Power the WORLD with solar panels.

Seeing how this thread is about powering the world with solar panels, I will assume you are speaking of that. If you want to know how much power the world needs per day, look it up. The amount of solar panels compared to the U.S. in the picture I posted shows what it would take to produce it. And as I told Mikeo, if we covered the Sahara Desert in solar panels, we would produce enough energy to power over 20 Earths.

I'm only interested in the amount needed for the US.
I'm not going to do your homework for you. I looked it up. Do so yourself. The computer age has made that easy enough to do. Just go to your browser and type in your question. It will bring up many web pages with answers.

Your claim means it is your homework.
I understand if you run away instead of posting actual evidence.
Your claim means it is your homework.
I understand if you run away instead of posting actual evidence.

For fools, no amount of evidence is good enough. I posted a picture that shows what area compared to the U.S. it would take to power the world. Would you prefer I posted a link to the website I got it from? Why bother. I showed you the picture. The rest of the website would only back it up.
For fools, no amount of evidence is good enough. I posted a picture that shows what area compared to the U.S. it would take to power the world. Would you prefer I posted a link to the website I got it from? Why bother. I showed you the picture. The rest of the website would only back it up.

No evidence works even better when you're trying to convince the country to spend
trillions on unreliable "green energy".
There are plenty of extremely intelligent people who have already done the math. There are many websites about the results. Look at some. Also, your talk of temperatures being raised is hallucinatory. It doesn't get any better after that. So I'll leave it there.

You haven't done the math yourself ... and that's your mistake ... YOU need to look up those sites ... I can do the math myself ...

12-1/2 square meters of solar panel to run one hotplate ... and yes, the temperature of the hotplate would increase ... are you stupid or something? ... I know this isn't high school physics ... so obviously you're not understanding any sophisticated web sites you are reading, blackbody radiation alone will drive New Mexico's temperatures up to B-class star temperatures ...

2,500 watts divided by 200 watts per square meter equals? ... c'mon ... try a little harder will ya? ...
For fools, no amount of evidence is good enough. I posted a picture that shows what area compared to the U.S. it would take to power the world. Would you prefer I posted a link to the website I got it from? Why bother. I showed you the picture. The rest of the website would only back it up.

No ... fools only need tiny cartoon pictures ... that's not evidence, that's opinion ... what a fool eats up ... look at what The Chick posts ...

Science posts their citations ...
All you did was ping four locations on a digital map.
What a stupid thread.


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No ... fools only need tiny cartoon pictures ... that's not evidence, that's opinion ... what a fool eats up ... look at what The Chick posts ...

Science posts their citations ...
I provide links to all the data I post and links to the excerpts. And citation numbers wouldn't tell this crowd diddly squat. Do YOU know what a citation is? Why would you want me to post that here?
I'm not going to do your homework for you. I looked it up. Do so yourself. The computer age has made that easy enough to do. Just go to your browser and type in your question. It will bring up many web pages with answers.
Look it up, great idea. I will look up good luck. I see you are only here to be an asshole and insult people. Good to know.

Screenshot_20240530_101133_Samsung Internet.jpg
Are you actually giving away where you work? This image has been in the national news.

And everyone knows unicorn horns require no polishing.
Yep, giving away where I work. One could say I am a scientist. But I am much to humble to suggest that I am a scientist.

I work for the Wind Turbine industry at multiple phases of the manufacturing and construction process.
I provide links to all the data I post and links to the excerpts. And citation numbers wouldn't tell this crowd diddly squat. Do YOU know what a citation is? Why would you want me to post that here?

Did you post a link to the fastest 140-year warming periods going back 3 million years?
No evidence works even better when you're trying to convince the country to spend
trillions on unreliable "green energy".

