Cuccinelli: Homosexual ‘acts’ are a ‘detriment to our culture.’

You dont think that straight people have sex in public?? Hell I had one girlfriend that LOVED that shit.

Stop judging homosexuals differently than straight people.

Oh, so because straight people do it that makes it okay, bullshit.

I have never ever seen a woman sucking or fucking a man in a parking lot of San Onofre state beach in broad daylight.
In California they are teaching children homosexuality in the schools.



SB 777, as amended, Kuehl. Discrimination.
(1) Existing law states that it is the policy of the state to
afford equal rights and opportunities to all persons in the public or
private elementary and secondary schools and postsecondary
educational institutions of the state regardless of their sex, ethnic
group identification, race, national origin, religion, or mental or
physical disability and prohibits a person from being subjected to
discrimination on those bases and contains various provisions to
implement that policy.

Existing law prohibits a teacher from giving instruction, and a
school district from sponsoring any activity, that reflects adversely
upon persons because of their race, sex, color, creed, handicap,
national origin, or ancestry.

Existing law prohibits the State Board of Education and the
governing board of a school district from adopting for use in the
public schools any instructional materials that reflect adversely
upon persons because of their race, sex, color, creed, handicap,
national origin, or ancestry.

This bill would revise the list of prohibited bases of
discrimination and the kinds of prohibited instruction, activities,
and instructional materials and instead, would refer to disability,
gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation,
or any other characteristic contained in the definition of hate
crimes that is contained in the Penal Code. The bill would define
disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, and
sexual orientation for this purpose.
SB 777 Senate Bill - AMENDED



SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the
California Student Civil Rights Act.
SEC. 1.5. Section 200 of the Education Code is amended to read:
200. It is the policy of the State of California to afford all
persons in public schools, regardless of their disability, gender,
nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any
other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate
crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code, equal rights
and opportunities in the educational institutions of the state. The
purpose of this chapter is to prohibit acts that are contrary to that
policy and to provide remedies therefor.
SEC. 2. Section 210.1 of the Education Code is amended and
renumbered to read:
210.3. "Educational institution" means a public or private
preschool, elementary, or secondary school or institution; the
governing board of a school district; or any combination of school
districts or counties recognized as the administrative agency for
public elementary or secondary schools.
SEC. 3. Section 210.1 is added to the Education Code, to read:
210.1. "Disability" includes mental and physical disability.
SEC. 4. Section 210.7 is added to the Education Code, to read:
210.7. "Gender" means sex, and includes a person's gender
identity and gender related appearance and behavior whether or not
stereotypically associated with the person's assigned sex at birth.
SEC. 5. Section 212 of the Education Code is repealed.
SEC. 6. Section 212 is added to the Education Code, to read:
212. "Nationality" includes citizenship, country of origin, and
national origin.
SEC. 7. Section 212.1 is added to the Education Code, to read:
212.1. "Race or ethnicity" includes ancestry, color, and ethnic
SEC. 8. Section 212.3 is added to the Education Code, to read:
212.3. "Religion" includes all aspects of religious belief,
observance, and practice and includes agnosticism and atheism.
SEC. 9. Section 212.6 is added to the Education Code, to read:
212.6. "Sexual orientation" means heterosexuality, homosexuality,
or bisexuality.
SEC. 10. Section 219 is added to the Education Code, to read:
219. Disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity,
religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic contained
in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the
Penal Code includes a perception that the person has any of those
characteristics or that the person is associated with a person who
has, or is perceived to have, any of those characteristics.
SEC. 11. Section 220 of the Education Code is amended to read:
220. No person shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis
of disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion,
sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in
the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the
Penal Code in any program or activity conducted by an educational
institution that receives, or benefits from, state financial
assistance or enrolls pupils who receive state student financial aid.


SB 777 Senate Bill - AMENDED
Last edited:
You dont think that straight people have sex in public?? Hell I had one girlfriend that LOVED that shit.

Stop judging homosexuals differently than straight people.

