Zone1 What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic-poll

What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic

  • 7 Catholicism is too old a religion

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Really? Who knew? I do think it is a good motto and inspiration for a pure motive...Don't you?

No kidding? lol. Oh well, nobody's perfect...Did you know that the first Jesuits were all cryptic‑Jews? Ignatius Loyola himself was a cryptic‑Jew...They have always been on the lunatic fringe of Catholicism. I'm sure you knew that, didn't you? I was close with a Jesuit priest many moons ago who always had a new Pope joke every time we met for study, funny stuff... He actually had the faith to admit to me that a lie had found its way into the Church before he died.

Unlike you.

Defying the Law of God is never spiritually meritorious. It does not give glory to God. Its giving God the finger. You might as well go to church and scream fuck you to God. You may not realize this but you die every single time you willingly defy the law of God at mass, by worshipping a matzo, never finding peace in death. I will acknowledge that for you this is a deep and profoundly spiritual religious experience, its just not a very good one. No one knows this better than you.

You may be imagining that you will live forever by doing that which your own holy book teaches results in death without having an inkling that you have died. I am happy that this does it for you.


I would also like to thank you for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of swine that do not ruminate by so generously demonstrating the terrifying and deeply disturbing death, a curse, consequent to setting that instruction aside.

Well done yourself!

Don't take it too hard. You should be happy and thank God that you are still alive in body, if not in spirit, and still have a little time left to rise from your grave and bear fruit worthy of repentance.

Your welcome! You ungrateful prick...

I am alive both in body and spirit - and yes, I am eternally grateful.
I am alive both in body and spirit - and yes, I am eternally grateful.
I hope thats true, seriously. But if you find yourself again sitting in a church and a priest openly says "This bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for 'us' the body of Christ" and then you get down on your knees to worship and eat it hoping to receive eternal life then you are under a strong delusion during which the more you seem to proceed towards God and eternal life in your unrestrained imagination, by brazenly defying his law religiously, the more you will recede from God, IN ACTUALITY, and receive the exact opposite of your professed intentions. Death.

Jesus said that he was sent to lost sheep of the house of Israel and them alone, and then said he did not come to bring peace but a sword. If you want to know what that sword is read Jer. 25:15

"Take, from my hand, this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"


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I hope thats true, seriously. But if you find yourself again sitting in a church and a priest openly says "This bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for 'us' the body of Christ" and then you get down on your knees to worship and eat it hoping to receive eternal life then you are under a strong delusion during which the more you seem to proceed towards God and eternal life in your unrestrained imagination, by brazenly defying his law religiously, the more you will recede from God, IN ACTUALITY, and receive the exact opposite of your professed intentions. Death.

Jesus said that he was sent to lost sheep of the house of Israel and them alone, and then said he did not come to bring peace but a sword. If you want to know what that sword is read Jer. 25:15

"Take, from my hand, this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"



John: 3:17

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

As far as the passage you quoted - Jesus, in my humble opinion, was stating that "His way" would require sacrifices among his followers - that "his message, his way" would bring conflict with the established religious and political practices of the time. One had to take a leap of faith and needed the courage to stand true to the message they were given - they would likely become outcasts (they were) and some would die for their beliefs (some did). It wasn't going to be an easy "peaceful" road.
I hope thats true, seriously. But if you find yourself again sitting in a church and a priest openly says "This bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for 'us' the body of Christ" and then you get down on your knees to worship and eat it hoping to receive eternal life then you are under a strong delusion during which the more you seem to proceed towards God and eternal life in your unrestrained imagination, by brazenly defying his law religiously, the more you will recede from God, IN ACTUALITY, and receive the exact opposite of your professed intentions. Death.
It's because you don't have faith that God would do that - or could do that - that God will never manifest Himself into the Host for YOU.
What are the primary reasons people are anti-Catholic
/----/ I grew up in the Southern Bible Belt. mostly it was the protestant ministers and KKK that spread anti- Catholic sentiment. It was the majority of reasons on your list. I heard, why don't you become a Christian? (We are, we were the first Christian religion.) Catholics belong to a cult. (We aren't a cult.) Why do you worship statues? (We don't. We honor Jesus, His disciples and the Saints all of which are highly regarded in the Catholic Church. They are just symbols to remind of of Jesus and the sacrifices the Saints made following him.) ) Why do you treat the Pope as if he was Jesus? (The Pope is the vicar of Christ. Read this for a complete explanation: Is the pope the Vicar of Christ? | ) Why don't you read the Bible? (It can be too easily misinterpreted. So why are there so many Protestant denominations, and only two branches of Catholics, Roman and Greek Orthodox?)
I moved to NY in 1971 and have rarely found anti-Catholic bigotry. NY Protestants are far more accepting than Southern ones.
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John: 3:17

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
John 3:14

"This Son of Man must be lifted up as the serpent was lifted up by Moses in the wilderness."

