Basically, atheists, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, are shit out of luck

You have to worship keebler elves. They are the way to heaven. If you don't believe then keebler elves will reject you like you're doing now to them
I got the Bible to back up my story. You ain't got shit.

Why should those gospels be any more valid that one from nag hammadi or india?

Men wrote books. Men decided what books would be included and excluded. Men made mistakes in translating from one language to another. Men decided in Jesus divinity. Men have rejected and recreate what they call chistianity several time. Men have kill each other over changes in what they believe the bible says.

What of people who believe in god and the Torah but not in Jesus? Do they not pray to go and follow god's laws?

Why should males decide when in the early days of christianity it was the women who lead and preached, and died for their faith?

Why should you be right and everyone else wrong in what they read and believe in the bible?

Didn't jesus speak in parables instead of absolutes and facts? Did Jesus not heal and share with people who were not jewish or even from Israel? Did he not care for the possessed of demons and horrible afflicted, the unclean?

But "you know" what jesus said and will do.......................... NOT since you are not the actual Jesus who is believed to have dies on the cross by romans.

It is arrogant of you to presume you know Jesus when there are other forms of chistianity that don't believe as you do.
The males forgot that Jesus showed himself to the women first after coming out of the grave. They also conveniently leave out that God is male and female plus whatever else they failed to perceive or learn. Its just that human failure thing. The Lord works it all out in time and until then they sleep as the dead is the dust (confusion) of the earth. Some remain in the grave even though they have an appearance of life there is not light in them.
aris, I'm not judging anyone. I'm just telling you what Jesus said, which is that only people who believe in him go to heaven.

What Jesus said??? Were you there 2000 yrs ago and actually hear the word come from his mouth or just read stories written years after the fact by people who had never even met Jesus? I could write a book in the name of a purple people eater, that does not mean I am that or have even met one.
Well, I'm starting with the assumption that the Bible is true. If you don't believe that, there's really no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Why not start with god before the OT or gospels.

Why are the "truths" of other gospels be less valid?

Start with the just being good to others, not condemning others to hell because they don't believe exactly as you do. Not for you to judge them and deny them heaven.

You are rook not god
aris, I'm not judging anyone. I'm just telling you what Jesus said, which is that only people who believe in him go to heaven.

What Jesus said??? Were you there 2000 yrs ago and actually hear the word come from his mouth or just read stories written years after the fact by people who had never even met Jesus? I could write a book in the name of a purple people eater, that does not mean I am that or have even met one.
Well, I'm starting with the assumption that the Bible is true. If you don't believe that, there's really no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Why not start with god before the OT or gospels.

Why are the "truths" of other gospels be less valid?

Start with the just being good to others, not condemning others to hell because they don't believe exactly as you do. Not for you to judge them and deny them heaven.

You are rook not god
I am just repeating what Jesus said. No need to hate me for it.
You have to worship keebler elves. They are the way to heaven. If you don't believe then keebler elves will reject you like you're doing now to them
I got the Bible to back up my story. You ain't got shit.

Why should those gospels be any more valid that one from nag hammadi or india?

Men wrote books. Men decided what books would be included and excluded. Men made mistakes in translating from one language to another. Men decided in Jesus divinity. Men have rejected and recreate what they call chistianity several time. Men have kill each other over changes in what they believe the bible says.

What of people who believe in god and the Torah but not in Jesus? Do they not pray to go and follow god's laws?

Why should males decide when in the early days of christianity it was the women who lead and preached, and died for their faith?

Why should you be right and everyone else wrong in what they read and believe in the bible?

Didn't jesus speak in parables instead of absolutes and facts? Did Jesus not heal and share with people who were not jewish or even from Israel? Did he not care for the possessed of demons and horrible afflicted, the unclean?

But "you know" what jesus said and will do.......................... NOT since you are not the actual Jesus who is believed to have dies on the cross by romans.

