Xtian vs. Christian


Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
I don't normally post in the religion forum, I certainly don't start threads here... usually... I don't really have much interest in religion one way or the other.

But I saw a comment in a now locked thread in the badlands that, as a lover of history, I found curious:

Using the term 'xtian" rather than "Christian" (the proper term) is also employing hate speech and propaganda to marginalize and demean Christians.

I was somewhat surprised that a person of faith would be offended by the substitution of "Christ" for "X." The only reasoning I can think of for such offense is a lack of awareness as to the history of the use of "X" in place of "Christ."

I’ve seen some people say “Writing ‘Xmas’ is trying to eliminate Christ from Christmas.” I’ve also heard similar things about using “Xtian.” This seems to me to be incredibly fearful, as well as ignorant of history. I don’t think there is anyone alive today that doesn’t know Xmas is an abbreviation for Christmas, which contains the word “Christ”. This is not a new movement to hide Christ. This abbreviation has been around a very long time.

The labarum, often called the Chi-Rho, is a Christian symbol representing Christ. It is a symbol comprised of our letters X and P, which in Greek are the first two letters of “Christ.” This symbol has been around, and directly representative of Christ, since at least the 4th century. There have also been numerous versions of ichthys symbols since the first century, all representing Jesus. Ichthys is Greek for fish, but in their alphabet it looks like ‘ΙΧΘΥΣ’. It is an acrostic for “Jesus Christ, God’s son, savior” and writing it, or one of its symbols, has always identified someone as Christian. It was often shortened to simply ‘X’, as the X was the letter in the ichthys that represented Christ’s name, and the letter is also reminiscent of a cross.

In short, if people want to be offended, they will always find a way. But this one, it's a bit of a stretch for me...
That was quite a bit of teaching in two short paragraphs. I appreciate you taking the time to post it. :)

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there you go again...bothering them with facts.....and history....they dont care about either...just want to beat their drums, but you know that
I was somewhat surprised that a person of faith would be offended by the substitution of "Christ" for "X." The only reasoning I can think of for such offense is a lack of awareness as to the history of the use of "X" in place of "Christ."

Have you talked to enough people? What some of them are saying is that they don't know who Christ is so they are writing "X". What is "X"?

Who is Mr. X?

Their question is more of a statement than a question.
Examples of the Chi-Rho:






With the exception of the stained glass, these are some pretty ancient examples of the use of the Chi-Rho...
I was somewhat surprised that a person of faith would be offended by the substitution of "Christ" for "X." The only reasoning I can think of for such offense is a lack of awareness as to the history of the use of "X" in place of "Christ."

Have you talked to enough people? What some of them are saying is that they don't know who Christ is so they are writing "X". What is "X"?

Who is Mr. X?

Their question is more of a statement than a question.

I've talked to quite a few folks, most of them believers, almost all of them unaware of the history. I will say that Catholics tend to have more of a grasp on the concept and history of the use of the Chi-Rho.

As for those who are not people of faith and their use of the symbol, I can't say as I haven't really asked them why they choose to use the symbol, or even if they know what it means. My sole purpose with this thread ws to point out that there really is no need to be offended by its use if you are a person of faith.
Judaism 101: The Name of G-d

Jews do not casually write any Name of God. This practice does not come from the commandment not to take the Lord's Name in vain, as many suppose. In Jewish thought, that commandment refers solely to oath-taking, and is a prohibition against swearing by God's Name falsely or frivolously (the word normally translated as "in vain" literally means "for falsehood").
What's the deal with people spelling God as "G-d"?

That is a very good question.

It is my understanding that, for some people, to spell out God, or GOD risks having it be discarded in a disrespectful manner.

Also, because of the laws delivered by Moses which are found in Deuteronomy 12:3-12:4. In this passage, the Jews are instructed to destroy anything and everything associated with their rival’s gods, and they are not to let this happen to their own God. Writing G-d instead of God is one way to prevent others from destroying the name of God.
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What's the deal with people spelling God as "G-d"?

That is a very good question.

It is my understanding that, for some people, to spell out God, or GOD risks having it be discarded in a disrespectful manner.

Also, because of the laws delivered by Moses which are found in Deuteronomy 12:3-12:4. In this passage, the Jews are instructed to destroy anything and everything associated with their rival’s gods, and they are not to let this happen to their own God. Writing G-d instead of God is one way to prevent others from destroying the name of God.

The reason was the Jews took out the vowels in God's name so as to not commit blasphemy because the Bible says:

Exodus 20:7 ¶ Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

In other words, they were trying to find a way out so if they didn't spell God's name, they couldn't be accused of taking the Lord's name in vain. That is why they took the vowels out and spelled YHVH.

Tetragrammaton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
True Christians are not bothered by "x" at all.

They understand its use.


Maybe you should find another way to be assertive than being condescending and bullying.

It is rude to call people what they don't want to be called.


What is a 'true christian'? And why do you think you speak for them all?
I was somewhat surprised that a person of faith would be offended by the substitution of "Christ" for "X." The only reasoning I can think of for such offense is a lack of awareness as to the history of the use of "X" in place of "Christ."

Have you talked to enough people? What some of them are saying is that they don't know who Christ is so they are writing "X". What is "X"?

Who is Mr. X?

Their question is more of a statement than a question.

Exactly, Chuck. The people who don't mind an X in order to remove Christ's name are the same people who do not mind "Christ" being taken out of the equation for salvation. These are the ones who when asked is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and becoming a born again believer who lives a holy life and keeps the Lords commandments the only way to enter into heaven? Will respond......that is between God and the person... If these people were honest they would admit they are not followers of Christ but rather followers of Mr. X! Whoever he is..... so let them call themselves Xians but let them also be honest and call their religion Xian because truly it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ or the Written Word of God, Brother.

There are some who do not mind denying Christ because they prefer the praises of Men rather than the praise of God. They do things such as this to draw more business from the world, to have friendship with the world, to be loved by the world so let them have it, Chuck. Because I tell you the truth that is all they will ever have. Whatever is here on this earth? They should enjoy it while they can because for anyone who claims to be a believer in Jesus Christ and then say they don't mind an X being put through his name? Something is wrong. Something is seriously wrong!

Note* I am not speaking of the world. The world does not know Christ. The world is like a small child that doesn't know any better. I am speaking of people who claim to be born again Christians.
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