Oh, so because straight people do it that makes it okay, bullshit.

I have never ever seen a woman sucking or fucking a man in a parking lot of San Onofre state beach in broad daylight.

that's probably because you're so busy watching the gay men.

see anything you like?
You are farther off than you think. Sometimes, sex doesn't involve a choice. I think Tiger had a choice, of course. But homosexuality is not a choice, in spite of the conservative blather to the contrary.

The only reason you bigots claim that homosexuality involves choice is so that you can justify persecuting homosexuals.

Sex doesn't involve choice? Must be nice to live in a fantasy world where you can deny reality and thus abrogate responsibility for your actions. "I'm sorry Your Honor, but she made me have sex with her. I didn't have any choice." Yeah, try arguing that and you be spending 5-10 years behind bars at least.

I don't persecute homosexuals. Quite the opposite. I'd like to see them healed. But that will never happen to many of them when they are lied to and told they don't have a choice. Indulge alittle here and alittle there. And it doesn't matter. Life is meant to be easy and pleasurable. No struggle exists. If any does it's their fault!

Just because you're so arrogant you presume the only reason someone could disagree with you is bigotry, doesn't mean the rest of us are limited by such small mindedness. Though I do say it is amusing that you so called "intellectual" elites are seem to have the same shallow understanding of the world and are so insecure with your viewpoints that anyone who has an original thought is shunned by you. They have to be stupid, or lying, or bigots. Because how can anyone intelligent disagree with you?

You guys get so caught up in being one of the "enlightened people" that you fail to do the one thing that actually gives you knowledge. Think about things from as many different viewpoints as possible. You can't think out of the box. And so anything that goes against your worldview must be ridiculed instead of learned from.

The only reason i stick around on these message boards is because it makes me think. I like thinking. There are just so many things in the world to learn and understand. Like watching the way people act and react to other people. It's absolutely fascinating. And it's amazing how predictable it becomes and yet people don't even recognize their own habits. I doubt I recognize all of my own. But I can tell you, that if you respond to this post I've got a pretty good idea how you are going to respond despite the fact that you haven't been around long.

Which is why it gets so painful to watch people continue to smash their heads against the wall and destroy themselves. We can't seem to learn from past generations. Or even from past mistakes. We keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting some sort of different result.

That's the problem with totalitarian government. It always ends the same way: Holocaust.

Try think of it from the point of view of homosexuals then. IF it is merely just a misguided "choice" to go through life with a same sex partner only to be subject to bigotry all their lives, so what......To feel so righteous in that bigotry then?

In America we are free to "choose" all sorts of things and many things are detrimental to society. IF it is merely a misguided "choice" can you show how the existence of homosexuals are any more or less detrimental than other behavior?

Can you show that denying their existence and marginalize them as humans and discriminating against them as citizens is less detrimental to society than treating them justly and protecting them equally under the law?
I think we've found USMB's white Charlie Bass.

So you want to teach my children homosexuality, you have no right to this, what purpose does this serve you. What give you this right over my rights as a parent.

You want to have homosexual acts done in public streets, how is that your right, why are you demanding my children be exposed to this.

You beleive its okay for homosexuals to have sex in public restrooms, restrooms children could walk into.

You call me a bigot because I dont want homosexuals having sex on public beaches.

Personally, you pretty sick.

apparently, you're too stupid to be a bigot.

That's what I was going to say.

I'm going to rephrase your argument.

So you want to teach my children negros, you have no right to this, what purpose does this serve you. What give you this right over my rights as a parent.

You want to have negro acts done in public streets, how is that your right, why are you demanding my children be exposed to this.

You beleive its okay for negros to have sex in public restrooms, restrooms children could walk into.

You call me a bigot because I dont want negros having sex on public beaches.

Personally, you pretty sick.
You dont think that straight people have sex in public?? Hell I had one girlfriend that LOVED that shit.

Stop judging homosexuals differently than straight people.

Oh, so because straight people do it that makes it okay, bullshit.

