What Classifies As Sin?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Now, I know we're not told much about Jesus' childhood,.. but is it a sin if an infant or a young child grabs something that isn't theirs because they haven't been taught right from wrong yet? I don't think that it is actually. That's why I'm not sure if Jesus always knew right from wrong or He still had to be taught like every other little kid.
Up to a point, what the child says and does is the reflection of what type of parents the child has.

Grabby, sticky fingered little diaper bombers that scream, throw tantrums, and grab stuff that isn't theirs show that they have useless parents that have no backbone to train their little monster in manners, tolerance, and social etiquette.
I never said Jesus threw tantrums and I don't believe He ever did when He didn't get His way as He was always obedient afterwards of His parents.
Now, I know we're not told much about Jesus' childhood,.. but is it a sin if an infant or a young child grabs something that isn't theirs because they haven't been taught right from wrong yet? I don't think that it is actually. That's why I'm not sure if Jesus always knew right from wrong or He still had to be taught like every other little kid.

Actually, the infancy Gospels (which never made it into church canon) show a Jesus who was kind of a holy terror (pun intended), zapping his little playmates with his God Powers. Of course, these stories were too absurd for the Church fathers, which is why they never made it into the Bible.

Actually, the infancy Gospels (which never made it into church canon) show a Jesus who was kind of a holy terror (pun intended), zapping his little playmates with his God Powers. Of course, these stories were too absurd for the Church fathers, which is why they never made it into the Bible.

And those of course are in fact blaspehmous.
Actually, the infancy Gospels (which never made it into church canon) show a Jesus who was kind of a holy terror (pun intended), zapping his little playmates with his God Powers. Of course, these stories were too absurd for the Church fathers, which is why they never made it into the Bible.

Which is just more proof the entire existence of religion is ridiculous.
That is an easy one. The simple definition of sin is being separate from God. As soon as the ego takes over where one thinks and acts apart from being one with God, you are in a state of sin.

So would that include infants children that don't know right from wrong? Cause I would think that in order to sin you would have to willingly and knowingly do something wrong.
And those of course are in fact blaspehmous.

Ah, but who decided they were "Blasphemous"? They were read in Churches and congregations for centuries before Constantine decided to make Christianity the State Religion of the Roman Empire and decided to purge the canon of all the books that didn't fit nicely into canon.

The Catholic Bible has seven books in the Old Testament that the Protestant Bible doesn't.

So would that include infants children that don't know right from wrong? Cause I would think that in order to sin you would have to willingly and knowingly do something wrong.

Here's the problem, "Right and wrong" are kind of decided collectively, not by any mandate from a sky fairy.

According to the Bible, Slavery was morally acceptable. God didn't change his mind on slavery, we changed ours.

Meanwhile, Christians have decided there are a whole bunch of laws they don't need to follow anymore, which is why I can enjoy a Pork and Shrimp Eggroll with my dinner tonight.
So would that include infants children that don't know right from wrong?
Yes. Living in sin is being apart from God, but it doesn't imply anything malicious or odious, only, basically, an unlit state of consciousness or FORGETFULNESS.

It is only through forgetfulness of God that one can live in sin separate from God, and the first order of forgetfulness is being reborn. At birth, we are reset and must start all over in finding God because obviously we failed in our last life as the cycle of birth and death is DUE TO forgetting God.

Returning as one with the Father at once ends the cycle of death and rebirth because we have left the animal kingdom and now are one with divine nature again.
That's why I'm not sure if Jesus always knew right from wrong or He still had to be taught like every other little kid.
He was brought up, raised from childhood by his parents Joseph and Mary, they found him disputing in the temple at 12 years old.

For instance Jesus loved Mary Magdalene, no one would dispute that, and yet he did not sin even though virtue passed out from him when she touched the hem of his garment.

The Da Vinci Code would have Mary Magdalene as Jesus' wife, but the Resurrection is denied in that movie, whereas the truth is that she was the bride of Christ (along with all true Christians) in the Resurrection, and in fact she was the first to see him risen from the dead. "Touch me not!" He said, etc.
He was brought up, raised from childhood by his parents Joseph and Mary, they found him disputing in the temple at 12 years old.

For instance Jesus loved Mary Magdalene, no one would dispute that, and yet he did not sin even though virtue passed out from him when she touched the hem of his garment.

I think you are confusing your bible fables. The Bleeding woman who touched Jesus's garments and was healed was different than Mary Magdalene.

They also confuse Mary with the woman Jesus saved from stoning.

The Da Vinci Code would have Mary Magdalene as Jesus' wife, but the Resurrection is denied in that movie, whereas the truth is that she was the bride of Christ (along with all true Christians) in the Resurrection, and in fact she was the first to see him risen from the dead. "Touch me not!" He said, etc.

There's a whole lot of bible fan-fic that carries over from ancient times about Mary.
Now, I know we're not told much about Jesus' childhood,.. but is it a sin if an infant or a young child grabs something that isn't theirs because they haven't been taught right from wrong yet? I don't think that it is actually. That's why I'm not sure if Jesus always knew right from wrong or He still had to be taught like every other little kid.
It matters not that Jesus was ever a child in the human sense, because he was born of the immaculate conception, meaning he wasn't born of a man. Jesus Christ is not to be placed into a human condition or mold by us, because he was not human in the sense that we are. Your question is humorous, but seemingly ignorant of the understanding needed to define such things in life.
Yes. Living in sin is being apart from God, but it doesn't imply anything malicious or odious, only, basically, an unlit state of consciousness or FORGETFULNESS.

It is only through forgetfulness of God that one can live in sin separate from God, and the first order of forgetfulness is being reborn. At birth, we are reset and must start all over in finding God because obviously we failed in our last life as the cycle of birth and death is DUE TO forgetting God.

Returning as one with the Father at once ends the cycle of death and rebirth because we have left the animal kingdom and now are one with divine nature again.

Does that mean you believe that innocent babies and children are damned to Hell then?

For instance Jesus loved Mary Magdalene,

Yeah, but not in the way that a lot of people seem to think.
Sure. Jesus loved Mary Magdalene yet did not sin with her.

The Da Vinci Code would have Jesus sinning with her, which is not the truth.

Jesus loved her like He loves the rest of us. He never had any romantic love for her as that isn't even biblical.
Does that mean you believe that innocent babies and children are damned to Hell then?
Not at all. All babies and children are "innocent," they have merely been reborn as a human and given a(nother) chance at remembering their true relationship to God as part and parcel of him or risk being reborn again--- as a human or lower according to their deeds in life.

Misuse of one's life as a human being to commit salacious acts while wasting the opportunity given to unite with God as he has given you is the one sure way to the lower worlds.

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