Teacher Tells Student He Can Be Arrested for Speaking Ill of Obama

These are the loons 'educating' American Children. This Socialist/Progressive Union dunce truly believes this child should be arrested for having an opposing viewpoint. What a mess the Democrats have made of our Public School System.
These are the loons 'educating' American Children. This Socialist/Progressive Union dunce truly believes this child should be arrested for having an opposing viewpoint. What a mess the Democrats have made of our Public School System.

In other words? They are teaching you will NOT question authority on any level or else. Critical thinking NOT allowed. Take what Gubmint gives you, sit down and shut up.
I don't find our young students dumb. You do have a hatred fom ignorance sir.

I'd like to chalk up the teacher's comments to ignorance as well -except in liberal land, badmouthing a "beloved" raging leftwing extremist President really WOULD be against the law just as it is in any other leftwing ruled dictator world. The teacher's building RAGE against the student is in fact typical of the intolerant left. She was furious at the end of this exchange and totally irrational as she insisted she held the only "correct" opinions -which of course meant they carried the force of "facts" and then resorted to what she undoubtedly believed was the coup de grâce by insisting the student could be arrested for expressing HIS opinions. In other words, failing to agree with another raging leftwing extremist is a crime and the perpetrator can be punished for it. And still the left can't figure out why when leftwing extremists get total control it invariably results in a government that attacks, imprisons and murders its own citizens by the millions for "political crimes". (Actually they don't wonder why - by the time it happens, they tend to support it too.)

This is a fine example of the bud that germinates into a government that goes after, attacks, imprisons and murders their own citizens for their political dissent-and goes to show how close to the surface the underlying mentality that first allows such a notion to even grow is already right here. And teaching children. Leftwing ideology is based on the premise they have an inherent right to rule and FORCE their will on others because they and ONLY they -know best and ONLY they are "properly" motivated by pure, touchy-feely kinds of reasons. If they know best then it must mean those who disagree are not only ALWAYS wrong, even their motives are despicable because they can't possibly be motivated by nice, touchy-feely reasons like the noble-y left is. That makes their speech just "too dangerous" to allow others to even hear since it can lead others from THE TRUTH AND THE ONLY WAY! In the Soviet Union the ruling elite believed political dissent could only result from either bad character or insanity which justified throwing political dissidents into prison or "mental hospitals" and pumping them full of drugs and deliberately turning them into vegetables. (Interestingly the Soviets also produced nonstop "studies" showing how the most "intelligent and the most compassionate" people were soviet comrades who fully embraced the communist monster - which must mean those who rejected communism were nothing but the evil scum of the earth, degenerates, malcontents and just about any other pejorative possible, motivated by pure evil. Which would definitely mean our founders were the evil scum of the earth -which is why the left either trashes the founders or deliberately re-writes and misinterprets what they said and wrote in order to portray them as near commie loving totalitarians too.)

Aside from the ludicrous notion that a Republican's candidacy should be judged by whether he was at all times a perfect child and adolescent when the entire point of growing up is learning to become a civilized human being and doing or saying things one never would as a mature adult definitely happens to us all - what I found to be most striking and best demonstrates the complete lack of critical thinking skills of the left was the discussion itself. She commented that Romney supposedly bullied someone as a teen (and she meant it as if that fact alone disqualified him for the Presidency) - and the student pointed out that Obama once bullied a student as well. She actually said that was DIFFERENT! And what made it different in her mind? The fact Obama is already President means his bullying incident was completely irrelevant and shouldn't even be discussed! She said it only mattered that Romney once did this (and I will refrain from using the word "allegedly" although assume it there throughout. When there is a real lack of credibility for this story including from the alleged victim's family as well as zero memory for it from alleged perpetrator, this would never be anything but an alleged incident. Believe me, if MY brother came home with his hair chopped up for ANY reason, my entire family would know and remember it! Or are they going to claim Romney actually gave him a well styled haircut?) Aside from the fact she is idiotically discussing events from someone's CHILDHOOD when they were still a minor as if it tells a damn thing about either man TODAY -she actually said judging a man for a SINGLE childhood event was only relevant about ONE of them and she believes it is wrong to apply that same standard to the Democrat President! She, as a typical leftist not only used a double standard -she said it was JUSTIFIED. That is the mind of a liberal in a nutshell -double standards, no standards -whatever works to put the other guy at the greatest disadvantage and gives their own side the greatest advantage -is JUSTIFIED.

