution of this. High Taxes, Excessive Regulations and Laws, & right down to controlling Free Speech, and Free Thought.

If you do not agree with a Democrat-Lefty, you are nothing than an Upitty “N” word that needs to be whipped and punished.

And they don’t care what race you are, because to them (The Self Proclaimed Masters of Everyone) everyone is an “N” word to them who needs kept in line, put in place, and needs to sit in the back of the bus.

Unless you are a House “N” word helping them spread their message of Hate, or a lowly Slave tilling their fields for them, you have No Value and need Lynched.

If you want to know how Democrats-Leftists feel about Freedom, and feel about Blacks and Patriotic Americans of All Colors and Creeds, watch the movie “Free State of Jones”!

It will open your eyes to what Democrats have been doing for nearly 200 years.
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Remember when Donald Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2016 when he won?

Remember when it was said that even 20% African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020?

Remember how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88 percent of the black vote?

You Democrats might want to sit down for this: Two of the latest polls (Rasmussen and Emerson) are now indicating that President Trump's favorability among likely black voters, is at 34% and 34.5% respectively.

"Rasmussen is reporting a pretty significant fact which may make Democrats completely lose their minds.Because if this holds, it’s game over for them come the election. Rasmussen notes that they’re looking at likely voters which may explain why they were the most accurate in 2016..."

Game Over for Dems: Rasmussen, Emerson Numbers on Black Voter Approval for Trump

Maybe you can build a fire. Sing a couple songs, hah? Why don't you try that?

But but but

Polls don’t matter! Every single poll is wrong!
Remember when Donald Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2016 when he won?

Remember when it was said that even 20% African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020?

Remember how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88 percent of the black vote?

You Democrats might want to sit down for this: Two of the latest polls (Rasmussen and Emerson) are now indicating that President Trump's favorability among likely black voters, is at 34% and 34.5% respectively.

"Rasmussen is reporting a pretty significant fact which may make Democrats completely lose their minds.Because if this holds, it’s game over for them come the election. Rasmussen notes that they’re looking at likely voters which may explain why they were the most accurate in 2016..."

Game Over for Dems: Rasmussen, Emerson Numbers on Black Voter Approval for Trump

Maybe you can build a fire. Sing a couple songs, hah? Why don't you try that?

But but but

Polls don’t matter! Every single poll is wrong!

Some polls matter...

"Rasmussen notes that they’re looking at likely voters which may explain why they were the most accurate in 2016..."

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