Court orders trump team to provide proof of fraud in mail in voting....THEY FAIL!

From the linked OP article.... Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan ordered the Trump campaign to “produce such evidence in their possession, and if they have none, state as much.”

What a hoot...


MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.
..if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........Hear that Trump!!


trump has been whining about mail in voting fraud for months and now he has a chance to show it...HE CAN'T! What a frigin Joke!

So...are mods gonna put this in the Rubber Room like all the other negative trump threads? Is Putin a Mod here?
All this shit about slowing down the USPS, or removing mailboxes happened years ago. Jesus , I've seen every single mail box within a mile of my home carted off years ago...Election offices still have little booths outside we can put in our ballots. The slow down happened way before this artificial democratic outrage thing... give it a break, already.

Ha Ha! Please turn FOX off before your entire brain melts away. The Mega Donor that trump appoint instituted these changes. He has admitted it. He will be admit it before the Senate and the House on Monday. He is carrying out trump's orders. trump, like Putin ordered him, is intent or causing chaos in November so that he will have an excuse if he loses to stay in office.

More proof of Stage 4 TDS. Trump does not appoint the Postmaster general you moron. Their Board of Governors handles that. Chaos, by doing things that have been planned for years prior as far as box replacements and other things? Yes you do need to grow a brain. Another epic fail.


trump has been whining about mail in voting fraud for months and now he has a chance to show it...HE CAN'T! What a frigin Joke!

So...are mods gonna put this in the Rubber Room like all the other negative trump threads? Is Putin a Mod here?
There's over 1800 "prosecuted" cases of fraud, what planet are you on? Even wives of candidates have gotten caught double voting for their spouses during their election.

You are just using this as a smokescreen in hopes people don't talk about every little thing and policie's your party does that always ends up horribly wrong with bad results.
Like allowing street thugs to throw bottles and buckets of water at cops that we all warned would undermine Police authority. Look at the results.
Like letting prisoners out because of Covid-19, how'd that work out for ya?
Like allowing colleges to censor moderate and conservative speech while pushing radical progressive agendas, a recipe for raising thought controlled morons.
The defund the police idea, look at the result.
Nobody gets arrested or stays in prison experiment, wow Brilliant results!
The decision not to have the Gov't help or intervene, clever starategy there to deflect blame.
The decision to have an Alzheimer's candidate run for President then use a child abuse enabler as VP.
You are creating your own
" this is your brain on drugs commercial."
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?

We've been waiting for years for all of this "evidence," and we never got a thing. Why is it that we constantly allow people, particularly right-wingers, to get away with making entirely baseless accusations?

One thing I have always liked about the law is that, in court, it's "put up or shut up." Put everything on the table. I remember a case that involved an issue that did not concern voter fraud. The chief respondent in the case, a state, argued that a law in question was needed for safety reasons, but it did not produce a thing, no data, records, incident reports, statistics, witnesses that would back up its argument. Professionals in the field in question said, in amicus briefs, that there was nothing to back up the state's argument. Oral argument was ridiculous. I wonder how these people sleep at night.

I like to see all of the background materials, in writing. I would love to read the trump campaign's submission, perhaps with a yellow highlighter.
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Then Donald Trump's vote shouldn't be counted either. You can't have it both ways.
Get off your lazy butt and go vote in by mail is not supposed to be for everyone......just the few who can't vote due to job or overseas military.

You LAZY PEOPLE have no problem packing the stores...........but OMFG..........if I go vote in person I MIGHT DIE......Spare me the Drama you bunch of frauds.
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
Funny Jim, the evidence of breakdowns in the mail whether intentional or otherwise have been reported here several times. Funny your mind always goes blank those days and you somehow miss it all.

You simply don't do a MASSIVE restructuring of the election process with only a few months to go, never done before to this scale and no way to test it much less work out the bugs in time.

There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why 90% of the people in this country cannot go to the polls this November and vote as they always do.

That cannot be determined at this time. No one should have to put their health at risk to vote.
We could all vote now. Everyone goes to the grocery now. Even those marching for mail in voting all go out together in the street and march, so they could just as easily march to the poll.

Things are getting better. They have to. You think things will be WORSE 1/4 year from now? If it can't be determined at this time, then it can't be determined we need 100% mail in voting, so we should simply sit on it as a fall back contingency if absolutely needed, that way, no harm, no foul, and no worries or excuses about mail fraud.
No one goes to the grocery store and wait in line for 9 hrs to check out....if you believe comparing voting to grocery shopping is apples to apples -- you are a moron


trump has been whining about mail in voting fraud for months and now he has a chance to show it...HE CAN'T! What a frigin Joke!

So...are mods gonna put this in the Rubber Room like all the other negative trump threads? Is Putin a Mod here?
All this shit about slowing down the USPS, or removing mailboxes happened years ago. Jesus , I've seen every single mail box within a mile of my home carted off years ago...Election offices still have little booths outside we can put in our ballots. The slow down happened way before this artificial democratic outrage thing... give it a break, already.

Yup mail boxes were being removed years ago. Just try to find one.

I always go to the polls to vote. Hell I sent in my request to reup my car reg and it took over a month to get back.

I always vote early and in person. No mail in for me thank you very much.
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Then Donald Trump's vote shouldn't be counted either. You can't have it both ways.
Get off your lazy butt and go vote in by mail is not supposed to be for everyone......just the few who can't vote due to job or overseas military.

You LAZY PEOPLE have no problem packing the stores...........but OMFG..........if I go vote in person I MIGHT DIE......Spare me the Drama you bunch of frauds.

