Zone1 Catholic Church Is a Cult


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“It must, of course, be held as a matter of faith that outside the apostolic Roman Church no one can be saved, that the Church is the only ark of salvation, and that whoever does not enter it will perish in the flood.”
Pope Pius IX

Dozens of other popes have said the same thing.

Yet the entire ministry of Jesus the Christ was all about simply accepting Him as the Son of God in your heart makes you saved. The criminal on the cross next to Jesus went to paradise simply because he came to faith as he witnessed what was going on.

Until Martin Luther the catholic cult kept the Bible in Latin so only a select few wealthy people could actually see what the Bible really said. You were put to death for translation of the Bible into a common language.

And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
Mathew 23
And guess what. Yep. More anti-Biblical teachings by the Catholic cult.

Catholics have an elite class of leaders that can never be questioned and must be obeyed. Only they are allowed to interpret the Bible.

Many of the teachings of the catholic cult are non Biblical and invented by leaders of the cult. They have a 900 page book on how the Bible is to be interpreted.
Born and raised Catholic - went to 12+ years of Catholic School - been to Catholic Masses and ceremonies around the world - and I can easily testify that the Catholic Church is not a "cult". Certainly not by definition. Almost the opposite of a cult, tbh.
“It must, of course, be held as a matter of faith that outside the apostolic Roman Church no one can be saved, that the Church is the only ark of salvation, and that whoever does not enter it will perish in the flood.”
Pope Pius IX

Dozens of other popes have said the same thing.

Yet the entire ministry of Jesus the Christ was all about simply accepting Him as the Son of God in your heart makes you saved. The criminal on the cross next to Jesus went to paradise simply because he came to faith as he witnessed what was going on.

Until Martin Luther the catholic cult kept the Bible in Latin so only a select few wealthy people could actually see what the Bible really said. You were put to death for translation of the Bible into a common language.

And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
Mathew 23
And guess what. Yep. More anti-Biblical teachings by the Catholic cult.

Catholics have an elite class of leaders that can never be questioned and must be obeyed. Only they are allowed to interpret the Bible.

Many of the teachings of the catholic cult are non Biblical and invented by leaders of the cult. They have a 900 page book on how the Bible is to be interpreted.
you think theyre bad you should read up on Isam,,
Exactly. It's no different than the muzzies that stone rape victims and think they're getting 72 virgins after killing infidels.

The rituals are different but the soulless depravity is the same.

BTW, born and raised catholic, took the beatings from the nuns and priests, 8 years of catholic school. And I quit it like a bad habit after my brain developed. So did both my parents eventually. Both lifelong catholics.

If I need THAT to get to heaven, I'll pass. :laughing0301:
Exactly. It's no different than the muzzies that stone rape victims and think they're getting 72 virgins after killing infidels.

The rituals are different but the soulless depravity is the same.

BTW, born and raised catholic, took the beatings from the nuns and priests, 8 years of catholic school. And I quit it like a bad habit after my brain developed. So did both my parents eventually. Both lifelong catholics.

If I need THAT to get to heaven, I'll pass. :laughing0301:

I'm sorry you had that experience - doesn't sound pleasant.

Keep in mind - people - individuals - are who they are - regardless of being associated with a religion or establishment. When you were growing up it was "normal" for parents - even teachers - to discipline children physically - that has much more to do with customs at the time than the entire Church itself, imo.
I'm sorry you had that experience - doesn't sound pleasant.

Keep in mind - people - individuals - are who they are - regardless of being associated with a religion or establishment. When you were growing up it was "normal" for parents - even teachers - to discipline children physically - that has much more to do with customs at the time than the entire Church itself, imo.
I deserved getting smacked around a little bit. That didn't hurt me.

They had decades to clean up their signature move (raping altar boys) and they just wouldn't do it. They're stuck in the 1200's and refuse to come out of it. And now they've got a pope that's Che Guevara with a beanie on.

They absolutely deserve the scorn and contempt the world is showing them.
Exactly. It's no different than the muzzies that stone rape victims and think they're getting 72 virgins after killing infidels.

The rituals are different but the soulless depravity is the same.

BTW, born and raised catholic, took the beatings from the nuns and priests, 8 years of catholic school. And I quit it like a bad habit after my brain developed. So did both my parents eventually. Both lifelong catholics.

If I need THAT to get to heaven, I'll pass. :laughing0301:
Numerous friends who are ex Catholic. They all describe it as a cult and never knew Jesus until the left.
Born and raised Catholic - went to 12+ years of Catholic School - been to Catholic Masses and ceremonies around the world - and I can easily testify that the Catholic Church is not a "cult". Certainly not by definition. Almost the opposite of a cult, tbh.
False teachings make it worse than a cult. God made that clear. All your false teachers are getting extra crispy in hell.
Born and raised Catholic - went to 12+ years of Catholic School - been to Catholic Masses and ceremonies around the world - and I can easily testify that the Catholic Church is not a "cult". Certainly not by definition. Almost the opposite of a cult, tbh.
I don't know man....


  1. a relatively small group of people having beliefs or practices, especially relating to religion, that are regarded by others as strange or sinister or as imposing excessive control over members.

    I don't see where it has to be a "relatively small group" as it depends on your AO.....Not many Catholics in your AO then it's a small group worshiping the man in the pointy hat who sits on his throne in Rome surrounded by 30' walls with heavily armed security.

    .......That seems pretty cult-like to me.....Hell the feds will drive a tank through your house and set it afire for less.

I don't know man....


  1. a relatively small group of people having beliefs or practices, especially relating to religion, that are regarded by others as strange or sinister or as imposing excessive control over members.

    I don't see where it has to be a "relatively small group" as it depends on your AO.....Not many Catholics in your AO then it's a small group worshiping the man in the pointy hat who sits on his throne in Rome surrounded by 30' walls with heavily armed security.

    .......That seems pretty cult-like to me.....Hell the feds will drive a tank through your house and set it afire for less.

And let's not leave this part out either:

"A cult is a group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who tightly controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant (outside the norms of society)."

- The Pope has been described in many ways but most wouldn't describe him (or most previous Pope's) as using "charisma" or "charm" to gain followers - quite the opposite, actually.

- The Pope (And other leaders within the Church) are NEVER self-appointed.

- No one in the current Catholic Church is "tightly controlled" - members of the Church have free will and can leave the Church at any point - and most would be welcomed back as well.

- The beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church go hand in hand with the vast majority of moral societal standards - the complete opposite of "deviant".
Yet the entire ministry of Jesus the Christ was all about simply accepting Him as the Son of God in your heart makes you saved. The criminal on the cross next to Jesus went to paradise simply because he came to faith as he witnessed what was going on.
1. Who is Jesus the Christ?
2. Where and what is Paradise?
3. What is faith? How is it defined and who teaches it?
4. What is the Catholic Church? What does the Church teach?
This thread my friends is a fine example of why the founding fathers wanted to keep religion out of government. As can be seen by those who say we are a Christian nation, Christians can’t agree who is a Christian. Yeah, let’s go back to the days of the reformation and counter-reformation, remember reading about those good times?
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