Court orders trump team to provide proof of fraud in mail in voting....THEY FAIL!

MORE JUDGE SHOPPING,........if you are too lazy to go and vote then you shouldn't be counted.........

Mail In Virus..............Not Covid..............yet you can LOOT AND RIOT.........pack into Walmart.......but go vote.........OMFG might get the mail in virus.

Both trump and Barr keep talking about evidence they have of fraud in mail in voting....BUT THEY NEVER SHOW IT. WHY?
You complain a lot. Honestly STFU. If you want to vote then go and do so.

So where is the evidence? Still none has been presented, and they must have it somewhere. Where are the data, reports, arrest records?
Google is your friend and so is common sense

They should have to show their evidence of widespread voter fraud. They must have it. How about statistics, reports, and number of arrests from each state? The plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania case are entitled to view this evidence. This is part of a larger problem with the trump administration and its supporters: they have a pattern of never producing any evidence to support their claims regarding a variety of issues. I just read yesterday of its refusal to provide documentation about a regulation change concerning another issue, which does not involve national security, and how the decision to change the reg was arrived at, which should be public knowledge.
Why can we not just use common sense. If kids didn’t wear helmets while playing football there would be more injuries. Do we need to test that theory or just use common sense? If you mail out in a giant mass mailing, millions of ballots and don’t verify anything do you not believe there would be widespread fraud?

This country has lost its common sense. Men are women. Riots are peaceful protests. Criminals and misunderstood and police officers are villains.

crazy talk

The premise of the trump Regime is....Whatever The Don says is truth and Law. That is how sick and depraved the GOP has become they bow to and show allegiance to a man....not the country. We are only one vote away from a full blown Autocracy.

If you become more FLEIIBLE, after the election, like Obama did for his boyfriend Putin, you might become FLEXIBLE enugh to extract your head. And your BUTTHURT might start to ease.... Just saying...

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