Between Trump and the TEA Party Where Will the Rs Go?

that's one point on the X axis as Y approaches infinity ((watteva dat means------two semesters of calculus flew out of my head---
ONE MINUTE after the final exam)) I used to love calculus---you can do so much with it-------when you still know it-----
You must still be trapped in one of our failing institutions of so called higher learning.....get out while you still have a modicum of common sense left....
/——/ you done learned goodly,

I is retired ------finished schooling------1975
Increasingly the activists like the Anti-fa masked paramilitary and to a lesser extent the TEA party do not share the same agenda as the financiers of the political parties. The Ds are in the most immediate trouble because the Blue states are busy losing both tax base and population. If the activists keep going the Ds will lose more seats at the state and local levels where both parties are competitive. The finances of the left coast and northeast quarter are headed towards Chapter 3 bankruptcy with ever higher crimerates and lower tax base.

So, the current D party will become ever more regional and ever more radical with the most radical Ds being in the gerrymandered districts of red states. For example TX has precisely one competitive congressional district. FL will most likely join that group in 2022. So, that outcome is fairly predictable. But what about the Rs?

The country club R campaign contributors and the R activist base do not share a common agenda. Without an effective national D party, which is nearly the case now, what will hold the GOP together?

The Federal government is a lost cause. Support your local Article V movement. What we need are term limits for Congress and spending limits for Congress via Constitutional amendments.

The addict needs an intervention.

States need to rise up!
He says some populist things to attract the teabaggers, but his agenda seems to mostly benefit the billionaire class - Country club republicans
Just for a fun experiment; Can you tell me how you help the nation recover from a devastating economic decade of stagnation without benefiting the corporations? The "Billionaire class" as you call it will get no tax cut. Corporations will and so will the middle class.
Republican leadership is well established and republicans have won almost every important election in the last six years and continue to win. The big question is where the hell the leaderless incoherent angry and violent democrat party is headed. Will Americans expect to see window smashing and car torching every time democrats are disappointed?
Republican leadership is well established and republicans have won almost every important election in the last six years and continue to win. The big question is where the hell the leaderless incoherent angry and violent democrat party is headed. Will Americans expect to see window smashing and car torching every time democrats are disappointed?

Short run answer yes, long run answer if the tax bill passes this year in more or less current form there will not be enough Ds and campaign funds to keep them competitive 2022 or beyond. A one term D 2021-5 is possible as president, if the 2000 election reforms are not enforced until after the 2020 election..

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