Christine Pelosi: Dear GOP Senate Saboteurs, Obama Derangement Syndrome Is Not a Strategy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Dear Senate Saboteurs: there you go again. Just when I think Obama Derangement Syndrome could not get any higher, your conduct against the 44th President of the United States stoops even lower. Your latest stunt -- the direct letter to Iran statingincorrectly that any multi-lateral agreement would not be honored by a future president -- is as Vice President Joe Biden said, beneath the dignity of the Senate. It's also an electoral loser.

I know you've wanted to oppose this president from the start, Republican Senate Saboteurs. Some of your supporters wrote to me in 2006 wanting to impeach then-Senator Barack Obama over his alleged Kenyan birth. Others of your supporters have insisted that I am a "traitor" for supporting the president. You 47 Republicans Senate Saboteurs did nothing to stop the birthers -- indeed you thrived on them -- and made othering Obama the price of admission into the Republican Party. Name one Republican among the 47 of you who hasn't either attacked President Barack Obama's American birth or supported a Republican who did. I'll wait.

All of you have appeared on FOX News, where Democrats' patriotism is routinely questioned -- indeed Bill O'Reilly called me "un-American" for questioning when your party would drop its hopelessly hypocritical opposition to marriage equality. You probably think you speak for the 89 percent of Republicans in that Huffington Post/YouGov poll who did not agree that "President Obama loves America." But take it from someone who's been there: ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) won't work out any better for Republicans in 2016 than ABB (Anyone But Bush) did for Democrats in 2004. Voters still expect you to stand for something not just against whatever the president of the opposing party is doing. Obama Derangement Syndrome is not a strategy: derailing the president's multi-lateral path to peace in 2015 will not pave the Republican path to 1600 Pennsylvania in 2016.

A final thought: now that you have deliberately undercut the president on foreign policy by your Constitutionally incorrect letter to Iran, it would be tempting to call you what your partisans have called Democrats for years -- but I won't. I believe it is wrong to stoop to your level and call you the traitors that your supporters have called my president, my mother, and me. As I tell my kindergartener all the time, we cannot let others' bad behavior lower our own good standards. Moreover, I will not give any of you the satisfaction of becoming "victims" when you most assuredly are not. You are not victims -- you are Saboteurs who are letting your personal sentiments about the president get in your way -- and in America's way. You Republican Senate Saboteurs want to derail the Iran talks and leave us exactly where we were before: with sanctions in place but Iran on a path to a nuclear weapon. A wiser course would be to demonstrate that you love America more than you hate the president, by working together for a multilateral effort to stop Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon and to advance peace in the Middle East. Signed, an American patriot.

Dear GOP Senate Saboteurs, Obama Derangement Syndrome Is Not a Strategy - Christine Pelosi

Thank you, Christine Pelosi. Your mother is a great American patriot.
Makes me smile to know how butthurt Pelosi's daughter must have been back in November when she not only saw her mothers chance to regain the Speakership slip away, but the chances slipped even further as the GOP increased their majority ! :biggrin:
Dear Senate Saboteurs: there you go again. Just when I think Obama Derangement Syndrome could not get any higher, your conduct against the 44th President of the United States stoops even lower. Your latest stunt -- the direct letter to Iran statingincorrectly that any multi-lateral agreement would not be honored by a future president -- is as Vice President Joe Biden said, beneath the dignity of the Senate. It's also an electoral loser.

I know you've wanted to oppose this president from the start, Republican Senate Saboteurs. Some of your supporters wrote to me in 2006 wanting to impeach then-Senator Barack Obama over his alleged Kenyan birth. Others of your supporters have insisted that I am a "traitor" for supporting the president. You 47 Republicans Senate Saboteurs did nothing to stop the birthers -- indeed you thrived on them -- and made othering Obama the price of admission into the Republican Party. Name one Republican among the 47 of you who hasn't either attacked President Barack Obama's American birth or supported a Republican who did. I'll wait.

All of you have appeared on FOX News, where Democrats' patriotism is routinely questioned -- indeed Bill O'Reilly called me "un-American" for questioning when your party would drop its hopelessly hypocritical opposition to marriage equality. You probably think you speak for the 89 percent of Republicans in that Huffington Post/YouGov poll who did not agree that "President Obama loves America." But take it from someone who's been there: ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) won't work out any better for Republicans in 2016 than ABB (Anyone But Bush) did for Democrats in 2004. Voters still expect you to stand for something not just against whatever the president of the opposing party is doing. Obama Derangement Syndrome is not a strategy: derailing the president's multi-lateral path to peace in 2015 will not pave the Republican path to 1600 Pennsylvania in 2016.

