When did the black vote go democrat?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.
Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.
Started with FDR and became set in stone with Nixon's "Southern Strategy".
Yes, you win a cookie! Most would probably assume it was only after LBJ signed into law the Civil Rights legislation, but they would be flat wrong.

Before FDR all blacks voted Republican, after FDR they all voted DNC.

But why?
Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.
/----/ The 1964 presidential campaign.
Nope. look at the link I posted in terms of Republican Congressmen and Democrat Congressmen who were black. Before FDR they were all GOP, after FDR they were all DNC.

The DNC had full control over the black vote since the time of FDR, which is perhaps why Goldwater took the stance on the Civil Rights legislation like he did. He probably said, "Screw it, they are all against us anyway.", so they became a political target.
The Communists gave the civil rights movement a lot of lip service in the early 20th Century, trying to drum up support. When they moved into the Democratic Party they brought it with them, and gradually convinced enough of the leadership to support it and permitted the Republicans to pass the CRA of 1964, for which the Democrats got credit though they filibustered the bill for 14 hours.
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Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.
Started with FDR and became set in stone with Nixon's "Southern Strategy".
Yes, you win a cookie! Most would probably assume it was only after LBJ signed into law the Civil Rights legislation, but they would be flat wrong.

Before FDR all blacks voted Republican, after FDR they all voted DNC.
That's kind of simplistic. It wasn't a sudden shift and northern blacks started shifting before those in the south. What cemented that move were the civil rights laws and the Nixon campaign's decision to target unreconstructed whites in the south.
When the old south racist Democrats became Republicans.
Wrong, as usual. The blacks went 2/3rds Democrat during the Great Depression because of FDR’s welfare programs, even though most programs were only available for whites.
So the blacks were actually in the same party as the racist KKK Democrats for decades.

It’s something the Dems are actually good at, getting different groups of people with completely different agendas and values to vote for them, because they promise each group special perks. This is how the LBGTQ gang is in the same party as Muslims that want to throw gays off rooftops.

The south didn’t turn Republican until the old racist KKK Dems died out. You idiots keep claiming racist Dems “switched parties” yet can’t name the politicians that did. You can’t name any Jim Crow or segregation laws that Republicans pushed. The fact of the matter is, the less and less racist the south got, the less Democrat it became.
Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.
Started with FDR and became set in stone with Nixon's "Southern Strategy".
Yes, you win a cookie! Most would probably assume it was only after LBJ signed into law the Civil Rights legislation, but they would be flat wrong.

Before FDR all blacks voted Republican, after FDR they all voted DNC.
That's kind of simplistic. It wasn't a sudden shift and northern blacks started shifting before those in the south. What cemented that move were the civil rights laws and the Nixon campaign's decision to target unreconstructed whites in the south.
But the fact remains, before FDR all black Congressmen were GOP and after they were DNC, until 1973 where you had a few GOP.

I think a lot of this had to do with the Jim Crow laws. For you see, cities tended to thumb their noses at the Jim Crow laws, prompting blacks to move to the big city across the country. And as we see today, democrats dominate major cities all across the country because people are more dependent on government in these large cities for such things as infrastructure.

So the entire shift from GOP to DNC happened because they all moved to the big city where they die and drop like flies in the killing fields of places like Baltimore and Chicago.

In fact, in New York City there have been more abortions than live births when it comes to the black population, and all Planned Parenthood clinics are strategically designed to be located in minority communities.

Margaret Sangers dream of eradicating blacks as she promoted it at KKK rallies has come to fruition.
FDR , mostly it was Eleanor's overtures to the black community.
Truman desegregation of the Armed Forces.
Civil Rights laws signed by LBJ.
Republicans trying to snap up dissatisfied southern Dems.

It wasn't a sudden thing, but a transformation over about 40 years.
Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.
It started changing from Republican back in the the 1930s when FDR started putting the welfare state together, because we all know the Democrats thought black people werent smart enough to take care of their own, then in the 1960s Johnson put the proverbial nail in the coffin, as he made the projects and put the unwanted people in a 1 square mile block away from the liberal elites in the city....As Johnson famously said, he will have those NI**ERS voting Democrat for a long time...
Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.

It didn't.

The first election where the majority of African Americans went for the Democrat was 1932, when they realized that Hoover had no idea what he was doing. Despite that, between 1932 and 1960, about 30-40% of blacks who were allowed to vote voted for Republicans.

Now, that last part was important. Because you had poll taxes and literacy tests and Jim Crow which suppressed the black vote starting the same time they decided to put up statues of the Losers of 1865.

The next big shift came when Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He got a whopping 6% of the black vote. 1964 was also the last year that a Democrat won the white vote in this country.

After that, Republicans decided they could win by merely playing on the racial fears of white people, and frankly, for a while it worked. 49 State landslides for the GOP in 1972 and 1984.

The cost was that they alienated the black vote in the process, up on to and including Trump's Birtherism.
It started changing from Republican back in the the 1930s when FDR started putting the welfare state together, because we all know the Democrats thought black people werent smart enough to take care of their own, then in the 1960s Johnson put the proverbial nail in the coffin, as he made the projects and put the unwanted people in a 1 square mile block away from the liberal elites in the city....As Johnson famously said, he will have those NI**ERS voting Democrat for a long time...

LBJ never said that, and you've been corrected on that lie numerous times.
Does anyone know? It is striking how the black vote went from 100% Republican for decades, to 100% democrat literally overnight.
Right after the Civil Rights movement when Republicans lost their cotton-pickin' minds and outraged over it with whitelashes.
I think a lot of this had to do with the Jim Crow laws. For you see, cities tended to thumb their noses at the Jim Crow laws, prompting blacks to move to the big city across the country. And as we see today, democrats dominate major cities all across the country because people are more dependent on government in these large cities for such things as infrastructure.

Again, you are confused. Blacks didn't move to the cities to get away from "Jim Crow" laws, they moved there because THAT'S WHERE THE JOBS WERE. The same reason WHITE People moved out of rural areas and the same reason immigrants - German, Irish, Italians, etc - came here. When those jobs disappeared due to automation or foreign competition, that's when some people turned to government.

It's going to be hard to have a discussion about race if you keep relying on bigoted stereotypes.

Margaret Sangers dream of eradicating blacks as she promoted it at KKK rallies has come to fruition.

Wow- another lie. In fact, black leaders at the time PRAISED Margaret Sanger because the fastest path to prosperity is family planning. The reason why White people became prosperous was their ability to control when they had babies.

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