Another Democrat votes....YES


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Looks like the Bill will pass

Fiscally conservative Democrat switches to 'yes' on health care - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Another member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats is switching his vote from "no" to "yes" on health care.

Rep. Allen Boyd of Florida told the Tallahassee Democrat that the revised House health care bill is "not perfect" but meets his criteria, especially when it comes to lowering the budget deficit. In November, the paper reported, Boyd had voted "no" on the original House version of health care because he did not think it would slow the rise of medical costs.
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Looks like the Bill will pass

Fiscally conservative Democrat switches to 'yes' on health care - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Another member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats is switching his vote from "no" to "yes" on health care.

Rep. Allen Boyd of Florida told the Tallahassee Democrat that the revised House health care bill is "not perfect" but meets his criteria, especially when it comes to lowering the budget deficit. In November, the paper reported, Boyd had voted "no" on the original House version of health care because he did not think it would slow the rise of medical costs.

You guys are really excited to see our nation destroyed. You really need to see someone about that.
So after one year of trying to obstruct the most significant legislation in 40 years, it looks like we can chaulk up a big FAIL for the Republicans

Once again, the Republicans are on the wrong side of History
So after one year of trying to obstruct the most significant legislation in 40 years, it looks like we can chaulk up a big FAIL for the Republicans

Once again, the Republicans are on the wrong side of History

Even if you do win you would win nothing because this bill has nothing in it that you guys really wanted and is just a regulation bill at most and the fact that 37 states are going to nullify this means that its DOA. Go ahead! Spend all your energy on this because it will only lead to a bigger victory for federalism afterward. Its a win-win for us and a lose-lose for you.
You guys are really excited to see our nation destroyed. You really need to see someone about that.

Most people on the left are state-worshipers and think power of the state is a divine force in their lives. They can't imagine anyone in the government actually wanting to do anything but good for them because how can God actually harm his own children?
So after one year of trying to obstruct the most significant legislation in 40 years, it looks like we can chaulk up a big FAIL for the Republicans

Once again, the Republicans are on the wrong side of History

Even if you do win you would win nothing because this bill has nothing in it that you guys really wanted and is just a regulation bill at most and the fact that 37 states are going to nullify this means that its DOA. Go ahead! Spend all your energy on this because it will only lead to a bigger victory for federalism afterward. Its a win-win for us and a lose-lose for you.

Wishful thinking if you think the States can reverse it. Another FAILED attempt by the Republicans

States couldn't reverse Roe vs think they can reverse Healthcare???
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So after one year of trying to obstruct the most significant legislation in 40 years, it looks like we can chaulk up a big FAIL for the Republicans

Once again, the Republicans are on the wrong side of History

They still need to vote you know.

And yes, if this passes, we failed. And hundreds of thousands of people may now die because of your absolute stupidity. Thank you so much for ushering in the most destructive period in American history.
There is no such thing a s a'fiscally conservative democrat' so why not stop the phoniness.

Its a party line vote, ethics play no part, and its obvious neither do convictions.
So after one year of trying to obstruct the most significant legislation in 40 years, it looks like we can chaulk up a big FAIL for the Republicans

Once again, the Republicans are on the wrong side of History

Republican obstruction? Are you such a dishonest partisan hack that you can't admit that Democrats had supermajorities in BOTH houses and still couldn't pass the biscuits. Yeah.. I think you are.
So after one year of trying to obstruct the most significant legislation in 40 years, it looks like we can chaulk up a big FAIL for the Republicans

Once again, the Republicans are on the wrong side of History

Republican obstruction? Are you such a dishonest partisan hack that you can't admit that Democrats had supermajorities in BOTH houses and still couldn't pass the biscuits. Yeah.. I think you are.

No of course he isn't. He's really a "right winger"

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