What government programs have you benefited from?

I recall one or two libertarians...or conservatives (one won't admit to being either one) admitting they took government subsidized student loans, admitting they got back more tax money than they paid in, admitted that as kids they lived off of disability social security from a parents death, admitted they got free lunch because they qualified for it...and various other benefits and it got me wondering.

What government programs have you benefited from?

Here's my list, as far as I recall.

6 years of public school.
Clean water.
Uncontaminated food.
4 years publicly funded school buses.
Military protection.
Clear roads.
$250 from FEMA for hurricane damage.
Federally underwritten flood insurance.
4 years of publicly funded school for each of two kids.
1 year of bus services for 1 kid.
Scholarship for 1 kid underwritten by the state.


Good question........

Protection & EMS (on all levels, including military)
The basic services that all citizens receive. If I failed to mention a basic service, I apologize.

Other than that. None!

My schooling and that of my children, along with the transportation was and is paid for by my wife and I.

I do find the "uncontaminated" food being listed as interesting, but, that could be added to my list as well and should be.

So I feel that our 35%+ paid in taxes has paid our way and that of our immediate family.

We have a great dislike for those who take unwarranted from the system, we don't care their race, religion, politics, gender or anything else. If it is warranted and needed, then by all means, as citizens we should use properly the services available, only for the time we need them. My wife and I have been fortunate, other than basic services, less schooling and transportation to and from we have not needed any extra government help for ourselves or our children, we have always found other ways during the bad times and we have not faced any natural disasters which our regular private industry insurance didn't cover.

I think some of you have "programs" and what the government's role to the people should be; all mixed up.
It astounds me how many people believe that their fate is somehow indpendent from the fate of their neighbors.

What hubris to think that silly notion.


It astounds me that, we must either see black or white, democrat or republican, good or evil.

In reality, you will find very FEW people who believe their fate is seperable from others.

What you will find are many people who prefer to never grow up: a national obsession with their own Peter Pan syndromes, and the need for Government to Parent them through every decision they make, from Living off unsatutarted fat, to Dieing in uneuthanized agony.
My best friend's dad used his backhoe and dug out a hole in a creek that ran across their backyard, creating their own private lake. No government involved!

Me too. I've had friends build electric power grids, interstate highways systems, Chesapeake bay bridge tunnels, power plants, even Brooklyn bridges. And in their spare time and on weekends they defend the nation against the bad guys. Oh the magic of the individual when they set their mind to it.

Seriously, I think libertarian thinking so ridiculous, and yet so pernicious, when it come to the social commons, it is scary.

Why I Am Not a Libertarian
Why is libertarianism wrong?
Critiques Of Libertarianism: So You Want To Discuss Libertarianism....
The American Conservative -- Marxism of the Right

Allie is not a libertarian.

Also no one argues that individuals can accomplish those things but the argument goes companies can make those things and perhaps do a better job than the government (except for defending the nation that's government's job).
My best friend's dad used his backhoe and dug out a hole in a creek that ran across their backyard, creating their own private lake. No government involved!

Me too. I've had friends build electric power grids, interstate highways systems, Chesapeake bay bridge tunnels, power plants, even Brooklyn bridges. And in their spare time and on weekends they defend the nation against the bad guys. Oh the magic of the individual when they set their mind to it.

Seriously, I think libertarian thinking so ridiculous, and yet so pernicious, when it come to the social commons, it is scary.

Why I Am Not a Libertarian
Why is libertarianism wrong?
Critiques Of Libertarianism: So You Want To Discuss Libertarianism....
The American Conservative -- Marxism of the Right
This is no surprise, as libertarianism is basically the Marxism of the Right. If Marxism is the delusion that one can run society purely on altruism and collectivism, then libertarianism is the mirror-image delusion that one can run it purely on selfishness and individualism.

I think you have it confused with objectivism.
My best friend's dad used his backhoe and dug out a hole in a creek that ran across their backyard, creating their own private lake. No government involved!

Me too. I've had friends build electric power grids, interstate highways systems, Chesapeake bay bridge tunnels, power plants, even Brooklyn bridges. And in their spare time and on weekends they defend the nation against the bad guys. Oh the magic of the individual when they set their mind to it.

Seriously, I think libertarian thinking so ridiculous, and yet so pernicious, when it come to the social commons, it is scary.

Why I Am Not a Libertarian
Why is libertarianism wrong?
Critiques Of Libertarianism: So You Want To Discuss Libertarianism....
The American Conservative -- Marxism of the Right

Allie is not a libertarian.

Also no one argues that individuals can accomplish those things but the argument goes companies can make those things and perhaps do a better job than the government (except for defending the nation that's government's job).

If a private corporation had built the Interstate, that company would control our entire economy.

Some things must be done by the State, to serve the People.
☭proletarian☭;1961592 said:
If a private corporation had built the Interstate, that company would control our entire economy.

Some things must be done by the State, to serve the People.

Well-said. And anyone who thinks that people alone could pay for that are ignoring the facts.
My best friend's dad used his backhoe and dug out a hole in a creek that ran across their backyard, creating their own private lake. No government involved!