She said it only mattered that Romney had bullied someone once because he wanted to BE President -whereas it didn't matter at all that Obama had bullied someone (by his own admission) because he WAS President. I listened to the tape of her saying this and I still can't get my jaw up off the ground. Only in the mind of a raging nutjob liberal is that "logical". Of course after she said the student could be arrested for bad mouthing Obama, another student pointed out that people talked shit about Bush all the time. Again she revealed why she should never be allowed around students as a teacher and said "that's different -Bush was shitty." She truly represents the lack of critical skills of the left and highlights the fact the typical liberal is nothing but a mental midget incapable of rational discussion and participating in a well reasoned debate of ideas.

Liberalism truly is a mental illness.
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These are the loons 'educating' American Children. This Socialist/Progressive Union dunce truly believes this child should be arrested for having an opposing viewpoint. What a mess the Democrats have made of our Public School System.

You're comparing the entire public school system to something ONE bad teacher has done? That's a pretty big generalization don't you think?

If the Republicans were completely in charge of the public school system, there wouldn't BE a public school system and none of these kids would ever be in school at all. How's that for generalization?
The one teacher represents a lot of bad teachers, because they are endemic to our schools system.
These are the loons 'educating' American Children. This Socialist/Progressive Union dunce truly believes this child should be arrested for having an opposing viewpoint. What a mess the Democrats have made of our Public School System.

You're comparing the entire public school system to something ONE bad teacher has done? That's a pretty big generalization don't you think?

If the Republicans were completely in charge of the public school system, there wouldn't BE a public school system and none of these kids would ever be in school at all. How's that for generalization?

Half the children in Florida can't read. Is that the fault of republicans?
The one teacher represents a lot of bad teachers, because they are endemic to our schools system.

Yup, off to the Gulag for this student's 'Re-education.' This 'Teacher' should be fired. But don't expect that to happen. She's very likely well protected by a despicable Teacher Union.
To liberals criticism of the obama is the same as treason or even heresy. He is the country. He is God.

But it was cool laughing about books and movies about killing Bush when he was in office...

Liberals never considered Bush synomous with the country. Nor did anyone imbue Bush with divinity. Democrats have done both with obama. One black guy suggested that a new book be written for the Bible based on obamahood.
That's right up there with the teacher that told a grade school kid that if McCain won her daddy wouldn't come home from war for a hundred years.

and they wonder why we need to toss the unions...

Strecth of logic, that.
The one teacher represents a lot of bad teachers, because they are endemic to our schools system.

Yup, off to the Gulag for this student's 'Re-education.' This 'Teacher' should be fired. But don't expect that to happen. She's very likely well protected by a despicable Teacher Union.

The OP lied about what this teacher said, you dont care about that do you?
To liberals criticism of the obama is the same as treason or even heresy. He is the country. He is God.

But it was cool laughing about books and movies about killing Bush when he was in office...

Liberals never considered Bush synomous with the country. Nor did anyone imbue Bush with divinity. Democrats have done both with obama. One black guy suggested that a new book be written for the Bible based on obamahood.

And with Government-Controlled media protecting him at every turn...
Not at all. I believe in teaching children facts and reality, and not sexualizing them from the cradle.

Unlike Jake, who would like to see them pumped full of the sort of idiocy and outright lies he tries unsuccessfully to plant here.
why are so many on the right here unwilling to accept the OP lied about the story?
Most public ed teachers are quite good...

Then they would have no problem competing for a job in free market education.

"Public educators, like Soviet farmers, lack any incentive to produce results, innovate, to be efficient, to make the kinds of of difficult changes that private firms operating in a competitive market must make to survive." Carolyn Lochhead

I also think H.L. Mencken got it right:

"The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all: it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality."
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