Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Does it ever even explain why in the Bible? Or is it simply just because God intended for men and women to be together because only they can reproduce?
Um the larger question is: WHY did the American Psychiatry institute suddenly proclaim HOMOSEXUALITY isn't a mental illness despite the fact certainty it 99.99% is? That is a real head scratcher. You don't need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows.
Does it ever even explain why in the Bible? Or is it simply just because God intended for men and women to be together because only they can repreproduce.
Romans chapter one explains why homosexuality is sin.
Anyone here ever read Oliver Sacks? Famed British neurologist. I have known a schizophrenic. yeah. The mind is amazing, it also has its many faults. The man the mistook his wife for a we need to creat a political group for people that have facial aphasia? Democrats have lost the meaning of democracy.
God created man and woman to become one and to multiply and replenish the earth. Homosexuality is a direct perversion of this commandment of God. God created the man and the woman to be together and to raise up families. Homosexuality is a perversion of this basic law of creation. Homosexuals are not born with this perversion but learn it through false ideas in this world. The purpose of God creating the opposite sexes is for them to come together in marriage and raise up families. This is why adultery and fornication as well as homosexuality also are severe sins in the word of God. Marriage can be an eternal union and God has His reasons for commanding that the man and woman be together.

Genesis 2:24
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?​

He/she/it wants the Karens and other weirdos to have something to keep them occupied and fixated in order to keep more of them off the streets and out of mischief.

Of course it's not a perfect scheme but it's better than nothing...
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God created man and woman to become one and to multiply and replenish the earth. Homosexuality is a direct perversion of this commandment of God. God created the man and the woman to be together and to raise up families. Homosexuality is a perversion of this basic law of creation. Homosexuals are not born with this perversion but learn it through false ideas in this world. The purpose of God creating the opposite sexes is for them to come together in marriage and raise up families. This is why adultery and fornication as well as homosexuality also are severe sins in the word of God. Marriage can be an eternal union and God has His reasons for commanding that the man and woman be together.

Genesis 2:24
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
I think it's a genetic flaw. Most didn't choose to be gay.
I think it's a genetic flaw. Most didn't choose to be gay.
Scripture is clear that God considers homosexuality an abomination. An abomination is a very vile sin in the eyes of God. Why would God even consider it a sin if it is beyond our choice? God does consider it a choice and for this reason it is a sin and a very vile sin known as an abomination. If it were a genetic flaw, God would not be just in judging it to be a sin since we have no choice but it is forced upon us. I don't believe God is unjust, nor do I believe that God doesn't know all things. He gave us a commandment not to do such because he knows of a surety that it is a choice and that we are able to forsake it and repent of it. It is a very vile and gross sin.
Does it ever even explain why in the Bible? Or is it simply just because God intended for men and women to be together because only they can reproduce?
Evidently, a God can reproduce, by the way, where is Mrs. God? Suppressed, dead, divorced(after God impregnated that teen), and living with another boyfriend that is also a God?
Scripture is clear that God considers homosexuality an abomination. An abomination is a very vile sin in the eyes of God. Why would God even consider it a sin if it is beyond our choice? God does consider it a choice and for this reason it is a sin and a very vile sin known as an abomination. If it were a genetic flaw, God would not be just in judging it to be a sin since we have no choice but it is forced upon us. I don't believe God is unjust, nor do I believe that God doesn't know all things. He gave us a commandment not to do such because he knows of a surety that it is a choice and that we are able to forsake it and repent of it. It is a very vile and gross sin.
try getting yer red wings badge.
Um the larger question is: WHY did the American Psychiatry institute suddenly proclaim HOMOSEXUALITY isn't a mental illness despite the fact certainty it 99.99% is? That is a real head scratcher. You don't need a weather man to tell which way the wind blows.

If you would become a woman you would be a lesbian woman. So what's your psychiatric problem in this case?
How do you grow your membership? Create Hell to scare people into joining and make homosexuality a sin so men and women give birth to more little future Christians.
Like Little Richard said, "God created Adam to be with Eve, not Steve."
Evidently, a God can reproduce, by the way, where is Mrs. God?

God is not only our father - he is also our mother. So he is not only Mr. God but also Mrs. God. The modern time "solved" this paradox with the declaration god is not a man and not a woman but god. In this case the sex of god would be a unique quality. He had the sex "god" or he had the not-sex "god". Perhaps is this nonsense to declare the sex of god (and/or the not-sex of god) indirectly the deeper reason for the nonsensic ideological and brainwashing discussion about the sex and/or gender of human beings and what Christians should think or should not think or do really think or not really think about this per se totally uninteresting theme. It is what it is. Why should anyone doubt about anything what someone else is telling about the own gender and/or sex - and what should be any specific reaction?
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But God did create homosexuals.

Not "really" because this word is born in 1864.

You Christians sure you want to hate on them?

You asshole like to attack Christians, that's all. Decades ago I had a homosexual boss who made not any secret out of the fact that he had been a homosexual man. And he was discriminated nowhere from no one.
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