This is Jesus stating clearly that he would be "lifted up" just like the serpent was lifted up for people to turn to for healing during the time of testing in the wilderness, because the people were DYING when bitten by a plague of serpents sent among them after they were complaining about the hardships of freedom from Egyptian slavery. IMO, clearly it was Gods way of saying FU

Around 500 years later Hezekiah was credited with "keeping Gods commands" and "doing what was right in Gods eyes" by destroying the bronze serpent that God told Moses to make for the people to turn to for healing, DURING THE TIME OF TESTING IN THE WILDERNESS. Num. 21:9

Heres the thing. If it was right for Hezekiah to destroy the statue that God told Moses to make, then it was never right to turn to it for healing. Jesus spoke of "the test" and cited this story because he knew that worship involving his name would degenerate into idolatry which it has.

So now the only thing you need to ask yourself is, "What would Hezekiah do?"

"He removed the high places, shattered the sacred pillars, and cut down the Asherah poles. He also demolished the bronze snake called Nehushtan that Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had burned incense to it." 2 Kings 18:4

As far as the passage you quoted - Jesus, in my humble opinion, was stating that "His way" would require sacrifices among his followers - that "his message, his way" would bring conflict with the established religious and political practices of the time. One had to take a leap of faith and needed the courage to stand true to the message they were given - they would likely become outcasts (they were) and some would die for their beliefs (some did). It wasn't going to be an easy "peaceful" road.

The sword that Jesus said he came to bring was a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine.

"When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which TO SMITE THE NATIONS. Rev 19:15

Jeremiah 25:15-the end, parallels almost verbatim the so called great commission. What then?

"He who lives by the sword SHALL DIE BY THE SWORD" :wine: Listen carefully.....

If I had not come and spoken with you you would not be guilty of sin, but now there is no longer any excuse so to continue in your delusions is to make evil a deliberate choice. Don't be a fool.

Choose life and live.
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Heres the thing. If it was right for Hezekiah to destroy the statue that God told Moses to make, then it was never right to turn to it for healing. Jesus spoke of "the test" and cited this story because he knew that worship involving his name would degenerate into idolatry which it has.

So now the only thing you need to ask yourself is, "What would Hezekiah do?"

"He removed the high places, shattered the sacred pillars, and cut down the Asherah poles. He also demolished the bronze snake called Nehushtan that Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had burned incense to it." 2 Kings 18:4
It was one thing for the Israelites, in faith of God's word, to look at the image of the snake that bit them because God said they would be healed. God's word had power over the snake. In later generations when the people were burning incense to the image of the snake, the belief turned from faith in God's word to faith in a graven image.
Choose life and live.
We who look to the Word of God and follow it, have life. We are living in the love--and in the life--of Christ.

I doubt you will ever understand our faith. Think of it this way--it is much stronger than any of your words.
We who look to the Word of God and follow it, have life. We are living in the love--and in the life--of Christ.

I doubt you will ever understand our faith.


Think of it this way--it is much stronger than any of your words.

"For already the SECRET power of wickedness is at work, secret for only the present until the Restrainers disappears from the scene. And then he will be revealed, that wicked man whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of his mouth and annihilate by the brightness of his coming. But the coming of that wicked man is the work of Satan. It will be attended by all powerful signs and miracles of the lie (that scripture is to be taken literally) and all the deception that sinfulness can impose on those doomed to destruction. Destroyed they shall be, because they did not open their minds to love of the truth, so as to find salvation. Therefore God puts them under a delusion, which works on them to believe the lie, so they may all be brought to judgment, all who did not believe the truth but made sinfulness their deliberate choice."
It was one thing for the Israelites, in faith of God's word, to look at the image of the snake that bit them because God said they would be healed. God's word had power over the snake. In later generations when the people were burning incense to the image of the snake, the belief turned from faith in God's word to faith in a graven image.
The bronze serpent was a test. The same test presented to you when you were told to set aside everything you knew about the first commandment and turn to a lifeless matzo, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS to worship for spiritual "life". A test that you failed and continue to fail miserably.

Dying every time you set aside the Law of God to worship a matzo, never finding peace in death.

This is how Rome has used "the power of death" consequent to defying the Law of God and desecrating the teaching of Jesus to subjugate the hapless populations of every nation on earth.

The plague of "fiery serpents" must have looked a lot like these narcissistic con artists.






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John 3:14

"This Son of Man must be lifted up as the serpent was lifted up by Moses in the wilderness."

This is Jesus stating clearly that he would be "lifted up" just like the serpent was lifted up for people to turn to for healing during the time of testing in the wilderness, because the people were DYING when bitten by a plague of serpents sent among them after they were complaining about the hardships of freedom from Egyptian slavery. IMO, clearly it was Gods way of saying FU

Around 500 years later Hezekiah was credited with "keeping Gods commands" and "doing what was right in Gods eyes" by destroying the bronze serpent that God told Moses to make for the people to turn to for healing, DURING THE TIME OF TESTING IN THE WILDERNESS. Num. 21:9

Heres the thing. If it was right for Hezekiah to destroy the statue that God told Moses to make, then it was never right to turn to it for healing. Jesus spoke of "the test" and cited this story because he knew that worship involving his name would degenerate into idolatry which it has.

So now the only thing you need to ask yourself is, "What would Hezekiah do?"