I don't know if I told you this before. But i posted a thread with plenty of evidence called, "Our current mass extinction event." But it disappeared. When I do a search for it, nothing is to be found. Though I heard it got moved down to a category I can't even see. Apparently by some anti-life devil who wants top see most of the life on Earth die. Next, flushing trillions down the toilet in a couple useless wars in Iraq and one in Afghanistan us apparently ok to you. But do so on anything "green" is apparently out of the question to you. You can't be that stupid. Also, why not spend trillions. Our economic system is unsustainable anyway. So why not spend it while it still had buying power on something useful. Also, I've never heard of a solar panel that didn't work. So to call it unreliable is stupid.
You haven't done the math yourself ... and that's your mistake ... YOU need to look up those sites ... I can do the math myself ...

12-1/2 square meters of solar panel to run one hotplate ... and yes, the temperature of the hotplate would increase ... are you stupid or something? ... I know this isn't high school physics ... so obviously you're not understanding any sophisticated web sites you are reading, blackbody radiation alone will drive New Mexico's temperatures up to B-class star temperatures ...

2,500 watts divided by 200 watts per square meter equals? ... c'mon ... try a little harder will ya? ...

First of all, it doesn't take 12.5 meters of solar panels to heat up a hot plate. On average, it would take 4.12 meters of solar panels to do that. Also, I never said the temperature of a hotplate wouldn't increase. So if you are going to try and refute me, try to be a little more sensible. And if you want an example of stupidity, your "black body" radiation is a good example. Wherever the sun falls, it will get hot. In many places, too hot to walk on barefoot. What's the difference between the ground getting that hot or solar panels? None. Except with solar panels, you get energy. And of course the ground underneath in the shade wouldn't get hot.
No ... fools only need tiny cartoon pictures ... that's not evidence, that's opinion ... what a fool eats up ... look at what The Chick posts ...

Science posts their citations ...

The picture I showed is evidence in visual form. It wasn't just made up. Also, if you are talking about Crick, he is more intelligent than you ever thought of being.
I don't know if I told you this before. But i posted a thread with plenty of evidence called, "Our current mass extinction event." But it disappeared. When I do a search for it, nothing is to be found. Though I heard it got moved down to a category I can't even see. Apparently by some anti-life devil who wants top see most of the life on Earth die. Next, flushing trillions down the toilet in a couple useless wars in Iraq and one in Afghanistan us apparently ok to you. But do so on anything "green" is apparently out of the question to you. You can't be that stupid. Also, why not spend trillions. Our economic system is unsustainable anyway. So why not spend it while it still had buying power on something useful. Also, I've never heard of a solar panel that didn't work. So to call it unreliable is stupid.

It's here........

Also, why not spend trillions. Our economic system is unsustainable anyway.

If you want to spend trillions on energy that doesn't release CO2,
let's spend trillions on nuclear. It works much better than wind and solar.

We could build enough to power all the stupid electric cars you'd like.

Also, I've never heard of a solar panel that didn't work. So to call it unreliable is stupid.

I've never heard of a solar panel that produces power at midnight, so how is that reliable power?
First of all, it doesn't take 12.5 meters of solar panels to heat up a hot plate. On average, it would take 4.12 meters of solar panels to do that. Also, I never said the temperature of a hotplate wouldn't increase. So if you are going to try and refute me, try to be a little more sensible. And if you want an example of stupidity, your "black body" radiation is a good example. Wherever the sun falls, it will get hot. In many places, too hot to walk on barefoot. What's the difference between the ground getting that hot or solar panels? None. Except with solar panels, you get energy. And of course the ground underneath in the shade wouldn't get hot.

Citation? ... I have Architurectal Digest to back up my claim of 200 W/m^2 ... where are you getting 600 W/m^2, or did you just measure one direction and forget to include the 3 meters the other direction? ...

You think Planck's Radiation Law has nothing to do with radiation? ... I'd like to see the cartoon you learned this from ... "too hot to walk on" ... boy, that's a sciency statement if I've ever heard one ... would that wilt your delicate curls? ...

Have you included manual labor? ... the solar energy stored in human foods? ... I guess not, eh ...

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