I have never ever seen a woman sucking or fucking a man in a parking lot of San Onofre state beach in broad daylight.

that's probably because you're so busy watching the gay men.

see anything you like?

You want to know what I saw?

I would tell you to go see for yourself but the park rangers began a crack down so the homosexual men who could not control their sexual urges moved on.
So why obfuscate the facts, post some ACLU bullshit and challenge me like I am making this up. Think there is only one story or one source, try me.

Americans for Truth They’re BAACCKK: California ‘Gay’ Brainwashing Bills (SB 777 and AB 394)

They’re BAACCKK: California ‘Gay’ Brainwashing Bills (SB 777 and AB 394)
CCF MEDIA: News Releases
For Immediate Release
March 26, 2007

Teaching California Kindergarteners to be Transsexual, Bisexual and Homosexual?

Thomasson: Parents are expecting Governor Schwarzenegger to be consistent and veto these outrageous bills, like he did last year

From the Campaign for California Families Website

Sacramento, California –– In a repeat of legislation vetoed last year by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists are pushing a pair of bills (SB 777 and AB 394) that would require all textbooks, instructional materials, school-sponsored activities, all school policies, and all teacher training courses to promote the transsexual, bisexual and homosexual lifestyles to children as young as kindergarten.

The flagship bill, SB 777 by lesbian state Senator Sheila James Kuehl (Democrat – Santa Monica), would indirectly force textbooks, instruction materials, and school activities to promote “sexual orientation” (defined as homosexual and bisexuality) and “gender” (defined as including transsexuality) in all grades in California public schools.

Last year, Schwarzenegger vetoed the same bill by Kuehl (SB 1437), saying it was unnecessary because current law already protects students from sexual orientation discrimination, and because the term “reflects adversely” is “extremely vague and potentially confusing.”

By prohibiting any textbook or instruction “reflecting adversely” upon a variety of sexual lifestyles, SB 777 would, in effect, require all instruction to positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality because silence on these sexual lifestyles would no longer be permitted. Consequently, schools would have to promote “same-sex marriages” and even sex-change procedures.

“SB 777 requires all teachers, all textbooks, and all instructional materials to promote cross-dressing, sex-change operations, bisexuality, and homosexuality, including homosexual ‘marriages,’” said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), a leading California-based pro-family organization, who observed today’s pro-SB 777 rally at the State Capitol. “Parents are expecting Governor Schwarzenegger to be consistent and veto these outrageous bills, like he did last year. This is not about safety – this is about sexual indoctrination in the classroom.”

SB 777 incorporates the strange Penal Code definition of “gender” and places it into the Education Code, reading: “Gender” means sex, and includes a person’s gender identity and gender related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth.” This means boys becoming girls and girls becoming boys would have to be positively portrayed in health textbooks, sex education classes and school assemblies.

Because SB 777 would affect all instructional materials, the bill will change textbooks and curriculum as well as guest speakers, informational handouts, and school assemblies. The new, “non-discriminatory” materials would have to include:

• Sex-change handouts (Omitting sex-change material in sex education class would “reflect adversely”)
• Transvestite speakers (Limiting classroom speakers to biologically-born men and biologically-born women would “reflect adversely”)
• Transsexual, bisexual and homosexual videos (Showing videos depicting only the traditional family or man-woman relationships would “reflect adversely”)

Additionally, because parental units are gender-specific, married couples or a family with a “father and a mother” would be portrayed as mere stereotypes – outdated ideas –– and could be prohibited from textbooks because their discriminatory inclusion “reflects adversely.” Under SB 777, school curriculum in every public school throughout California, in every grade K-12, would have to portray transsexual and bisexual “parents” as normal. In essence, SB 777 would teach schoolchildren that there is no such thing as the natural family.

The California Department of Education would enforce SB 777, threatening and taking legal action against any elementary and secondary school district that did not positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to children.