A final thought: now that you have deliberately undercut the president on foreign policy by your Constitutionally incorrect letter to Iran, it would be tempting to call you what your partisans have called Democrats for years -- but I won't. I believe it is wrong to stoop to your level and call you the traitors that your supporters have called my president, my mother, and me. As I tell my kindergartener all the time, we cannot let others' bad behavior lower our own good standards. Moreover, I will not give any of you the satisfaction of becoming "victims" when you most assuredly are not. You are not victims -- you are Saboteurs who are letting your personal sentiments about the president get in your way -- and in America's way. You Republican Senate Saboteurs want to derail the Iran talks and leave us exactly where we were before: with sanctions in place but Iran on a path to a nuclear weapon. A wiser course would be to demonstrate that you love America more than you hate the president, by working together for a multilateral effort to stop Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon and to advance peace in the Middle East. Signed, an American patriot.

Dear GOP Senate Saboteurs, Obama Derangement Syndrome Is Not a Strategy - Christine Pelosi

Thank you, Christine Pelosi. Your mother is a great American patriot.

I know what you mean. Obama, not only has power as chief executive, but he also has power to advise and consent all treaties all by himself. It makes me wonder if we even need the other branches of government. Just let Obama do everything.
Makes me smile to know how butthurt Pelosi's daughter must have been back in November when she not only saw her mothers chance to regain the Speakership slip away, but the chances slipped even further as the GOP increased their majority ! :biggrin:

Yeah, they're really butt-hurt - all rich and famous...
Dear Senate Saboteurs: there you go again. Just when I think Obama Derangement Syndrome could not get any higher, your conduct against the 44th President of the United States stoops even lower. Your latest stunt -- the direct letter to Iran statingincorrectly that any multi-lateral agreement would not be honored by a future president -- is as Vice President Joe Biden said, beneath the dignity of the Senate. It's also an electoral loser.

I know you've wanted to oppose this president from the start, Republican Senate Saboteurs. Some of your supporters wrote to me in 2006 wanting to impeach then-Senator Barack Obama over his alleged Kenyan birth. Others of your supporters have insisted that I am a "traitor" for supporting the president. You 47 Republicans Senate Saboteurs did nothing to stop the birthers -- indeed you thrived on them -- and made othering Obama the price of admission into the Republican Party. Name one Republican among the 47 of you who hasn't either attacked President Barack Obama's American birth or supported a Republican who did. I'll wait.

All of you have appeared on FOX News, where Democrats' patriotism is routinely questioned -- indeed Bill O'Reilly called me "un-American" for questioning when your party would drop its hopelessly hypocritical opposition to marriage equality. You probably think you speak for the 89 percent of Republicans in that Huffington Post/YouGov poll who did not agree that "President Obama loves America." But take it from someone who's been there: ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) won't work out any better for Republicans in 2016 than ABB (Anyone But Bush) did for Democrats in 2004. Voters still expect you to stand for something not just against whatever the president of the opposing party is doing. Obama Derangement Syndrome is not a strategy: derailing the president's multi-lateral path to peace in 2015 will not pave the Republican path to 1600 Pennsylvania in 2016.

A final thought: now that you have deliberately undercut the president on foreign policy by your Constitutionally incorrect letter to Iran, it would be tempting to call you what your partisans have called Democrats for years -- but I won't. I believe it is wrong to stoop to your level and call you the traitors that your supporters have called my president, my mother, and me. As I tell my kindergartener all the time, we cannot let others' bad behavior lower our own good standards. Moreover, I will not give any of you the satisfaction of becoming "victims" when you most assuredly are not. You are not victims -- you are Saboteurs who are letting your personal sentiments about the president get in your way -- and in America's way. You Republican Senate Saboteurs want to derail the Iran talks and leave us exactly where we were before: with sanctions in place but Iran on a path to a nuclear weapon. A wiser course would be to demonstrate that you love America more than you hate the president, by working together for a multilateral effort to stop Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon and to advance peace in the Middle East. Signed, an American patriot.

Dear GOP Senate Saboteurs, Obama Derangement Syndrome Is Not a Strategy - Christine Pelosi

Thank you, Christine Pelosi. Your mother is a great American patriot.

I know what you mean. Obama, not only has power as chief executive, but he also has power to advise and consent all treaties all by himself. It makes me wonder if we even need the other branches of government. Just let Obama do everything.

And there you have it. Overthrow our democracy in favor of King Obama. No thank you.
And thank you GOP for having the backbone to inform Obama's Muslim friends that we do not negotiate with terrorists.
Christine, Your mother is ruthless. You don't have to pass it to find out what's in it. You have to give it to Congress to read it before anyone passes it. Otherwise you are just ramming your piece of shit down our throats.
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Little Christy must think she's special cause she be the daughter of someone

can you believe she's going around frikken lecturing us...

go make a whiny film on the Dixie Chicks or something. oh wait you already did that

loser nobody
Now if they'd just write a letter to the Chinese regarding the fuck-up in Chief's unilateral climate agreement...
And the 2000 page document described as Obamacare, after the fact, so the Republican and the general public would find out what was just rammed up everybody's ass.

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