Democrats Keep Saying We Have No Proof....But Here's One Hearing In Michigan That Provides Plenty Of Proof


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
You all need to watch this video.
The way the Democrats cheated is through intimidation of poll-watchers.
In some cities they used the flimsiest of excuses to expel GOP poll-watchers from the building.

I know no leftist on this site will take the time to watch this video. It provides dozens of examples of voter fraud by the people counting the votes in Detroit.
  • Absentee ballots that were received with numbers that were in perfect sequence which is impossible
  • Absentee ballots with the same handwriting used for signatures in multiple ballots
  • Absentee ballots with no date
  • Absentee ballots brought in from the back of the room, not thru the front door
  • Absentee ballots with no chain of custody or proof of where they were coming from
  • Lack of action on disputed ballots
  • Harassment of GOP observers
  • Ballots being counted in foreign countries
All of this has been testified by people who swore out affidavits which are used in court to bring charges in Grand Juries. One Democrat tried to claim that the witnesses needed to be sworn in (because the Dem claimed that all of the witnesses were lying).
I guess he didn't know that their affidavits were considered sworn testimony in any court of law.

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That is not "THE WAY" they cheated, it is one of many ways they cheated

I still believe that the Dominion Voting Machines were the key....with absentee ballots the insurance

Democrats have long used intimidation tactics. As they are further emboldened by the Rights silence, I suspect it will just keep getting worse.
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Hilarious. That parade of kooks that America is laughing at? The Trump cult actually thinks they help their case.

In a nation of over 300 million people, you can always find a handful of cranks to say whatever you want them to say. That would be why courts ignore such "evidence", unless there's hard evidence to back them up, and in this case, there isn't any. Not one bit, anywhere.

But hey, maybe the Trump cult is right. Maybe every election should be overturned if anyone finds a few cranks to sign an affidavit. We shouldn't even bother with voting any more. We should decide elections based on whoever can parade the most lunatic claims in front of the public.
No one needs to watch anything. If anyone had proof they would be presenting it in court.
Hilarious. That parade of kooks that America is laughing at? The Trump cult actually thinks they help their case.

In a nation of over 300 million people, you can always find a handful of cranks to say whatever you want them to say. That would be why courts ignore such "evidence", unless there's hard evidence to back them up, and in this case, there isn't any. Not one bit, anywhere.

But hey, maybe the Trump cult is right. Maybe every election should be overturned if anyone finds a few cranks to sign an affidavit. We shouldn't even bother with voting any more. We should decide elections based on whoever can parade the most lunatic claims in front of the public.
We are a nation where the Prog women and the people who entered here in recent decades are purely stupid. And they will get hundreds of millions killed.
That is not "THE WAY" they cheated, it is one of many ways they cheated

I still believe that the Dominion Voting Machines were the key....with absentee ballots the insurance

Democrats have long used intimidation tactics. As they are further emboldened by the Rights silence, I suspect it will just keep getting worse.
Intimidation was the tool that Democrats used to allow them to get away with counting the same ballots over and over.
Intimidation was the tool used to keep the GOP people from being allowed to have illegal ballots thrown out.
Intimidation was the tool used in Georgia to allow under-age voters to vote.....dead people to vote....and out of state ballots from being counted.

I think that the election should be taken out of the hands of local governments....because that is where most of the cheating is going on.
I think it's highly possible that the Dominion software is being used as a Red-herring to distract everyone from the real cheating that was going on under the noses of the observers. Switching votes is something that can be proved because it can be monitored. People cheating in the counting rooms is what is difficult to prove when the Democrats running them refuse to cooperate with Trump's lawyers.
No one needs to watch anything. If anyone had proof they would be presenting it in court.
They have and the Democrats made sure most of it was thrown out of court.
There's alot of people accepting bribes all over the country.
There's alot of people having their lives threatened by Democrats.

You must be so fucking proud of your party.
The only way this will come out is if somebody has the guts to do the right thing and stand up to the corruption.
No one needs to watch anything. If anyone had proof they would be presenting it in court.
They have and the Democrats made sure most of it was thrown out of court.
There's alot of people accepting bribes all over the country.
There's alot of people having their lives threatened by Democrats.

You must be so fucking proud of your party.
The only way this will come out is if somebody has the guts to do the right thing and stand up to the corruption.