It is arrogant of you to presume you know Jesus when there are other forms of chistianity that don't believe as you do.
Again, if you are doubting the credibility of the Bible, there is no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Doubt is what makes us search for answers from everywhere, not just what you say

I believe in the golden rule, it makes good logical sense

Would you want a muslim or hindu saying you will be condom for eternity because you don't follow their faith? Why are you more right then them? Muslims believe in Jesus (Isa) just not that he was the son of god or god.

Why does it matter if you have one name for god or a hundred? Why should god be found in a church or on a cross and not a leaf on a tree or a bird in the air that you can see from your back yard, or even a worm eating you tomatoes ?
aris, I'm not judging anyone. I'm just telling you what Jesus said, which is that only people who believe in him go to heaven.

What Jesus said??? Were you there 2000 yrs ago and actually hear the word come from his mouth or just read stories written years after the fact by people who had never even met Jesus? I could write a book in the name of a purple people eater, that does not mean I am that or have even met one.
Well, I'm starting with the assumption that the Bible is true. If you don't believe that, there's really no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Why not start with god before the OT or gospels.

Why are the "truths" of other gospels be less valid?

Start with the just being good to others, not condemning others to hell because they don't believe exactly as you do. Not for you to judge them and deny them heaven.

You are rook not god
I am just repeating what Jesus said. No need to hate me for it.

Hate you? Now you presume to know what I think and believe?

You are repeating what others said Jesus said. People who have not even met Jesus or heard him speak.
You have to worship keebler elves. They are the way to heaven. If you don't believe then keebler elves will reject you like you're doing now to them
I got the Bible to back up my story. You ain't got shit.

Why should those gospels be any more valid that one from nag hammadi or india?

Men wrote books. Men decided what books would be included and excluded. Men made mistakes in translating from one language to another. Men decided in Jesus divinity. Men have rejected and recreate what they call chistianity several time. Men have kill each other over changes in what they believe the bible says.

What of people who believe in god and the Torah but not in Jesus? Do they not pray to go and follow god's laws?

Why should males decide when in the early days of christianity it was the women who lead and preached, and died for their faith?

Why should you be right and everyone else wrong in what they read and believe in the bible?

Didn't jesus speak in parables instead of absolutes and facts? Did Jesus not heal and share with people who were not jewish or even from Israel? Did he not care for the possessed of demons and horrible afflicted, the unclean?

But "you know" what jesus said and will do.......................... NOT since you are not the actual Jesus who is believed to have dies on the cross by romans.

It is arrogant of you to presume you know Jesus when there are other forms of chistianity that don't believe as you do.
Again, if you are doubting the credibility of the Bible, there is no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Doubt is what makes us search for answers from everywhere, not just what you say

I believe in the golden rule, it makes good logical sense

Would you want a muslim or hindu saying you will be condom for eternity because you don't follow their faith? Why are you more right then them? Muslims believe in Jesus (Isa) just not that he was the son of god or god.

Why does it matter if you have one name for god or a hundred? Why should god be found in a church or on a cross and not a leaf on a tree or a bird in the air that you can see from your back yard, or even a worm eating you tomatoes ?
Because Jesus said so.
aris, I'm not judging anyone. I'm just telling you what Jesus said, which is that only people who believe in him go to heaven.

What Jesus said??? Were you there 2000 yrs ago and actually hear the word come from his mouth or just read stories written years after the fact by people who had never even met Jesus? I could write a book in the name of a purple people eater, that does not mean I am that or have even met one.
Well, I'm starting with the assumption that the Bible is true. If you don't believe that, there's really no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Why not start with god before the OT or gospels.

Why are the "truths" of other gospels be less valid?

Start with the just being good to others, not condemning others to hell because they don't believe exactly as you do. Not for you to judge them and deny them heaven.

You are rook not god
I am just repeating what Jesus said. No need to hate me for it.

Hate you? Now you presume to know what I think and believe?