"He removed the high places, shattered the sacred pillars, and cut down the Asherah poles. He also demolished the bronze snake called Nehushtan that Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had burned incense to it." 2 Kings 18:4

The sword that Jesus said he came to bring was a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine.

"When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which TO SMITE THE NATIONS. Rev 19:15

Jeremiah 25:15-the end, parallels almost verbatim the so called great commission. What then?

"He who lives by the sword SHALL DIE BY THE SWORD" :wine: Listen carefully.....

If I had not come and spoken with you you would not be guilty of sin, but now there is no longer any excuse so to continue in your delusions is to make evil a deliberate choice. Don't be a fool.

Choose life and live.

Mark 14:

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.”

Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it.

“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them. “Truly I tell you, I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”

In My Humble Opinion:

Jesus was telling his apostles that he was freely giving up his body, "This is my body, take it" He then gave them the cup - the blood of the covenant that is poured out for many because Jesus was willing to give up his body (Showing them the way to salvation and willing to sacrifice himself for it) that would cause his blood to be poured out (him being unjustly convicted and put to death - forming a new covenant for many).

The covenant established "Jesus' path" - one of "turning the other cheek and forgiveness" - a departure from "An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth/live by the sword, die by the sword" Jesus would not "drink from the cup again until he drank it in the kingdom of God" - Jesus would not drink from it until everything was accomplished - meaning that once (many) people would follow his way to salvation, (Testifying that Jesus was indeed the way, proving his accusers wrong) His accusers would stand convicted of " condemning and killing an innocent man" - And by their own Laws, Jesus (or his followers) would have the right to redemption (Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth) - forcing his accusers to either accept his covenant of forgiveness, love or face the consequences of their own Law (which would have them convicted and put to death).

Those that take his body (Follow the way) and drink from the cup of covenant (accept the new covenant with God) will prove Jesus innocent to his accusers, convicting his accusers instead - opening up the path to salvation for many while condemning those that "Live by the sword" but since Jesus's way is forgiveness, those that "lived by the sword" would be forgiven and would no longer "die by the sword" - instead the sword sent to them conquers death - confirming the new covenant of love with God.

Those that do not take his body (follow his way) but drink from the cup (Expecting a life of salvation but do not follow the way) will justify his accusers so there is "no ransom". Without a "ransom" or a new covenant established, they condemn themselves by drinking from the cup of wrath - the "sword" sent to them is one of retribution - "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth".

This is the meaning of "Double edged sword" - This is why Jesus told his followers to bring TWO swords with them after the last supper.
In My Humble Opinion:

Jesus was telling his apostles that he was freely giving up his body, "This is my body, take it" He then gave them the cup - the blood of the covenant that is poured out for many because Jesus was willing to give up his body (Showing them the way to salvation and willing to sacrifice himself for it) that would cause his blood to be poured out (him being unjustly convicted and put to death - forming a new covenant for many).

In a way, you and I agree. The only difference being how the subject of his Body is interpreted.

In my humble opinion the Body of Christ, the flesh of Jesus, represents a new metaphor for the Word of God, bread from heaven, the food of angels, consisting of words that form the body of his teaching. Unless you eat his flesh, accept his teaching, and drink his blood, act on it, there can be no life in you, life being the promise of God to everyone for fulfilling the Laws demands.

Life is in the blood, in the doing. "Faith without works is like a corpse without breath."


Jesus replied to the devil" Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that God utters"

The kingdom of heaven is like buried treasure lying hidden in a field. The man who found it BURIED IT AGAIN." Hence, The Word (of God) became flesh (the revelation of Jesus), which is teaching that the words used in the Law are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. This is the new covenant for many who listen to his teaching, and act on it, that made the 1000 year interpretation and application of the Law, according to the Talmud, what Jesus called "the traditions of men" obsolete.

Again, "the sword" is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine used to smite the nations

"When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them" “Then you shall say to them" "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Drink, get drunk and vomit, fall and rise no more, because of the sword that I am sending among you."

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword". :wine: Sober up dude if you want to live.
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You forgot the most important one.

Grew up in the Catholic Church, realized they were full of it, and got the heck out.

I don't think there is as much vitriol among protestants against Catholics anymore. I think most of the hostility comes from secularists and ex-Catholics. The Protestants want to get invited to the interfaith pancake breakfast and sing Kumbaya!
And now clings to Dementia Joe's every word.

And now clings to Dementia Joe's every word.

Right, Those damn Dem libtard snowflakes who think that everyone should have equal rights.

Imagine that! Liberty and justice. Those bastards! Its grest bigly stollen infair smocking covfefe!

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It's because you don't have faith that God would do that - or could do that - that God will never manifest Himself into the Host for YOU.
/----/ ""This bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for 'us' the body of Christ""
Uhhhh, the bread Jesus shared was also made by human hands. He used many parables and similes in his teaching. The consecrated bread and wine is another example.
/----/ ""This bread, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, will become for 'us' the body of Christ""
Uhhhh, the bread Jesus shared was also made by human hands. He used many parables and similes in his teaching. The consecrated bread and wine is another example.
"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."

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