the Left’s politicization of the Military

The military is about 2/3 white , 17 percent female

The “politicization” of the military has been to crack down on white supremacy and sexual harassment of females
That "extremist" crack down found almost nothing compared to the millions that serve in the military. It was a distraction and a witch hunt.

During my time in the military I might have met one white supremacist, but I ran into a shit load of gang members who joined up.

the leftwingers have no understanding of the requirements for our national security.

the major requirement is a military devoid of politics.

Not even to mention one of the major mistakes by the obama regime.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years
Our military is NOT devoid of politics. As Trump's Milley demonstrated, and Lloyd Austin too, our military is utterly political, promoting Woke BS and poison shots. Not only is it political, it's compromised completely. Very sad.
Well, I actually think a mandatory 2 year military service right out of high school would be a good thing.

Taking those many guys out of the economy for 2 years and housing, feeding, arming and training them would be tremendously expensive.

Further, in the current era, where open homosexuality is being affirmed among the men, there would be a lot of guys looking to take "conscientious objector" status if they have moral problems with violating other men in that fashion.
Taking those many guys out of the economy for 2 years and housing, feeding, arming and training them would be tremendously expensive.

Further, in the current era, where open homosexuality is being affirmed among the men, there would be a lot of guys looking to take "conscientious objector" status if they have moral problems with violating other men in that fashion.
We spend the most on our military, and they’re failing at their recruiting numbers…I think it would be a good thing for young adults to serve something bigger than themselves for a 2 year bid…

As for the “open homosexuality”, that’s easy, stop using the military as a social experiment, and get back to training the best fighting force the world has ever known.
the leftwingers have no understanding of the requirements for our national security.

the major requirement is a military devoid of politics.

Not even to mention one of the major mistakes by the obama regime.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years

And you have no idea at that makes up the Military where they serve under Congress, the President and, first and foremost, the Constitution. Unless a President gives an illegal order as per the Constitution, the Military will follow it. But like trying to send the 82nd Airborne to Washington to use as crowd control, the Military followed that as far as they could and did deploy to Washington DC. Then they sat down and played Pinocle., tRump (the t is silent) issued an illegal order. And as soon as he became aware that the 82nd was not going to start arresting citizens, he sent them home.
Our military is NOT devoid of politics. As Trump's Milley demonstrated, and Lloyd Austin too, our military is utterly political, promoting Woke BS and poison shots. Not only is it political, it's compromised completely. Very sad.

Yes, you are correct.
But they Generals were no longer in the Military and chose retirement before they voiced their own opinions. Are you saying that you wish to censor Civilian Opinions? Wow, King tRump (the t is silent)
And you have no idea at that makes up the Military where they serve under Congress, the President and, first and foremost, the Constitution. Unless a President gives an illegal order as per the Constitution, the Military will follow it. But like trying to send the 82nd Airborne to Washington to use as crowd control, the Military followed that as far as they could and did deploy to Washington DC. Then they sat down and played Pinocle., tRump (the t is silent) issued an illegal order. And as soon as he became aware that the 82nd was not going to start arresting citizens, he sent them home.
Link please. I call BULLSHIT.
Link please. I call BULLSHIT.

Read it and weep, this was in 2020.

Soldiers called to Washington, D.C., may soon be going home, says senior defense official

More than 700 soldiers from the Army's 82nd Airborne are going back to Fort Bragg on Thursday night, and hundreds of MPs from Fort Drum could go home Friday.

Are you aware that the 82nd drove military Vehicles to Waco Tx but could not contribute to it. It would have been agains the USMJ for them to participate so break out the Pinocle Double Decks.
the leftwingers have no understanding of the requirements for our national security.

the major requirement is a military devoid of politics.

Not even to mention one of the major mistakes by the obama regime.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years

I wonder. If you guys ever once told the truth, would your tongue break off?

You don’t want a military devoid of politics. You want it totally aligned and supporting your politics. You want it violating the law, so long as it is doing so to promote and in service of your politics.
Good thing for who?
A good thing for our young men and women…
I don't think it would be popular among the young but they generally don't vote GOP anyway.
Popularity is not the goal…Standing up a strong military, plus it would teach the young men and women that the universe doesn’t revolve around them…Something their parents and teachers should have been teaching them….
A good thing for our young men and women…
And the Democrats, thanks.
Popularity is not the goal…Standing up a strong military, plus it would teach the young men and women that the universe doesn’t revolve around them…Something their parents and teachers should have been teaching them….
Great attitude. It explains why the GOP has lost every presidential election popular vote for a generation.
Yes, you are correct.
But they Generals were no longer in the Military and chose retirement before they voiced their own opinions. Are you saying that you wish to censor Civilian Opinions? Wow, King tRump (the t is silent)
I don't wish to censor anybody's speech, including yours.

Their speech and actions reveal them to be the traitors they are.
I don't wish to censor anybody's speech, including yours.

Their speech and actions reveal them to be the traitors they are.

Are implying that anyone that disagrees with your Orange One is a traitor? You do know what people like tRump (the t is silent) demands done to people he has determined to be traitors, don't you.

Are you aware that the Revolutionary Forces were actually traitors? The were a major minority. Most of the free men still supported the King. In the end, the winners become the Patriots while the losers become the traitors. You lost in 2016. Guess what that makes you, Benedict.
Are implying that anyone that disagrees with your Orange One is a traitor? You do know what people like tRump (the t is silent) demands done to people he has determined to be traitors, don't you.

Are you aware that the Revolutionary Forces were actually traitors? The were a major minority. Most of the free men still supported the King. In the end, the winners become the Patriots while the losers become the traitors. You lost in 2016. Guess what that makes you, Benedict.
In that you're posting from a position of ignorance, your post and hostility are typical.

I've never held Trump in high regard, and he and I are the same age. I never voted for him and consider him a poor choice for POTUS.

So have your little rant. With it you display your ignorance.

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