You are repeating what others said Jesus said. People who have not even met Jesus or heard him speak.
Again, if you doubt the credibility of the Bible, I can't convince you of anything related to Christianity.
There's only one way to heaven, and that's through faith in Jesus Christ.
But I don't believe you or your church. I don't think a God would fault me for not believing in nazeris and Jonah or even virgin births.
You can choose not to believe in Jesus, but that is your choice, and no one else's. You will have no one to blame but yourself when Jesus rejects you, just like you are rejecting him now.
But it's not my fault you're telling a ridiculous story.
Here's the thing. If I created a universe, and then created people who were able to think, and know that I exist, I would want them to believe in me.

God knew that would not happen unless he revealed himself, so he did. He revealed himself to Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, and many others, until finally he sent his only Son to the world to reveal himself to everyone, Jew and Gentile alike.

So, God has left a very big paper trail leading back to him. It's called the Bible, and it's available at every bookstore in the world, except Communist countries.

You can read the Bible, figure out if you think it's true, and then choose whether or not to act on it.

If you choose not to believe in God, that's your choice, and God will respect it.

But Jesus Christ revealed that God wants us to believe in him, and that furthermore, you have to believe in Jesus too. The Jews who lived before Jesus didn't have to believe in Jesus to get to heaven, but those days are over.

You may believe God is being harsh to make this the rule, and it may bum you out.

But you have the choice to do what you want, and I choose to believe in Jesus.

If I'm wrong, I've lost nothing. I end up not existing, but that would happen no matter what.

But if I'm right, I win big, a life that lasts forever in a place that is better than anything we can possibly imagine.

It's like taking poker chips and refusing to put them on the table when the rules of the game are you big if you win, and still keep your chips if you lose. It makes no sense refuse to play a game with rules like that.
But the bible was man made. Every word in it made up for gullible saps like you.

You don't see it because you are clearly brainwashed.
There's only one way to heaven, and that's through faith in Jesus Christ.
But I don't believe you or your church. I don't think a God would fault me for not believing in nazeris and Jonah or even virgin births.
You can choose not to believe in Jesus, but that is your choice, and no one else's. You will have no one to blame but yourself when Jesus rejects you, just like you are rejecting him now.
But it's not my fault you're telling a ridiculous story.
Here's the thing. If I created a universe, and then created people who were able to think, and know that I exist, I would want them to believe in me.

God knew that would not happen unless he revealed himself, so he did. He revealed himself to Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, and many others, until finally he sent his only Son to the world to reveal himself to everyone, Jew and Gentile alike.

So, God has left a very big paper trail leading back to him. It's called the Bible, and it's available at every bookstore in the world, except Communist countries.

You can read the Bible, figure out if you think it's true, and then choose whether or not to act on it.

If you choose not to believe in God, that's your choice, and God will respect it.

But Jesus Christ revealed that God wants us to believe in him, and that furthermore, you have to believe in Jesus too. The Jews who lived before Jesus didn't have to believe in Jesus to get to heaven, but those days are over.

You may believe God is being harsh to make this the rule, and it may bum you out.

But you have the choice to do what you want, and I choose to believe in Jesus.

If I'm wrong, I've lost nothing. I end up not existing, but that would happen no matter what.

But if I'm right, I win big, a life that lasts forever in a place that is better than anything we can possibly imagine.

It's like taking poker chips and refusing to put them on the table when the rules of the game are you big if you win, and still keep your chips if you lose. It makes no sense refuse to play a game with rules like that.
But the bible was man made. Every word in it made up for gullible saps like you.

You don't see it because you are clearly brainwashed.
I've read the Gospels and Jesus' words indicate an intelligence and knowledge beyond the mere human. I believe he is God.
I am not being prideful, I am just telling the truth as Jesus told it. If you have a problem, it's with Jesus. Take it up with him.
I've never met this Jesus person. All I reject are you and your stories about the person.

