Yes or No: Is a "deal" with Iran worth the paper it is written on?

Yes or No

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Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
What say you?
Is a deal made between Obama and Iran, whereby Iran has to comply for years to come to numerous request - worth the paper it is written on?
Does Iran have a history of trustworthiness?
Have they interfered with inspectors in the past and present? (duh)

Yo, this BOY in the White House will take any deal Iran says it wants, because the BOY wants to say he did something, no matter how dangerous it is to Israel!!!

No, but watch. The liberal hacks on this forum will defend Iran, no matter what, because Obama defends them, no matter what. They are willing to put the world at risk to support the POS in the W.H.
"Is a "deal" with Iran worth the paper it is written on?"

Not according to the Republicans.

Used to be, the word of the US was sacred. The Republicans have changed that.
What say you?
Is a deal made between Obama and Iran, whereby Iran has to comply for years to come to numerous request - worth the paper it is written on?
Does Iran have a history of trustworthiness?
Have they interfered with inspectors in the past and present? (duh)

Heck I would trust Iran's word over Obama's. Sadly.
This is actually amazing.
3 people so far have said they believe Iran is trustworthy...that is just mind boggling.
Anyone who really thinks that the Iranian mullahs would give up on getting nukes based on the kind of deal that Obama has outlined is delusional, simply delusional.

For one thing, the Iranian mullahs, like Putin and other leaders, have taken the measure of Obama and know that he's not to be taken seriously as a leader.
"Is a "deal" with Iran worth the paper it is written on?"

Not according to the Republicans.

Used to be, the word of the US was sacred. The Republicans have changed that.
Lol, really? Didn't Obama draw the imaginary red line? Obama is the president who cannot tell the truth. Republicans have nothing to do with the liar in chief making the word of the United states useless.
I am truly surprised. I thought no one would choose yes, I fully expected dodging and rhetorical meanderinglike Duddley gave (and not answer the question) - but to actually say Iran can be trusted is phenomenal.
Thank God Nuddley. We used to not cave to terrorists, but our Muslim president has changed that.
I voted yes, because without America rising en masse to stop Obama it will be done behind our backs, like when we didn't stop him from overthrowing our ally in Egypt, in favor of the terrorist Brotherhood, handing Libya to ISIS, or supporting the terrorist regime in Cuba, turning our back on Israel, and redistributing our wealth to the Muslims. Obama is enriching the Arab Spring he speaks of so fondly. The ones that want to destroy our country. We either stop him or we say hello to his new bff, the Iran terrorists.
They know that the whole world is watching, especially Israel.

The whole world watches them consistently lie and support terrorism too.
So, in your opinion, by voting yes, you believe Iran shows trustworthiness?

I hope you are being satirical, or perhaps meaning they are "trustworthy" that you can rely that they will continue to do whatever is in their interest despite signing anything. Like in the past.
What say you?
Is a deal made between Obama and Iran, whereby Iran has to comply for years to come to numerous request - worth the paper it is written on?
Does Iran have a history of trustworthiness?
Have they interfered with inspectors in the past and present? (duh)


The only treaty they have that matters to them is the one with Allah and Mohammad as long as they have clerics running the country

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