Zone1 What baffles you most about this Religion forum (posters say----whatever)?

Whatever....I am just telling here what I believe in my heart and soul.

That's all that matters to me.:)
I can respect your personal opinion and choice. Just letting you know why there are those who have good reason to believe that God does have human traits.
I can respect your person opinion and choice. Just letting you know why there those who have good reason to believe that God does have human traits.

Look....I have said all that I believe....I can say no more.

You have your beliefs I have mine! ok?
I can respect your personal opinion and choice. Just letting you know why there are those who have good reason to believe that God does have human traits.
The Bible says we are made in his image. According to the Bible God has the capacity to love, laugh, smell, walk, talk, eat, get angry, get really angry, hate, feel compassion, fairness, happiness, and dancing. Sounds like us...
I personally find it very baffling how closed minded people can get whne it comes to religion!

Now, if you have found the Church Christ established on Earth, you can afford to be "closed-minded" as many think Catholics are.

But if you don't REALLY 1000% believe that your "church" is the exact one Christ founded, and refuse to seek out the truth on this matter, I say Jesus will ask you Why when you die and go to meet Him...

and of course only God knows how that will end...!

But I think that Christians who don't care about which Church is the ONE... The Original, well, you won't want to hear this but I tend to think they are not sincerely Christian
are you saved/ are you going to heaven/ if yes to those 2 questions- be honest- i wanna hear why you think you are....
I personally find it very baffling how closed minded people can get whne it comes to religion!

Now, if you have found the Church Christ established on Earth, you can afford to be "closed-minded" as many think Catholics are.

But if you don't REALLY 1000% believe that your "church" is the exact one Christ founded, and refuse to seek out the truth on this matter, I say Jesus will ask you Why when you die and go to meet Him...

and of course only God knows how that will end...!

But I think that Christians who don't care about which Church is the ONE... The Original, well, you won't want to hear this but I tend to think they are not sincerely Christian
The original fell into apostasy. They replaced prophets with popes, apostles with cardinals. The lost the foundation. Then, they changed the meaning of baptisms, confirmation, priesthood, orders of the priesthood, ordinances of the priesthood and lost the sealing of families and baptisms for the dead. And a lot more changes and never came back to the foundation. The Protestants came out of darkness and remained in darkness without the foundation of apostles and prophets.
I personally find it very baffling how closed minded people can get whne it comes to religion!

Now, if you have found the Church Christ established on Earth, you can afford to be "closed-minded" as many think Catholics are
Yes. You're a prime example.
You can absolutely KNOW that the organization you worship is a COUNTERFEIT. but you cannot allow that "possibility" enter your mind
The original fell into apostasy. They replaced prophets with popes, apostles with cardinals.
so Jesus failed to keep his promise?

Jesus said that his Church would never fail.. Mt 16:18

I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it
I'm a recovering christian. I've kept my faith despite the control freaks, despite the religmo's, despite all your flaming hypocrisy

I've no doubt when i meet my maker He'll be busy burning such sorts in h*ll

I'm a recovering christian. I've kept my faith despite the control freaks, despite the religmo's, despite all your flaming hypocrisy

I've no doubt when i meet my maker He'll be busy burning such sorts in h*ll

are you saying Im going to Hell?
so Jesus failed to keep his promise?

Jesus said that his Church would never fail.. Mt 16:18

I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it
2Thessalonians 2:3-9, verse 9 “9 Yea, the Lord, even Jesus, whose coming is not until after there cometh a falling away, by the working of Satan with all power, and signs and lying wonders,”
Yep! Your interpretation of Matthew has to be wrong. See, the falling away in verse 3 doesn’t mean Satan will prevail. It means to not allow that to happen, the church, kingdom, would need to be removed from the earth during the apostasy. Unless you say Paul is a fallen apostle and most of your church doctrine is therefore false.
I'm saying there's a wide divide betwixt things terrestrial and thinks celestial fork

It’s amazing that ministers gloss over 1Corinthians chapter 15 the way they do. Instead it’s either one place in heaven and one place in hell. Chapter 15 speaks of 3 divisions of heaven. Even the lower kingdom of heaven surpasses all understanding. This is the grace of God that all who confess Jesus is Lord God will be in heaven. Even if it’s the lowest glory of heaven. Those who are baptized and receive all ordinances can obtain exaltation in the 3rd and highest degree of glory in heaven.

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