You are spreading hearsay stories. Why should I believe you or your cult or anything in your fictitious holy book?
But I don't believe you or your church. I don't think a God would fault me for not believing in nazeris and Jonah or even virgin births.
You can choose not to believe in Jesus, but that is your choice, and no one else's. You will have no one to blame but yourself when Jesus rejects you, just like you are rejecting him now.
But it's not my fault you're telling a ridiculous story.
Here's the thing. If I created a universe, and then created people who were able to think, and know that I exist, I would want them to believe in me.

God knew that would not happen unless he revealed himself, so he did. He revealed himself to Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, and many others, until finally he sent his only Son to the world to reveal himself to everyone, Jew and Gentile alike.

So, God has left a very big paper trail leading back to him. It's called the Bible, and it's available at every bookstore in the world, except Communist countries.

You can read the Bible, figure out if you think it's true, and then choose whether or not to act on it.

If you choose not to believe in God, that's your choice, and God will respect it.

But Jesus Christ revealed that God wants us to believe in him, and that furthermore, you have to believe in Jesus too. The Jews who lived before Jesus didn't have to believe in Jesus to get to heaven, but those days are over.

You may believe God is being harsh to make this the rule, and it may bum you out.

But you have the choice to do what you want, and I choose to believe in Jesus.

If I'm wrong, I've lost nothing. I end up not existing, but that would happen no matter what.

But if I'm right, I win big, a life that lasts forever in a place that is better than anything we can possibly imagine.

It's like taking poker chips and refusing to put them on the table when the rules of the game are you big if you win, and still keep your chips if you lose. It makes no sense refuse to play a game with rules like that.
But the bible was man made. Every word in it made up for gullible saps like you.

You don't see it because you are clearly brainwashed.
I've read the Gospels and Jesus' words indicate an intelligence and knowledge beyond the mere human. I believe he is God.
Good for you!
aris, I'm not judging anyone. I'm just telling you what Jesus said, which is that only people who believe in him go to heaven.

What Jesus said??? Were you there 2000 yrs ago and actually hear the word come from his mouth or just read stories written years after the fact by people who had never even met Jesus? I could write a book in the name of a purple people eater, that does not mean I am that or have even met one.
Well, I'm starting with the assumption that the Bible is true. If you don't believe that, there's really no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Why not start with god before the OT or gospels.

Why are the "truths" of other gospels be less valid?

Start with the just being good to others, not condemning others to hell because they don't believe exactly as you do. Not for you to judge them and deny them heaven.

You are rook not god
I am just repeating what Jesus said. No need to hate me for it.

Hate you? Now you presume to know what I think and believe?

You are repeating what others said Jesus said. People who have not even met Jesus or heard him speak.
And if you reject his hearsay you'll go to hell.

A god would not make this the test for getting into heaven

I don't reject Jesus or God I reject this guys story
You have to worship keebler elves. They are the way to heaven. If you don't believe then keebler elves will reject you like you're doing now to them
I got the Bible to back up my story. You ain't got shit.

Why should those gospels be any more valid that one from nag hammadi or india?

Men wrote books. Men decided what books would be included and excluded. Men made mistakes in translating from one language to another. Men decided in Jesus divinity. Men have rejected and recreate what they call chistianity several time. Men have kill each other over changes in what they believe the bible says.

What of people who believe in god and the Torah but not in Jesus? Do they not pray to go and follow god's laws?

Why should males decide when in the early days of christianity it was the women who lead and preached, and died for their faith?

Why should you be right and everyone else wrong in what they read and believe in the bible?

Didn't jesus speak in parables instead of absolutes and facts? Did Jesus not heal and share with people who were not jewish or even from Israel? Did he not care for the possessed of demons and horrible afflicted, the unclean?

But "you know" what jesus said and will do.......................... NOT since you are not the actual Jesus who is believed to have dies on the cross by romans.