“SB 777 means good-bye to textbooks that say you’re either a boy or a girl, that marriage is only for a man and a woman, and that the natural family is a father, a mother, and their children,” said Thomasson. “SB 777 means radical curriculum changes that include transvestite speakers and transsexual videos, classroom handouts on sex-change operations, and curriculum teaching children homosexual ‘marriage’ is completely normal. This bill is frightening for parents who want trustworthy schools, not schools that sexually indoctrinate their own children — children as young as kindergarten!”

The language of the second bill, AB 394 by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine (Democrat – Van Nuys), has not been finalized. However, the bill is expected to be amended to force schools to promote transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to children throughout school policies and teacher training classes.

Last year, when Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill by Levine (AB 606), he said the bill was unnecessary since existing law “already prohibits discrimination and harassment in California public schools.”
You should question humanity, you naive if you dont, me, I dont question humanity, I understand that with billions of people born the chance that some are born perverts is a 100%

Would I be a bigot if we were speaking of murderers.

Should we not teach children how to kill, murder should be allowed, it should be taught, after many people who kill have contributed to society, they have been policemen and firemen. Its crazy that people get all bent out of shape when someone kills someone.

Most people are bigoted when it comes to murderers.

your comparison is perverse.
You are farther off than you think. Sometimes, sex doesn't involve a choice. I think Tiger had a choice, of course. But homosexuality is not a choice, in spite of the conservative blather to the contrary.

The only reason you bigots claim that homosexuality involves choice is so that you can justify persecuting homosexuals.

Sex doesn't involve choice? Must be nice to live in a fantasy world where you can deny reality and thus abrogate responsibility for your actions. "I'm sorry Your Honor, but she made me have sex with her. I didn't have any choice." Yeah, try arguing that and you be spending 5-10 years behind bars at least.

I don't persecute homosexuals. Quite the opposite. I'd like to see them healed. But that will never happen to many of them when they are lied to and told they don't have a choice. Indulge alittle here and alittle there. And it doesn't matter. Life is meant to be easy and pleasurable. No struggle exists. If any does it's their fault!

Just because you're so arrogant you presume the only reason someone could disagree with you is bigotry, doesn't mean the rest of us are limited by such small mindedness. Though I do say it is amusing that you so called "intellectual" elites are seem to have the same shallow understanding of the world and are so insecure with your viewpoints that anyone who has an original thought is shunned by you. They have to be stupid, or lying, or bigots. Because how can anyone intelligent disagree with you?

You guys get so caught up in being one of the "enlightened people" that you fail to do the one thing that actually gives you knowledge. Think about things from as many different viewpoints as possible. You can't think out of the box. And so anything that goes against your worldview must be ridiculed instead of learned from.

The only reason i stick around on these message boards is because it makes me think. I like thinking. There are just so many things in the world to learn and understand. Like watching the way people act and react to other people. It's absolutely fascinating. And it's amazing how predictable it becomes and yet people don't even recognize their own habits. I doubt I recognize all of my own. But I can tell you, that if you respond to this post I've got a pretty good idea how you are going to respond despite the fact that you haven't been around long.

Which is why it gets so painful to watch people continue to smash their heads against the wall and destroy themselves. We can't seem to learn from past generations. Or even from past mistakes. We keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting some sort of different result.

That's the problem with totalitarian government. It always ends the same way: Holocaust.

Try think of it from the point of view of homosexuals then. IF it is merely just a misguided "choice" to go through life with a same sex partner only to be subject to bigotry all their lives, so what......To feel so righteous in that bigotry then?

In America we are free to "choose" all sorts of things and many things are detrimental to society. IF it is merely a misguided "choice" can you show how the existence of homosexuals are any more or less detrimental than other behavior?

Can you show that denying their existence and marginalize them as humans and discriminating against them as citizens is less detrimental to society than treating them justly and protecting them equally under the law?

I have no problem "protecting them EQUALLY under the law."

But what is all this blather about "denying their existance?"

WTF does "marginalizing them as humans" mean.

It seems to me queers want MORE than the average heterosexual citizen. They not only want to be legally equal, but they want to be socially acceptable in a society that finds their behaviour immoral.
Its redneck of me to be offended when a man is sucking another mans dick in public, in a parking spot, along the road that travels through San Onofre state beach.

