Check out the line to get into Trump's rally in the Bronx!

The people of NY are revolting against the Demafascit.

The people of the Bronx are real New Yorkers, not like the Wall Street crew that funds the Demafascist party
Well good. Maybe we'll finally hear the end of all this MAGAt-tard, snowflake whining about how Trump "can't get a fair trial in New York."
The Trumpers are from out of town.

The regular people walking around in the park, the ones that the videographer pretended were the Trumpers, those are the locals.
There isn't enough money in New Yawk Shitty to get conservatives to visit there. It's a shithole. Almost as bad as Atlanta.

The problem in New Yawk is voter turnout. Most have given up and don't bother. While in Florida, we routinely get near 70% turnout for gubernatorial elections New Yawk never breaks 50%. Sometimes they're down in the 20's.

Nobody votes because they know that the system is rigged
You mean the guilt-ridden white libs?

Because they feel sorry for you and shame toward themselves

Thats what lib brainwashing can do
We are not guilt ridden. We identify reality and are labeled racist
There isn't enough money in New Yawk Shitty to get conservatives to visit there. It's a shithole. Almost as bad as Atlanta.

The problem in New Yawk is voter turnout. Most have given up and don't bother. While in Florida, we routinely get near 70% turnout for gubernatorial elections New Yawk never breaks 50%. Sometimes they're down in the 20's.

Nobody votes because they know that the system is rigged
When was the last time you lived in Atlanta or NYC? I'm guessing you havent lived in either.
Wow, how can that be ? Must be fake news, new york and especially the Bronx hates Trump. Right Democrats? You fools better have truck loads of fraudulent ballots to cheat the American people ... 81 million ain't gonna cut it...
Because everyone in that crowd was from the Bronx, right?
As I shared. Lib loons on to the “you see the line length incorrectly ” bullshit
Reality is what libs wish it was.
A few hundred.

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