It is arrogant of you to presume you know Jesus when there are other forms of chistianity that don't believe as you do.
Again, if you are doubting the credibility of the Bible, there is no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Doubt is what makes us search for answers from everywhere, not just what you say

I believe in the golden rule, it makes good logical sense

Would you want a muslim or hindu saying you will be condom for eternity because you don't follow their faith? Why are you more right then them? Muslims believe in Jesus (Isa) just not that he was the son of god or god.

Why does it matter if you have one name for god or a hundred? Why should god be found in a church or on a cross and not a leaf on a tree or a bird in the air that you can see from your back yard, or even a worm eating you tomatoes ?
Because Jesus said so.

jesus did not write the gospels nor are first person account

We only know what each scribe(s) that wrote down the word of mouth stories decided Jesus said.
Gospels contradict each other. Different accounts of jesus life and birth.

How can you believe any or all if they are not correct?

>>Because jesus said<< is not an answer. You really don't know what jesus said.
There are around 200 other gospels and book that are also differing tales.

With many telling of some event, it is fair to conclude it did happen, but even jesus words are not the same from book to book. What else was left out or changed?

If we changed jesus name and replaced it with some other god or moral, would you still believe it is accurate and would you then follow that god or moral?
>>Because jesus said<< is not an answer. You really don't know what jesus said.
There are around 200 other gospels and book that are also differing tales.

What I find interesting is that in the gospels even when it quotes Jesus, it might say the disciples didn't understand, but what Jesus meant was never explained...

Even when he fed the multitude, what he taught was never written down.

What he meant by the strange things he said and what he was teaching by saying them was never written down. Many contradictions are deliberate, like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

The gospels are like a book of riddles, many things conveyed can be taken any number of ways and just like a test there is only one right answer.
I got the Bible to back up my story. You ain't got shit.

Why should those gospels be any more valid that one from nag hammadi or india?

Men wrote books. Men decided what books would be included and excluded. Men made mistakes in translating from one language to another. Men decided in Jesus divinity. Men have rejected and recreate what they call chistianity several time. Men have kill each other over changes in what they believe the bible says.

What of people who believe in god and the Torah but not in Jesus? Do they not pray to go and follow god's laws?

Why should males decide when in the early days of christianity it was the women who lead and preached, and died for their faith?

Why should you be right and everyone else wrong in what they read and believe in the bible?

Didn't jesus speak in parables instead of absolutes and facts? Did Jesus not heal and share with people who were not jewish or even from Israel? Did he not care for the possessed of demons and horrible afflicted, the unclean?

But "you know" what jesus said and will do.......................... NOT since you are not the actual Jesus who is believed to have dies on the cross by romans.

It is arrogant of you to presume you know Jesus when there are other forms of chistianity that don't believe as you do.
Again, if you are doubting the credibility of the Bible, there is no way I can convince you of anything related to Christianity.

Doubt is what makes us search for answers from everywhere, not just what you say

I believe in the golden rule, it makes good logical sense

Would you want a muslim or hindu saying you will be condom for eternity because you don't follow their faith? Why are you more right then them? Muslims believe in Jesus (Isa) just not that he was the son of god or god.

Why does it matter if you have one name for god or a hundred? Why should god be found in a church or on a cross and not a leaf on a tree or a bird in the air that you can see from your back yard, or even a worm eating you tomatoes ?
Because Jesus said so.

jesus did not write the gospels nor are first person account

We only know what each scribe(s) that wrote down the word of mouth stories decided Jesus said.
Gospels contradict each other. Different accounts of jesus life and birth.

How can you believe any or all if they are not correct?

>>Because jesus said<< is not an answer. You really don't know what jesus said.
There are around 200 other gospels and book that are also differing tales.

With many telling of some event, it is fair to conclude it did happen, but even jesus words are not the same from book to book. What else was left out or changed?

If we changed jesus name and replaced it with some other god or moral, would you still believe it is accurate and would you then follow that god or moral?
For this and hundreds of other reasons I can't believe this faith. I doubt a creator would punish my intelligence or reward their gullibility. I'm sure it can't hurt to thank whatever created the universe. Thanks whatever created the universe! But don't ask me to believe in virgin births. That's not fair or what a god would ask.

