Why aren't theists considered mentally ill?

Specificly, suffering from delusional disorder? Reading up on it for another thread, the description sounded awfully familar. :)

"Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.

People with delusional disorder often can continue to socialize and function normally, apart from the subject of their delusion, and generally do not behave in an obviously odd or bizarre manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who also might have delusions as a symptom of their disorder. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted."

""Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. ..."

Wow! You just characterized the entire liberal progressive community....and the Democrat Party to boot!

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q.

surprise that the hate science

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

And your degree in science is from where? In which field?
The difference is President Gore would not have launched a Hirohito sneak attack on Iraq.

Care to address the belief that the financial meltdown was caused by selling homes to poor people? Or that 'trickle down' economics' works??

In a thread for it sure. Not my area of expertise, but I can mock with the best of em :)

The OP Makes Uncle Joe Smile

Religion is the Opiate of the people

Believe in Uncle Joe
And your degree in science is from where? In which field?

Never claimed to have a degree. Merely stated as a beahvioural scientist with an interest in criminal justice I spend a lot of time thinking about these things (in the original thread.) You need to learn to read more carefully. :)

All warfare is based upon deception. - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
And your degree in science is from where? In which field?

Never claimed to have a degree. Merely stated as a beahvioural scientist with an interest in criminal justice I spend a lot of time thinking about these things (in the original thread.) You need to learn to read more carefully. :)

All warfare is based upon deception. - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

I was replying to a post by guno. You need to read more carefully.

People who believe that literally circumcising the flesh of the foreskin is a command of God will never stop circumcising infants even if outlawed, unless a more rational way to interpret the subject of the command comes to light and even then there will be those who are unable to stop because they are mentally ill.

Well, if male circumcision isn't from God, or providing any benefit, then what should we make of churches who say eating a wafer and drinking some wine is eating the flesh of Jesus, the drinking the wine is his blood? Bunch of wannabe-cannibals are they?

The prophets spoke of the need for people to circumcise the foreskin of their heart/ mind, which would represent the evil inclination.

The subject doesn't have to be any more complicated than the subject of the super ego overruling the id.

If there is a God then the command to circumcise most likely is not about mutilating male penises as a sign of dedication to God. If it was who is intended to see this sign? Everyone? There is no benefit to being circumcised except the girls seem to prefer it.

Wouldn't a more rational sign of dedication to God be in the civilized behavior of a person self ruled by conscience?

As far as people dicking around with bread and wine who think they are going to receive spiritual life from a lifeless matzoh made by human hands, what can any rational person say except that they are insane.

Just more evidence of the dangers of setting aside rational thinking while reading scriptures that were never meant to be taken literally by the intelligent, that uses figurative language which makes the subjects hidden and not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.
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I am an Atheists and I have a big problem with this thread....

I don't care how rational a person is, each one of us has some kind of delusions we believe in.

What do you think? Do you think there are humans beings who are completely rational?

Let me put it this way: Vulcans are figments of our imagination! They are new age fairies! The sci-fi version of angels and flying nuns!!

You have never seen what happens when you put a "normal" person on a crazy pill!!
The prophets spoke of the need for people to circumcise the foreskin of their heart/ mind, which would represent the evil inclination.

The subject doesn't have to be any more complicated than the subject of the super ego overruling the id.

If there is a God then the command to circumcise most likely is not about mutilating male penises as a sign of dedication to God. If it was who is intended to see this sign? Everyone? There is no benefit to being circumcised except the girls seem to prefer it.

Wouldn't a more rational sign of dedication to God be in the civilized behavior of a person self ruled by conscience?

(suffers "Forbbiden Planet" flashback)

Id? Wow, that's an old term. Freudian are ya? :)
I am an Atheists and I have a big problem with this thread....

I don't care how rational a person is, each one of us has some kind of delusions we believe in.

What do you think? Do you think there are humans beings who are completely rational?

Let me put it this way: Vulcans are figments of our imagination! They are new age fairies! The sci-fi version of angels and flying nuns!!

You have never seen what happens when you put a "normal" person on a crazy pill!!