I'm not a Democrat but I'm also not ignorant.
It doesn't matter how much proof you show a bed wetter. If it contradicts their programming they will dismiss it.

These imbeciles still believe in global warming. They still believe nazis were not socialists. They still believe socialism can work. They still believe violent criminals will obey gun laws. They still believe the meat puppet faggot was a competent president. They still believe Trump "colluded" with Russia, and that obozo did not in spite of the many times video proof has been posted.

They would have to study and work really hard to achieve the status of dumbfuck, because as far as I see it, they're all window licking retards at best.

No one needs to watch anything. If anyone had proof they would be presenting it in court.
They have and the Democrats made sure most of it was thrown out of court.
There's alot of people accepting bribes all over the country.
There's alot of people having their lives threatened by Democrats.

You must be so fucking proud of your party.
The only way this will come out is if somebody has the guts to do the right thing and stand up to the corruption.

I'm not a Democrat but I'm also not ignorant.
But you are safe.
You all need to watch this video.
The way the Democrats cheated is through intimidation of poll-watchers.
In some cities they used the flimsiest of excuses to expel GOP poll-watchers from the building.

I know no leftist on this site will take the time to watch this video. It provides dozens of examples of voter fraud by the people counting the votes in Detroit.
  • Absentee ballots that were received with numbers that were in perfect sequence which is impossible
  • Absentee ballots with the same handwriting used for signatures in multiple ballots
  • Absentee ballots with no date
  • Absentee ballots brought in from the back of the room, not thru the front door
  • Absentee ballots with no chain of custody or proof of where they were coming from
  • Lack of action on disputed ballots
  • Harassment of GOP observers
  • Ballots being counted in foreign countries
All of this has been testified by people who swore out affidavits which are used in court to bring charges in Grand Juries. One Democrat tried to claim that the witnesses needed to be sworn in (because the Dem claimed that all of the witnesses were lying).
I guess he didn't know that their affidavits were considered sworn testimony in any court of law.

If Republicans were to stop with the ridiculous, baseless accusations of ‘fraud,’ Democrats wouldn’t need to keep telling Republicans there’s no proof.
No one needs to watch anything. If anyone had proof they would be presenting it in court.
They have and the Democrats made sure most of it was thrown out of court.
There's alot of people accepting bribes all over the country.
There's alot of people having their lives threatened by Democrats.

You must be so fucking proud of your party.
The only way this will come out is if somebody has the guts to do the right thing and stand up to the corruption.

I'm not a Democrat but I'm also not ignorant.
If you support any of this you are being ignorant.
If you think it's okay for Democrat cities to harass GOP poll-watchers in the counting rooms, then you're ignorant.
No one needs to watch anything. If anyone had proof they would be presenting it in court.
They have and the Democrats made sure most of it was thrown out of court.
There's alot of people accepting bribes all over the country.
There's alot of people having their lives threatened by Democrats.

You must be so fucking proud of your party.
The only way this will come out is if somebody has the guts to do the right thing and stand up to the corruption.

I'm not a Democrat but I'm also not ignorant.
If you support any of this you are being ignorant.
If you think it's okay for Democrat cities to harass GOP poll-watchers in the counting rooms, then you're ignorant.

Present things in court. Otherwise no one cares.
Hilarious. That parade of kooks that America is laughing at? The Trump cult actually thinks they help their case.

In a nation of over 300 million people, you can always find a handful of cranks to say whatever you want them to say. That would be why courts ignore such "evidence", unless there's hard evidence to back them up, and in this case, there isn't any. Not one bit, anywhere.

But hey, maybe the Trump cult is right. Maybe every election should be overturned if anyone finds a few cranks to sign an affidavit. We shouldn't even bother with voting any more. We should decide elections based on whoever can parade the most lunatic claims in front of the public.
We are a nation where the Prog women and the people who entered here in recent decades are purely stupid. And they will get hundreds of millions killed.
This actually is funny considering the parade of stupid "conservative" men we've seen in the last four-plus years. Good grief! trump, pence, barr, mcconnell, jordan, and many more. The list is endless. All clowns. All trying to get millions killed and more subjugated.
Grand jury evidence is sealed ... can't be made public until the trial court approves the affidavits to be admitted ...

It's about time you morons figured this out ... all the secret evidence you need ... classic CT ...

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