Me too. I've had friends build electric power grids, interstate highways systems, Chesapeake bay bridge tunnels, power plants, even Brooklyn bridges. And in their spare time and on weekends they defend the nation against the bad guys. Oh the magic of the individual when they set their mind to it.

Seriously, I think libertarian thinking so ridiculous, and yet so pernicious, when it come to the social commons, it is scary.

Why I Am Not a Libertarian
Why is libertarianism wrong?
Critiques Of Libertarianism: So You Want To Discuss Libertarianism....
The American Conservative -- Marxism of the Right

"Libertarians argue as if it was self-evidently wrong, to steal the legitimately owned property of the rich, and give it to the poor. But it's not wrong, not wrong at all. Redistribution of wealth is inherently good: in fact, it is a moral obligation of the state."

Oh come on really?

Hey you know what you call it when you take from the rich and give to the poor?



If you want to give welfare to the poor the least you can do is make it an equal burden to everyone in society instead of just to the rich.
☭proletarian☭;1961592 said:
Me too. I've had friends build electric power grids, interstate highways systems, Chesapeake bay bridge tunnels, power plants, even Brooklyn bridges. And in their spare time and on weekends they defend the nation against the bad guys. Oh the magic of the individual when they set their mind to it.

Seriously, I think libertarian thinking so ridiculous, and yet so pernicious, when it come to the social commons, it is scary.

Why I Am Not a Libertarian
Why is libertarianism wrong?
Critiques Of Libertarianism: So You Want To Discuss Libertarianism....
The American Conservative -- Marxism of the Right

Allie is not a libertarian.

Also no one argues that individuals can accomplish those things but the argument goes companies can make those things and perhaps do a better job than the government (except for defending the nation that's government's job).

If a private corporation had built the Interstate, that company would control our entire economy.

Some things must be done by the State, to serve the People.

You think that it would never have competition?

When rail tied the nation together (before the interstate) they had competition (sort of), the phone lines, the airlines, package deliveries, food sellers, power suppliers etc. they all have competition why would the interstate have a monopoly?

I agree with that principle I'm just not sure it applies to the Interstate.
Dogbert:You know what the funny part is, out here we learn about Lewis and Clark all through school, I worked at a Imax that played the Lewis and Clark movie, I have known the dated of the expedition since I was probably 10. Last year during my final in American History, I couldn't remember the dates to save my life.
You know what the funny part is, out here we learn about Lewis and Clark all through school, I worked at a Imax that played the Lewis and Clark movie, I have known the dated of the expedition since I was probably 10. Last year during my final in American History, I couldn't remember the dates to save my life.

That's what you get for watching all that MTV and TMZ. :eek: :lol:
6 years of public school.
Clean water.
Uncontaminated food.
4 years publicly funded school buses.
Military protection.
Clear roads.
$250 from FEMA for hurricane damage.
Federally underwritten flood insurance.
4 years of publicly funded school for each of two kids.
1 year of bus services for 1 kid.
Scholarship for 1 kid underwritten by the state

Wow. Quite the leach huh?
You know what the funny part is, out here we learn about Lewis and Clark all through school, I worked at a Imax that played the Lewis and Clark movie, I have known the dated of the expedition since I was probably 10. Last year during my final in American History, I couldn't remember the dates to save my life.

That's what you get for watching all that MTV and TMZ. :eek: :lol:

:eusa_shhh: I still got an A on the test, I made up for my brain fart in the essay part of the test.
When rail tied the nation together (before the interstate) they had competition (sort of), the phone lines, the airlines, package deliveries, food sellers, power suppliers etc. they all have competition why would the interstate have a monopoly?

I agree with that principle I'm just not sure it applies to the Interstate.

Um... dude... when rail tied the nation together, there weren't airlines. Those came later.
[FONT=Tahoma,Verdana,Trebuchet MS,Trebuchet,Geneva,Helvetica,Arial,sans][SIZE=-1]The greatest historical event in transportation on the continent occurred at Promontory, Utah, on May 10, 1869, as the Union Pacific tracks joined those of the Central Pacific Railroad. [/SIZE][/FONT]
Transcontinental Railroad - Driving the Last Spike - 1869
The brothers flew the glider only a few days in the early autumn of 1900 at Kitty Hawk
Wright brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Package Couriers wer not going to ride across the country, food sellers got goods that couldn't be grown locally because of the rail, and you YOU CAN'T SEND PALLETS OF ANYTHING THROUGH THE PHONE LINE, YOU FUCKING MORON
[FONT=Tahoma,Verdana,Trebuchet MS,Trebuchet,Geneva,Helvetica,Arial,sans][SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/FONT]
You know what the funny part is, out here we learn about Lewis and Clark all through school, I worked at a Imax that played the Lewis and Clark movie, I have known the dated of the expedition since I was probably 10. Last year during my final in American History, I couldn't remember the dates to save my life.

That's what you get for watching all that MTV and TMZ. :eek: :lol:

Should have paid a little more attention in grammar class as well.
Come to think of it, weren't they still using telegraphs at the time?
When rail tied the nation together (before the interstate) they had competition (sort of), the phone lines, the airlines, package deliveries, food sellers, power suppliers etc. they all have competition why would the interstate have a monopoly?

WTF???? What fucking timeline do you have?? LOL!!!!!!!!!!

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