Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

Who says The Holy Ghost is not on a throne? His throne is quite extensive as he needs to be able to tie into those who need help from the Father and Son as they pray. For those who have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost by proper authority, the Holy Ghost has to be able to be with them continually at the same time. And, for those who need his comforting influence, he needs to be able to be with them as well. How he does this is not been revealed to us. I can make some opinionated guesses. With quantum science, we know that the entire universe is connected. Information from one side of the universe can instantaneously be known on the other side of the universe with connections. The Holy Ghost can be in all things and all people through his mind. So can we if we knew how to do it.
Now, you talk about glory? He does. The difference is he's still only has his spirit and not a physical resurrected body. But, that may change. Don't know that answer either. But, we do glorify him in baptisms as a person is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. You may not do this but the True Church does. And, so do many others not blinded by stupid scholars. Each of the three have their callings but all three work as one for one purpose. To bring to past the immortality and eternal life of man. And, as I said, his name for us right now is Holy Ghost.
making things up does not work. I showed facts.
Jewish people are smarter than that.
Are they fighting? Yes. They are fighting to keep their land while Arabs are fighting to take away their land. Jews are smart to fight as well as they can. But, as every nation that seeks democrats with freedom, they need help from the only country that can protect freedom from tyranny, The United States of America 🇺🇸
Are they fighting? Yes. They are fighting to keep their land while Arabs are fighting to take away their land. Jews are smart to fight as well as they can. But, as every nation that seeks democrats with freedom, they need help from the only country that can protect freedom from tyranny, The United States of America 🇺🇸

There's more to history than Jewish history. Arabs have always been there since the Akkadian Empire.
Try doing the right thing.
There's more to history than Jewish history. Arabs have always been there since the Akkadian Empire.
Try doing the right thing.
Doesn’t matter. The land was promised to Israelites. Not just the Jews (Judah). Muslim are not doing the right thing.
Are they fighting? Yes. They are fighting to keep their land while Arabs are fighting to take away their land. Jews are smart to fight as well as they can. But, as every nation that seeks democrats with freedom, they need help from the only country that can protect freedom from tyranny, The United States of America 🇺🇸
God gave men free will = true freedom--Men do not give one freedom, they take away freedoms.
True freedom that God gave= One can choose to be loving, kind, merciful, etc--or one can go around murdering, hating, deceiving others, etc.
Every govt on earth is mislead into standing against Gods king( Rev 16) and Jesus promises to crush them off of Gods earth forever.(Dan 2:44)--So how wise it it for one to give their mislead support to a mortal govt who Jesus will crush? One cannot serve 2 masters.

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