Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure

22 Jan 2024 ~~ By DrJohn

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure​


Doc7505 is salad. :)
Doc7505 is salad. :)

Biden’s appeasing Iran policy gets three American troops killed

What is it with Biden and Iran? A drone attack by Iranian backed militias just killed 3 American soldiers and injured two dozen more in Jordan. Three U.S.

Huh? Biden has a mental illness because he passed an infrastructure package, keeps job growth at levels repugnants couldn’t dream about, curbs inflation and has a wife who will actually hold his hand in public ? Oh, promotes affordable healthcare when repugnants have never touched the issue....that’s your definition of mental illness ?
She holds his hand to keep him from falling, Dagosa! LOL
Huh? Biden has a mental illness because he passed an infrastructure package, keeps job growth at levels repugnants couldn’t dream about, curbs inflation and has a wife who will actually hold his hand in public ? Oh, promotes affordable healthcare when repugnants have never touched the issue....that’s your definition of mental illness ?
My definition of mental illness is when someone starts claiming they just talked to someone who's been dead for about 25 years, Dagosa! Joe's senile as hell and I think you know it!
So you’re idea of a strong economy like all repugnants, is a deep recession followed by the middle class selling off their homes cheaply to avoid bankruptcy to the fat cats you just gave a massive tax break to. That is “your” definition of success and strength.
Strangely, that's exactly what Joey Xi Bai Dung has been doing to the Middle Class for the last three years.
He's created Inflation, food supply shortages, housing shortages, higher interest rates, and initiated wars in the M.E. and the Ukraine.

Strangely, that's exactly what Joey Xi Bai Dung has been doing to the Middle Class for the last three years.
He's created Inflation, food supply shortages, housing shortages, higher interest rates, and initiated wars in the M.E. and the Ukraine.
Strangely, that's exactly what Joey Xi Bai Dung has been doing to the Middle Class for the last three years.
He's created Inflation, food supply shortages, housing shortages, higher interest rates, and initiated wars in the M.E. and the Ukraine.

You’re a confused ignoramus. Inflation is not a recession. You loved the gop-lower gas prices because people lost their jobs didn’t you ? Guess what, inflation rates are NOW below normal idiot. Bidenomics works and unemployment rates are remaining at record lows. The US economy has now improved more than any other industrialized nation.
Food ? Tell us about all the foods you can’t buy !
My definition of mental illness is when someone starts claiming they just talked to someone who's been dead for about 25 years, Dagosa! Joe's senile as hell and I think you know it!
How about talking to someone who’s been dead for over 2000 about saying they are the second coming. How about you, you support Trump. That’s insanity.
Let’s examine Biden vs Trump by the idiot remarks they make.....
How about talking to someone who’s been dead for over 2000 about saying they are the second coming. How about you, you support Trump. That’s insanity.
Let’s examine Biden vs Trump by the idiot remarks they make.....
Do you REALLY want to go down that road, Dagosa? If I was to list the idiotic things that Joe Biden has said...that amount of data might crash the site!

Joe can't even read his lines off of a teleprompter. His handlers hide him because when they don''s obvious that he's impaired. This is a "Weekend At Bernie's" administration! Half the time Joe doesn't even seem to know that he's the President.
Do you REALLY want to go down that road, Dagosa? If I was to list the idiotic things that Joe Biden has said...that amount of data might crash the site!

Joe can't even read his lines off of a teleprompter. His handlers hide him because when they don''s obvious that he's impaired. This is a "Weekend At Bernie's" administration! Half the time Joe doesn't even seem to know that he's the President.
Bet your arse. “Covid will be gone by spring” cost lives.
Denying science cost lives….’Nikki was in charge of security,‘ Nuking storms….he’s a child.
We could do this for a week.
So Biden reads a teleprompter ? Who doesn’t ….Hilarious. He can read, Trump can’t
Do you REALLY want to go down that road, Dagosa? If I was to list the idiotic things that Joe Biden has said...that amount of data might crash the site!

Joe can't even read his lines off of a teleprompter. His handlers hide him because when they don''s obvious that he's impaired. This is a "Weekend At Bernie's" administration! Half the time Joe doesn't even seem to know that he's the President.

President Trump costs so many lives with his idiocy about Covid.
Sorry to say, he still is.

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