Esteemed Cook Political Report Releases Its First Polling On Swing States And Hoo Boy, "Unsustainable"

Fun fact: Anton's anatomy is incapable of testosterone production.
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I'll be candid here:

I believe there's already been plenty of credible polls released conveying that Biden's campaign is sinking faster than the Lusitania with a woke navy.

However, Cook Political Report is considered the creme da le creme of every pretentious latte' sipping Acela riding Leftist this side of the Atlantic.

That and Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball are (supposedly) irrefutable hallowed polling ground, exceeding the irrational reverence bestowed upon the likes of FiveThirtyEight and even Gallup.

So, with that context, let's have a look see, shall we?


My poor fwagile widdle eyes!

That smarts.

And let's also throw in the fact that Wisconsin under polls Trump even more than possibly any other state. (And they pretty much all do it.)

Speaking of "blood baths".

Dems are gonna need a bigger boat.

And a better candidate - cuz this Dark Brandon rubbish?

No one's buyin' it.

Part 81,000,000 Biden will NOT be the nominee

CNN: "One of the biggest crowds we've ever seen in a blue county, more than the Democrats would like to see".


We're not who you're arguing with. (MAGA)

Not us in the MAGAverse, but your own Leftist establishment puppet masters who are bailing on your Dark sniffing/molesting Champion.

Rethink your own life values accordingly.
CNN: "One of the biggest crowds we've ever seen in a blue county, more than the Democrats would like to see".


We;re not who you're arguing with.

Not us in the MAGAverse, but your own Leftist establishment puppet masters who are bailing on your Dark sniffing/molesting Champion.

Rethink your own life values accordingly.
Nonetheless, if you're the one proposing the "non-monetary" (pussy cough cough) "bet" - shouldn't you lend some more specificity to your terms?

No problem:

Trump gets convicted, his numbers vs Biden h2h don't fall within 3 weeks, I lose.
Trump gets convicted, his numbers vs Biden h2h fall within 3 weeks, you lose.

Loser has to change signature to the following pic for a month:

No problem:

Trump gets convicted, his numbers vs Biden h2h don't fall within 3 weeks, I lose.
Trump get convicted, his numbers vs Biden h2h fall within 3 weeks, you lose.

Loser has to change signature to the following pic:


I understand you have to mentally disabled cosplay - but this ain't no Circus son

No problem:

Trump gets convicted, his numbers vs Biden h2h don't fall within 3 weeks, I lose.
Trump gets convicted, his numbers vs Biden h2h fall within 3 weeks, you lose.

Loser has to change signature to the following pic for a month:



I can't believe you were willing to just - off the cuff - wager the equivalent of a GO Fish Round of Death.
I understand you have to mentally disabled cosplay - but this ain't no Circus son


I can't believe you were willing to just - off the cuff - wager the equivalent of a GO Fish round of death.

Whatever you say clown.

You have some counter terms? lets have them.
Whatever you say clown.

You have some counter terms? lets have them.

Are you severely mentally stricken?

Let me reiterate this, hopefully for the final time:

You created this entire stupid bet.

You figure it out.


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