So you believe public cock sucking by man on man is okay?

Its hateful to be disgusted by this.

Its dim witted to assume I hate people.

So now you are the bigot, you have no tolerance for people who hate seeing man sucking cock in public.

You are either a bigot or you are stupid. I'll be charitable and just assume that you are stupid. So I'll clarify it for you.

NOBODY is saying that it is OK to have sex in public. You are a complete moron if you think that this is somehow a gay issue. Making this into a gay issue means you are a moron.

NOBODY is "teaching" kids to be gay. Nobody is trying to "convince" kids to be gay. What people want is to teach tolerance. Why? Because gay kids get the shit beaten out of them for being gay.

I could juxtapose your argument and ask "Why do you support gay people being beaten for being gay?" But that would be stupid.
So you want to teach my children homosexuality, you have no right to this, what purpose does this serve you. What give you this right over my rights as a parent.

You want to have homosexual acts done in public streets, how is that your right, why are you demanding my children be exposed to this.

You beleive its okay for homosexuals to have sex in public restrooms, restrooms children could walk into.

You call me a bigot because I dont want homosexuals having sex on public beaches.

Personally, you pretty sick.

apparently, you're too stupid to be a bigot.

That's what I was going to say.

I'm going to rephrase your argument.

So you want to teach my children negros, you have no right to this, what purpose does this serve you. What give you this right over my rights as a parent.

You want to have negro acts done in public streets, how is that your right, why are you demanding my children be exposed to this.

You beleive its okay for negros to have sex in public restrooms, restrooms children could walk into.

You call me a bigot because I dont want negros having sex on public beaches.

Personally, you pretty sick.

Funny, my wife is a negro, of course you know that if you have read enough of my posts, you are intelligent, you did your homework on me, so you know this.

So Toro believes all people should have sex in front of children, nothing personal about it, your a pervert.
Its redneck of me to be offended when a man is sucking another mans dick in public, in a parking spot, along the road that travels through San Onofre state beach.

So you believe public cock sucking by man on man is okay?

Its hateful to be disgusted by this.

Its dim witted to assume I hate people.

So now you are the bigot, you have no tolerance for people who hate seeing man sucking cock in public.

You are either a bigot or you are stupid. I'll be charitable and just assume that you are stupid. So I'll clarify it for you.

NOBODY is saying that it is OK to have sex in public. You are a complete moron if you think that this is somehow a gay issue. Making this into a gay issue means you are a moron.

NOBODY is "teaching" kids to be gay. Nobody is trying to "convince" kids to be gay. What people want is to teach tolerance. Why? Because gay kids get the shit beaten out of them for being gay.

I could juxtapose your argument and ask "Why do you support gay people being beaten for being gay?" But that would be stupid.


I agree.

mdn is a prime example of the guy who should not say anything and only be a suspected moron rather than speaking and removing all doubt.
Funny, my wife is a negro, of course you know that if you have read enough of my posts, you are intelligent, you did your homework on me, so you know this.

So Toro believes all people should have sex in front of children, nothing personal about it, your a pervert.

You really shouldn't have dropped out of school in grade 8.
George Michael Arrested for Crack, Marijuana Possession in Bathroom : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

In 1998, Michael was busted in a men’s room at Los Angeles’ Will Rogers Memorial Park for “engaging in a lewd act

His shock arrest comes two years after the News of the World caught him trawling for illegal gay sex thrills in the same London park. He was seen by our reporters emerging from bushes on the heath after cavorting with another man.

When challenged George was wild-eyed and trembling. Trying to hide his face under a baseball cap, he screamed: "I don't believe it! F*** off! If you put those pictures in the paper I'll sue!"

His descent into shame began when he exposed himself in front of an undercover cop in a Beverly Hills park loo.

He was fined £450 by a Los Angeles court and ordered to do 80 hours' community service.

Sounds like this homosexual has no control

Sex in public restrooms, I wont even piss in a public restroom, just too damn dirty

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