What an American White Person Wants From American Blacks


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Obviously, on this type of thing, I can only speak for myself, although these sentiments have found agreement in conversation with others, both black and white.

First of all, I would appreciate all talk of cash reparations for slavery to end. Let’s face a fact here… If my great-great granddaddy did own your great-great grandma, the odds are that we’re related – so who pays?

Next, speaking in general of course, I believe that the average black American can only imagine slavery about as well as I can, both of us having only historical knowledge of it. I’d appreciate it if you no longer blame me for it. I can take no more responsibility for slavery than I can for the genocide in Europe in the 30’s, though my name is Schuller. Both were before my time and place.

I believe that the rules for the game of life here in America have historically favored the wealthy, and historically in America wealth meant white. No one will dispute that the rules in America have changed. Nobody will dispute that even attitudes have changed, at least a bit and for the most part in the right direction. I believe that the rules need more change. Attitudes, however are not ours to change… love cannot be legislated – thank god that neither can hate.

I believe that things are better than they were but the rules are still not economically fair. I believe that the people who have the cash flowing in their direction right now are not going to change willingly or easily. Things will change more quickly once We, The People stop giving into the fight incentives given us by those, both white and black, who want us fighting about race instead of discussing a fair way to tax ourselves. As long as we squabble amongst ourselves over race, abortion, and the other passionate but pointless issues, We, The People will never look at changing the rules that may actually point toward a more level playing field.

I believe that life has never been fair because brutality has and always will be profitable, but we are headed in the right direction. I just hope tolerance and change can come before we damage our infrastructure further.

White America is dead. It diedn in November 2008. White America elected a Negro to rule over them because there are no white leaders in America. How sad that the country that spawned Lincoln and Kennedy now is reduced to being controlled by black Muslims. The same people responsible for 9/11. How sad, how pitiful, how putrid you have become. May God forgive all of you.
White America is dead. It diedn in November 2008. White America elected a Negro to rule over them because there are no white leaders in America. How sad that the country that spawned Lincoln and Kennedy now is reduced to being controlled by black Muslims. The same people responsible for 9/11. How sad, how pitiful, how putrid you have become. May God forgive all of you.

You are a sorry ass son of a bitch that I can only hope will have all that bullshit hatred you got to come back on you. Then we will all enjoy it jackass
What I expect: Absolutely nothing more than I expect from any other person. Respect, civility, and privacy.
My, my but I must have hit a nerve. Did I say something inaccurate my son ? Tell me who are the white leaders of your once great country....Glenn Beck or Rush Limpdick?

White America is dead. It diedn in November 2008. White America elected a Negro to rule over them because there are no white leaders in America. How sad that the country that spawned Lincoln and Kennedy now is reduced to being controlled by black Muslims. The same people responsible for 9/11. How sad, how pitiful, how putrid you have become. May God forgive all of you.

You are a sorry ass son of a bitch that I can only hope will have all that bullshit hatred you got to come back on you. Then we will all enjoy it jackass
White America is dead. It diedn in November 2008. White America elected a Negro to rule over them because there are no white leaders in America. How sad that the country that spawned Lincoln and Kennedy now is reduced to being controlled by black Muslims. The same people responsible for 9/11. How sad, how pitiful, how putrid you have become. May God forgive all of you.

Whats the matter..Canadians won't talk to you?
White America is dead. It diedn in November 2008. White America elected a Negro to rule over them because there are no white leaders in America. How sad that the country that spawned Lincoln and Kennedy now is reduced to being controlled by black Muslims. The same people responsible for 9/11. How sad, how pitiful, how putrid you have become. May God forgive all of you.

I have never neg repped anyone in all the time I've been a member of this community.

How sad that now I have been truly tempted.

You need some help, dude. All that hate is going to give you an ulcer or put you on a suicide mission.

You have my pity.


Pray tell my son but you are a nice little fellow. I will pray for you at Mass. Keep up the good work.

Pray tell my son but you are a nice little fellow. I will pray for you at Mass. Keep up the good work.

Tell what there daddy-o? I am happy to tell you just about anything, short of personal information about anyone, but I will need more instructions on what, exactly, you pray I tell you about...

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White America is dead. It diedn in November 2008. White America elected a Negro to rule over them because there are no white leaders in America. How sad that the country that spawned Lincoln and Kennedy now is reduced to being controlled by black Muslims. The same people responsible for 9/11. How sad, how pitiful, how putrid you have become. May God forgive all of you.

Any such god is a pile of shit and worthless. No true god would ever care about skin color like that nor condemn an entire people just because of who they choose to lead. You and whatever god you worship need some help, serious help. Please stay in your little imaginary world, we don't want you back in the real one.
Obviously, on this type of thing, I can only speak for myself, although these sentiments have found agreement in conversation with others, both black and white.