Bad analogy vulcans and fairies. People use to claim to have seen fairies and believed they existed. Afaik no one's ever claimed to have met a Vulcan. :) Grays are the obvious analogy to fairies. :)

Normal person doesn't need a chemical to become crazy. Lock a parent up in a home with their newborn child and never give them any time off and you'll see crazy within 48 hours. :)
Liked for 'new fangled' a user after my own heart. Other acceptable answers include: contraption, swell, and groovy. :)
Hey, Delta, by "the propaganda of superstition", I was referring to the cultural bias that's been in play in certain medical circles here in the United States for far too long. The influence of "religion" has been part of it alright, but only indirectly.

Reason for the American practice of hospital male circumcision has nothing to do with superstition/religion. It's a simply a beneficial practice...

That's exactly the kind of propaganda I was talking about.

Thankfully, the tide has been turning on that bullshit since the middle 70's.

In a fairly recent Wall Street Journal article, Dr. Ron Goldman explained why:

[. . .] Most of the world instinctively rejects routine neonatal circumcision as harmful genital surgery, like removing other natural, healthy, functioning body parts.

Thirty-eight leading physicians from Europe, Canada and Australia say that some American doctors support circumcision because of cultural bias, and that the claimed health benefits are either questionable or too weak to justify surgery on boys before they are old enough to provide consent.

No medical organization [American or otherwise] says circumcision offers immediate health benefits, and only American-influenced groups claim it offers debatable potential benefits. The conditions the procedure supposedly reduces the risk of acquiring are either rare (penile cancer), easily treatable (urinary tract infections) or can be prevented in less intrusive and more effective ways (condoms in the case of sexually transmitted diseases). ...[emphasis and bracketed note Capstone's]

In case you're interested (don't worry, I know you're probably not), having shed considerable doubt on the reasoning of some "American-based groups" for promoting the alleged pros, Dr. Goldman went on to highlight the non-controversial cons, which you could read for yourself at the linked site.

...Antisemites though have tried to link medical circumcision to the Jewish practice simply to attack Judaism. be like trying to go after removal of the apendix or tonsils if Jews did it ritually. The two would have nothing to do with one another.

Two Things:

First, the antics of anti-Semites are irrelevant to the question as to whether the practice of medically unnecessary circumcision (faith-based or not) should be deemed harmful/illegal by "the state".

Secondly, appendectomies and tonsillectomies aren't routinely performed on infants (or adults) as preventative measures against the potential problems of the future.
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Succession is crucial where the continuity of religious practices are concerned, so the "longstanding ones" in particular are commonly held as sacrosanct by the practitioners.

If you don't believe me, try telling your friendly neighborhood rabbi that he's no longer legally allowed to circumcise infants.

People who believe that literally circumcising the flesh of the foreskin is a command of God will never stop circumcising infants even if outlawed, unless a more rational way to interpret the subject of the command comes to light and even then there will be those who are unable to stop because they are mentally ill.

Wholeheartedly agreed. :thup:
And your degree in science is from where? In which field?

Never claimed to have a degree. Merely stated as a beahvioural scientist with an interest in criminal justice I spend a lot of time thinking about these things (in the original thread.) You need to learn to read more carefully. :)

All warfare is based upon deception. - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

Well here are some links...

The Ideological Animal Psychology Today

Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition - A Summary

And your degree in science is from where? In which field?

Never claimed to have a degree. Merely stated as a beahvioural scientist with an interest in criminal justice I spend a lot of time thinking about these things (in the original thread.) You need to learn to read more carefully. :)

All warfare is based upon deception. - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

Well here are some links...

The Ideological Animal Psychology Today

Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition - A Summary


And your degree in science is from where? In which field?
The vast majority of humankind, now and since ever since, has religious belief. And you describe them has having a mental disorder.

I find the psychological study of superiority complexes and self-loathing to be far more interesting.

Vast majority of human kind once maintained the world was flat too, and they were wrong. 'Accepted truths' can change with time and science. Everyone used to think epilepsy was possession by demons, they too were wrong. As science continues to evolve, and religion remains static and stagnant, the 'truths' of reliigon are being chipped away. Eventually science will be able to conclusively prove ALL reliigous truths are false. Then what will religious people do? Round up all the scientists and execute them? :)

That story is a myth. I believe that has been pointed out to you before and it would take little investigation to realize it. I wonder why you continue to believe it?
And your degree in science is from where? In which field?

Never claimed to have a degree. Merely stated as a beahvioural scientist with an interest in criminal justice I spend a lot of time thinking about these things (in the original thread.) You need to learn to read more carefully. :)

All warfare is based upon deception. - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

If this isn't mental illness nothing is, this goes on every Sunday


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