So we once again visit the baseless "lazy" story. There are a lot of reasons that a person can't go to the polls on a particular day. Moreover, polling places have been mysteriously "disappearing." There is nothing to suggest that there is anything wrong with voting by mail. It seems that the republicans will go to any length to suppress the vote, because it's the only way that they can win. I saw your "hero" fill out his mail-in ballot yesterday. Food for thought, he didn't win the popular vote the last time. Now he has a record in office.
No one goes to the grocery store and wait in line for 9 hrs to check out....if you believe comparing voting to grocery shopping is apples to apples -- you are a moron

Over the summer, it took me four days and several hours on the phone to order groceries ONCE. If you think anyone has ever or would ever have to wait 9 hours in line to vote, you're an idiot. But then, we knew that.
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.
Last edited:
Mail-in voting is preposterous and not needed anyway.

I am afraid democrats will just have to lose fairly, unlike last time.

" Alex Mendez had won a special election on May 12 to fill the seat, but claims of voter fraud were soon raised. An investigation was then launched after the Us Postal Service’s law enforcement arm told the state attorney general’s office about hundreds of mail-in ballots located in a mailbox in Paterson, along with more found in nearby Haledon. "

Wow......ending a stupid thread in the 2nd post.....thanks.
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.

So where is the evidence? Still none has been presented, and they must have it somewhere. Where are the data, reports, arrest records?
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.

So where is the evidence? Still none has been presented, and they must have it somewhere. Where are the data, reports, arrest records?
Google is your friend and so is common sense
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.

So where is the evidence? Still none has been presented, and they must have it somewhere. Where are the data, reports, arrest records?
Google is your friend and so is common sense

They should have to show their evidence of widespread voter fraud. They must have it. How about statistics, reports, and number of arrests from each state? The plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania case are entitled to view this evidence. This is part of a larger problem with the trump administration and its supporters: they have a pattern of never producing any evidence to support their claims regarding a variety of issues. I just read yesterday of its refusal to provide documentation about a regulation change concerning another issue, which does not involve national security, and how the decision to change the reg was arrived at, which should be public knowledge.
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.

So where is the evidence? Still none has been presented, and they must have it somewhere. Where are the data, reports, arrest records?
Google is your friend and so is common sense

They should have to show their evidence of widespread voter fraud. They must have it. How about statistics, reports, and number of arrests from each state? The plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania case are entitled to view this evidence. This is part of a larger problem with the trump administration and its supporters: they have a pattern of never producing any evidence to support their claims regarding a variety of issues. I just read yesterday of its refusal to provide documentation about a regulation change concerning another issue, which does not involve national security, and how the decision to change the reg was arrived at, which should be public knowledge.
Why can we not just use common sense. If kids didn’t wear helmets while playing football there would be more injuries. Do we need to test that theory or just use common sense? If you mail out in a giant mass mailing, millions of ballots and don’t verify anything do you not believe there would be widespread fraud?

This country has lost its common sense. Men are women. Riots are peaceful protests. Criminals and misunderstood and police officers are villains.

crazy talk


trump has been whining about mail in voting fraud for months and now he has a chance to show it...HE CAN'T! What a frigin Joke!

So...are mods gonna put this in the Rubber Room like all the other negative trump threads? Is Putin a Mod here?
You realize democrats refused to give the administration voter rolls information to see how much they have cheated.. right?
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.

So where is the evidence? Still none has been presented, and they must have it somewhere. Where are the data, reports, arrest records?
Google is your friend and so is common sense

They should have to show their evidence of widespread voter fraud. They must have it. How about statistics, reports, and number of arrests from each state? The plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania case are entitled to view this evidence. This is part of a larger problem with the trump administration and its supporters: they have a pattern of never producing any evidence to support their claims regarding a variety of issues. I just read yesterday of its refusal to provide documentation about a regulation change concerning another issue, which does not involve national security, and how the decision to change the reg was arrived at, which should be public knowledge.
Why can we not just use common sense. If kids didn’t wear helmets while playing football there would be more injuries. Do we need to test that theory or just use common sense? If you mail out in a giant mass mailing, millions of ballots and don’t verify anything do you not believe there would be widespread fraud?

This country has lost its common sense. Men are women. Riots are peaceful protests. Criminals and misunderstood and police officers are villains.

crazy talk

The premise of the trump Regime is....Whatever The Don says is truth and Law. That is how sick and depraved the GOP has become they bow to and show allegiance to a man....not the country. We are only one vote away from a full blown Autocracy.
MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.

So where is the evidence? Still none has been presented, and they must have it somewhere. Where are the data, reports, arrest records?
Google is your friend and so is common sense

They should have to show their evidence of widespread voter fraud. They must have it. How about statistics, reports, and number of arrests from each state? The plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania case are entitled to view this evidence. This is part of a larger problem with the trump administration and its supporters: they have a pattern of never producing any evidence to support their claims regarding a variety of issues. I just read yesterday of its refusal to provide documentation about a regulation change concerning another issue, which does not involve national security, and how the decision to change the reg was arrived at, which should be public knowledge.
Why can we not just use common sense. If kids didn’t wear helmets while playing football there would be more injuries. Do we need to test that theory or just use common sense? If you mail out in a giant mass mailing, millions of ballots and don’t verify anything do you not believe there would be widespread fraud?

This country has lost its common sense. Men are women. Riots are peaceful protests. Criminals and misunderstood and police officers are villains.

crazy talk

The premise of the trump Regime is....Whatever The Don says is truth and Law. That is how sick and depraved the GOP has become they bow to and show allegiance to a man....not the country. We are only one vote away from a full blown Autocracy.
I am not going to take people seriously who state that the riots are a myth, that men may identify as women, that we should have open borders, that we should have UH, that we should repeal the 2nd amendment, eliminate the EC and boycott and sanction Israel. Trump or no Trump. And because Democrats feel this way the more gas he throws at them the better.

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