"Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body" Has Been Trademarked

Don’t matter what I think. You support it. What do you think?
Yes, there was nothing wrong w/it, especially being as it's not a slur or curse word.
How is it not a slur? Many lesbians or others that identify under LBGTQ being called “butch” or hearing “butch” used in a derogatory tone would disagree with you. Further, I’m willing to bet if a white conservative male in Congress called a Democrat woman “butch” like Crockett did, you’d be all over the guy admonishing him.

I’m not defending Greene. She deserved what she got for trash talking a fellow female member of Congress. I am saying that in this woke world we live in, there are obviously different rules for different people.
How is it not a slur? Many lesbians or others that identify under LBGTQ being called “butch” or hearing “butch” used in a derogatory tone would disagree with you. Further, I’m willing to bet if a white conservative male in Congress called a Democrat woman “butch” like Crockett did, you’d be all over the guy admonishing him.

I’m not defending Greene. She deserved what she got for trash talking a fellow female member of Congress. I am saying that in this woke world we live in, there are obviously different rules for different people.
I posted the dictionary.com definition, it didn't mention slur.

If you can present some proof of it being a slur, I'll gladly accept it.

Go for it....change my mind.
I posted the dictionary.com definition, it didn't mention slur.

If you can present some proof of it being a slur, I'll gladly accept it.

Go for it....change my mind.
So because the dictionary doesn’t call it a slur or say that it is derogatory, then it’s not offensive?? I looked up the word “boy” in the dictionary and didn’t see that as a derogatory, slur, or offensive term either. So if a white man refers to a black man as “boy” it’s not offensive based on your logic,
There are more white women than black women. It's just a fact.

MTG lowers the IQ average for white women considerably.
She gives it in return like most Republicans will not. So, she is noticeable. I am sorry. Damn near all African American Prog women in power are cookie cutter copies. Angered and ready for caustic comments. We need scientists, inventors, tech giants, industrial giants and those who create millions of employment opportunities. 60 years of this and some should have shown up.
So because the dictionary doesn’t call it a slur or say that it is derogatory, then it’s not offensive?? I looked up the word “boy” in the dictionary and didn’t see that as a derogatory, slur, or offensive term either. So if a white man refers to a black man as “boy” it’s not offensive based on your logic,
I mean, if it is, it should be pretty damn easy for you to prove, no?

Just post a link of it stating that "butch" is a slur and you got it.

Easy peasy.
Getting stuck in the checkout line at Walmart and thumbing through the tabloids that pretend to be news is nothing compared to the junk served up on the internet by the "Daily Beast". Yet lefties seem to depend on garbage that pretends to be information these days. It feeds their hatred and beats talking about real issues.
Dictionary is my standard, yes, what's yours?
It’s good to see a Democrat and one who supports Liberals have at least one standard. Normally, for your side, if you didn’t have double standards, what would you have? As for me, my standard is to avoid double standards.

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