First of all, I would appreciate all talk of cash reparations for slavery to end. Let’s face a fact here… If my great-great granddaddy did own your great-great grandma, the odds are that we’re related – so who pays?

Next, speaking in general of course, I believe that the average black American can only imagine slavery about as well as I can, both of us having only historical knowledge of it. I’d appreciate it if you no longer blame me for it. I can take no more responsibility for slavery than I can for the genocide in Europe in the 30’s, though my name is Schuller. Both were before my time and place.

I believe that the rules for the game of life here in America have historically favored the wealthy, and historically in America wealth meant white. No one will dispute that the rules in America have changed. Nobody will dispute that even attitudes have changed, at least a bit and for the most part in the right direction. I believe that the rules need more change. Attitudes, however are not ours to change… love cannot be legislated – thank god that neither can hate.

I believe that things are better than they were but the rules are still not economically fair. I believe that the people who have the cash flowing in their direction right now are not going to change willingly or easily. Things will change more quickly once We, The People stop giving into the fight incentives given us by those, both white and black, who want us fighting about race instead of discussing a fair way to tax ourselves. As long as we squabble amongst ourselves over race, abortion, and the other passionate but pointless issues, We, The People will never look at changing the rules that may actually point toward a more level playing field.

I believe that life has never been fair because brutality has and always will be profitable, but we are headed in the right direction. I just hope tolerance and change can come before we damage our infrastructure further.

What brought that on?

Pray tell my son but you are a nice little fellow. I will pray for you at Mass. Keep up the good work.

I shouldn't think Him up there would take any notice of a non-being like you, pal. As the spawn of satan you should be directing your prayers downwards, not upwards.
Obviously, on this type of thing, I can only speak for myself, although these sentiments have found agreement in conversation with others, both black and white.

First of all, I would appreciate all talk of cash reparations for slavery to end. Let’s face a fact here… If my great-great granddaddy did own your great-great grandma, the odds are that we’re related – so who pays?

Next, speaking in general of course, I believe that the average black American can only imagine slavery about as well as I can, both of us having only historical knowledge of it. I’d appreciate it if you no longer blame me for it. I can take no more responsibility for slavery than I can for the genocide in Europe in the 30’s, though my name is Schuller. Both were before my time and place.

I believe that the rules for the game of life here in America have historically favored the wealthy, and historically in America wealth meant white. No one will dispute that the rules in America have changed. Nobody will dispute that even attitudes have changed, at least a bit and for the most part in the right direction. I believe that the rules need more change. Attitudes, however are not ours to change… love cannot be legislated – thank god that neither can hate.

I believe that things are better than they were but the rules are still not economically fair. I believe that the people who have the cash flowing in their direction right now are not going to change willingly or easily. Things will change more quickly once We, The People stop giving into the fight incentives given us by those, both white and black, who want us fighting about race instead of discussing a fair way to tax ourselves. As long as we squabble amongst ourselves over race, abortion, and the other passionate but pointless issues, We, The People will never look at changing the rules that may actually point toward a more level playing field.

I believe that life has never been fair because brutality has and always will be profitable, but we are headed in the right direction. I just hope tolerance and change can come before we damage our infrastructure further.

What brought that on?

Check the date of the original post - it's over a year old.

Honestly, I can't remember what brought it on... Yukon brought it back.

First of all, I would appreciate all talk of cash reparations for slavery to end. Let’s face a fact here… If my great-great granddaddy did own your great-great grandma, the odds are that we’re related – so who pays?

Exactly, I'm so sick of that. Move on, grow up. It's over with and nothing will change what happened.

Next, speaking in general of course, I believe that the average black American can only imagine slavery about as well as I can, both of us having only historical knowledge of it. I’d appreciate it if you no longer blame me for it. I can take no more responsibility for slavery than I can for the genocide in Europe in the 30’s, though my name is Schuller. Both were before my time and place.

Exactly, how many slaves are still living ? How many blacks still living knew anyone who was a slave ? Probably zero.
Next, speaking in general of course, I believe that the average black American can only imagine slavery about as well as I can, both of us having only historical knowledge of it. I’d appreciate it if you no longer blame me for it. I can take no more responsibility for slavery than I can for the genocide in Europe in the 30’s, though my name is Schuller. Both were before my time and place.

Exactly, how many slaves are still living ? How many blacks still living knew anyone who was a slave ? Probably zero.

"Probably zero"? You don't sound exactly certain. Perhaps you'd like to look it up and then get back to us.

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