Notice in the ten commandments it says don't fuck your neighbors wife. Don't even think about it. That tells me men wrote the ten commandments.

Nothing about bullying? I notice a lot of good church going kids are also bullies. Maybe God should have wrote 11 commandments
But I don't believe you or your church. I don't think a God would fault me for not believing in nazeris and Jonah or even virgin births.
You can choose not to believe in Jesus, but that is your choice, and no one else's. You will have no one to blame but yourself when Jesus rejects you, just like you are rejecting him now.
But it's not my fault you're telling a ridiculous story.
Here's the thing. If I created a universe, and then created people who were able to think, and know that I exist, I would want them to believe in me.

God knew that would not happen unless he revealed himself, so he did. He revealed himself to Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, and many others, until finally he sent his only Son to the world to reveal himself to everyone, Jew and Gentile alike.

So, God has left a very big paper trail leading back to him. It's called the Bible, and it's available at every bookstore in the world, except Communist countries.

You can read the Bible, figure out if you think it's true, and then choose whether or not to act on it.

If you choose not to believe in God, that's your choice, and God will respect it.

But Jesus Christ revealed that God wants us to believe in him, and that furthermore, you have to believe in Jesus too. The Jews who lived before Jesus didn't have to believe in Jesus to get to heaven, but those days are over.

You may believe God is being harsh to make this the rule, and it may bum you out.

But you have the choice to do what you want, and I choose to believe in Jesus.

If I'm wrong, I've lost nothing. I end up not existing, but that would happen no matter what.

But if I'm right, I win big, a life that lasts forever in a place that is better than anything we can possibly imagine.

It's like taking poker chips and refusing to put them on the table when the rules of the game are you big if you win, and still keep your chips if you lose. It makes no sense refuse to play a game with rules like that.

Is that why you would create a world, so people will know and worship you?

Was it for you or was the world "created" or the life forms on the planet?

If you are god and see the people are good and happy, to you need their obedience and offering? Will you dry up and disappear without them? What did god do for all the millions of years when there were not people? Did dinosaurs worship god? Did they have churches?

Such a god would be vain and vindictive. Do you really pray to such a god? If you love, you love unconditionally, not demand love in return or you will punish them and torment them for eternity.

God and Jesus did not care about age, nationality, occupation or religion. If you are god's people, then anyplace in the world is good, not just those in one spot who have heard about Jesus and believe "in him"

Jesus did not teach to worship him, but to love god and each other.

If god is the creator than we are all god's children, not just Jesus. If Jesus is god then it should not matter if you believe in a god or you believe only in Jesus. One and the same.

Why should a good and generous person who has not heard of or believe in Jesus as son of god be less than a person who has gone to church their whole life but has been a bad person in spite of their faith?

Why does it matter if you say jesus, mithras or pluto if you are not harming others in some way?
That's all rainbows and unicorn farts, but none of it is true. The Bible says you have to believe in Jesus to get into heaven.

Old testament does not.

The books of the new were written by people who had not met Jesus in person. It is all hearsay past down over the years.

Peter and James are the only ones to have known Jesus in person, the rest is not, written by others years later in their name
There's only one way to heaven, and that's through faith in Jesus Christ.
If Jesus can find his compassion and love, then he can change that scheme.

Scientific Humanists, if it were up to us, would adopt a more loving criteria for who gets in to heaven and avoids hell (if any) - it would be based not on grace, not on what religion you just happen to be born into, but rather on good works, on being ethical, etc. It would be based on MERIT, and not on simply belief/religion.

Jesus looks a bit self-centered to base it on belief in....himself we can't bring that part forward into our belief system....we do like "love your neighbor" however so that's a very good principle to live by.

But if your neighbor is a Hindu, then your certainly DON'T "love your neighbor" if you send him to eternal torture just for being a Hindu.

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