Esteemed Cook Political Report Releases Its First Polling On Swing States And Hoo Boy, "Unsustainable"


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
I'll be candid here:

I believe there's already been plenty of credible polls released conveying that Biden's campaign is sinking faster than the Lusitania with a woke navy.

However, Cook Political Report is considered the creme da le creme of every pretentious latte' sipping Acela riding Leftist this side of the Atlantic.

That and Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball are (supposedly) irrefutable hallowed polling ground, exceeding the irrational reverence bestowed upon the likes of FiveThirtyEight and even Gallup.

So, with that context, let's have a look see, shall we?


My poor fwagile widdle eyes!

That smarts.

And let's also throw in the fact that Wisconsin under polls Trump even more than possibly any other state. (And they pretty much all do it.)

Speaking of "blood baths".

Dems are gonna need a bigger boat.

And a better candidate - cuz this Dark Brandon rubbish?

No one's buyin' it.
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My favorite part is the shock & horror on the faces of the leftists.

Where have you people been?! How far underground is that rock?

And it's May! Biden doesn't have a chance in hell to turn these numbers around, even marginally.

It will get worse for Biden and it will be an absolute pleasure to watch.

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I'll be candid here:

I believe there's already been plenty of credible polls released conveying that Biden's campaign is sinking faster than the Lusitania with a woke navy.

However, cook political report is considered the creme da le creme of every pretentious latte' sipping Acela riding Leftist this side of the Atlantic.

That and Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball are (supposedly) irrefutable hallowed polling ground, exceeding the irrational reverence bestowed upon the likes of FiveThirtyEight and even Gallup.

So, with that context, that's have a look see, shall we?


My poor fwagile widdle eyes!

That smarts.

And let's also throw in the fact that Wisconsin under polls Trump even more than possibly any other state. (And they pretty much all do it.)

Speaking of "blood baths".

Dems are gonna need a bigger boat.

And a better candidate - cuz this Dark Brandon rubbish?

No one's buyin' it.

More inane threads posing as a political discussion?

If CPR is the creme da le creme of opinions, yours is the shit da le shit of opinions.

"No one's buyin' it?" actually, no one is listening to you.
More inane threads posing as a political discussion?

If CPR is the creme da le creme of opinions, yours is the shit da le shit of opinions.

"No one's buyin' it?" actually, no one is listening to you.

And you speak of inane.

Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

It's a real stunner you either don't know, or can't admit, that the Cook Political Report is bandied about by the Leftist eggheads as practically unassailable.

Errr....which is why Amy Walter was on MSNBC.....ddeerrr....

It's like the ABC's of politics.

What'd ya just exit the womb?

One thing's for sure, you have no argument.

And you'll be nowhere to be found this November.

And you speak of inane.

Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

It's a real stunner you either don't know, or can't admit, that the Cook Political Report is bandied about by the Leftist eggheads as practically unassailable.

It's like the ABC's of politics.

What'd ya just exit the womb?

One thing's for sure, you have no argument.

And you'll be nowhere to be found this November.

"No one's buyin' it?" actually, no one is listens to you.

Yeah ya got me.

Now do you care to discuss the actual poll, or any of the myriad of polls that show Biden losing every single swing state?

Of course not.

Because, as these desperate/flailing ad hominem attacks clearly signal, you're getting nervous.

Even you can see what's coming.

Hey, don't blame us, we tried to warn ya. ;)
My favorite part is the shock & horror on the faces of the leftists.

Where have you people been?! How far underground is that rock?

And it's May! Biden doesn't have a chance in hell to turn these numbers around, even marginally.

It will get worse for Biden and it will be an absolute pleasure to watch.

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No shock and horror, they will ignore it or attack the messenger.
No one listens to you.
Wow. Another lie from the dainty.

How completely expected.

I wonder how the dainty’s latest off topic troll post relates to the thread topic?

Oh. That’s right. It doesn’t. The dainty may have an exemption from that “rule.”

Meanwhile, whatever polling actually means at this time of an election year, it sure isn’t favorable for the demented mumbling assclown infesting the Oval Office these days.
The dems have every intention of stuffing the ballot box with all the votes they need to steal the election
Wow. Another lie from the dainty.

How completely expected.

I wonder how the dainty’s latest off topic troll post relates to the thread topic?

Oh. That’s right. It doesn’t. The dainty may have an exemption from that “rule.”

Meanwhile, whatever polling actually means at this time of an election year, it sure isn’t favorable for the demented mumbling assclown infesting the Oval Office these days.
Baby Reindeer Alert!


CPR is one source many people pay attention to.
The dems have every intention of stuffing the ballot box with all the votes they need to steal the election

Too big to rig.

Think about it, if they knew they could steal it (and they BARELY pulled it off last time) - they would be presenting that Biden is ahead.

Not panicking and spilling their mocha lattes on live television in front of a fawning Joe and Mika.

The only thing they have left is the Right's self-fulfilling prophecy of hopelessness.

If you vote, they lose.

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