We need to drop the colorization of 'Nationalist'.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Nationalism is a good thing. It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that? The term should not have a skin color associated with it. America has Nationalists of every race, color and creed. What do you think? Why can't we just say "Nationalist"?
Nationalism is a good thing. It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that? The term should not have a skin color associated with it. America has Nationalists of every race, color and creed. What do you think? Why can't we just say "Nationalist"?
Because they don't want good Americans of all races and creeds to be Nationalist.

They have to divide! Divide!
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Nationalism is a good thing. It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that? The term should not have a skin color associated with it. America has Nationalists of every race, color and creed. What do you think? Why can't we just say "Nationalist"?
Because the White Nationalist are Racist, claiming nationalism as cover. Even Tuberville in Georgia recognizes and admits it. White Nationalist racists are part of our problems not our solutions. Taking the word "white" out of white nationalist does not change them. If they think they stand out as a negative image, maybe they should change, instead of wishing people did not recognize them as what they are.
Because the White Nationalist are Racist, claiming nationalism as cover. Even Tuberville in Georgia recognizes and admits it. White Nationalist racists are part of our problems not our solutions. Taking the word "white" out of white nationalist does not change them. If they think they stand out as a negative image, maybe they should change, instead of wishing people did not recognize them as what they are.
You just took the bullshit liars' side of that.
Because the White Nationalist are Racist, claiming nationalism as cover. Even Tuberville in Georgia recognizes and admits it. White Nationalist racists are part of our problems not our solutions. Taking the word "white" out of white nationalist does not change them. If they think they stand out as a negative image, maybe they should change, instead of wishing people did not recognize them as what they are.
"Nationalism" stands on it's own. It means you love your country. Period. Democrats have usurped Nationalism and colorized it for their political purposes. It's a 2 fer. They create another Racist smear label that they can throw around. But more insidiously, Democrats HATE Nationalism. They want to tear down this country which is why they wrecked the border, why they attack and demonize law enforcement and do everything they can to divide the people.
Okay, here's how I'm going to put this..

They don't want Nationalism because they want to divide. They want to divide because they want to conquer.

They want to rule.
"Nationalism" stands on it's own. It means you love your country. Period. Democrats have usurped Nationalism and colorized it for their political purposes. It's a 2 fer. They create another Racist smear label that they can throw around. But more insidiously, Democrats HATE Nationalism. They want to tear down this country which is why they wrecked the border, why they attack and demonize law enforcement and do everything they can to divide the people.
Democrats I know didn't get the memo, that they are supposed to hate their country. Of course, I don't hang around with people that don't love their country and am not the type those who do hate the country are likely to hang around with, either, so there is that.
That's it's racist to be proud of America. It's not.
Who said it was. I am saying white nationalist groups take cover under the word nationalist to cover being racist. After Charlotte, some were enroute to middle Tennessee (a conservative state by any reckoning). The got uninvited and warned not to come by our Republican Governor, forecasting a very poor reception as our state did not want their kind of trouble here, were not going to be too tolerant of their plans, permits rejected, law enforcement alerted, making plans and he meant business. They correctly decided maybe they were not welcome and would be facing more trouble than anticipated and cancelled their planned rally.
Maybe they more welcome in other states.
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This is silly.

When a black oerson commits a crime or when a white person commits a crime doesn’t change that a crime was committed. (Local news reporting of the crimes may vary)

Keep focus. Sometimes the race of the defendant simply does need to be reported. Sometimes it’s just to end lame. Who is manipulating whom. And why?

Same logic for white Narionalists. That does usually mean racist. Just because Sen Tver like is a Republican doesn’t mean I have to agree with him. Why not just say a white nationalist movement is race based?

Black Nationalists are also race based. The use of the colors before the noun is a clue, folks.

Good night to all. Only about 165 more days!
The US Sun

BLM group slammed for calling American flag 'symbol of …

Jul 9, 2021 · Ask yourself why every racist wears that flag and flies that flag? Because it is a symbol of hate." In dozens of follow-up posts, the group suggests that anyone flying or displaying the flag in any way is a racist and a Republican. "It is an honor to be able to say

The Left has been accused patriots of being racist for decades.
More recently they have been using the term "white christian nationalist" as another one of their dog whistles to frighten people.
The term checks off three major left wing boogeymen cultural categories of> race, religion and patriotism.
Nationalism is a good thing. It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that? The term should not have a skin color associated with it. America has Nationalists of every race, color and creed. What do you think? Why can't we just say "Nationalist"?

I’ve always said that I am a nationalist. That means I support ALL self-sustaining cultures to have their own nation.

That means Italy for the Italians, Japan for the Japanese, Islamic nations for Muslims, Israel for Jews, Sub Saharan African nations for black Africans, and European countries for white Europeans.
Right now, the radicals on both sides of the political spectrum want divide.
Of course they want divide. Why would we want to be in a society of people that have diametrically opposite world view? How is a person like that going to be considered a “countryman”?

Division is not necessarily a bad thing. Cultures are different and should stay different. There is nothing stopping different cultures from respecting each other. The world would be a lot better off if cultural lines were more defined, not blurred and mixed.

Attempting to build a “world without borders” (globalism) means destroying culture, destroying what makes people different: races, languages, religions, etc.
In fact that is demonic and grotesque. God struck down the tower of Babel and created diversity for this reason.
Democrats I know didn't get the memo, that they are supposed to hate their country. Of course, I don't hang around with people that don't love their country and am not the type those who do hate the country are likely to hang around with, either, so there is that.

Then you're a white nationalist too. I suspect you would also like to see America restored to its rightful place on the world stage, and made great again, right?
Nationalism is a good thing. It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that? The term should not have a skin color associated with it. America has Nationalists of every race, color and creed. What do you think? Why can't we just say "Nationalist"?
Nah. . . I disagree.

PATRIOTISM is a good thing.

Nationalism is toxic, and it pits our nation, or different In-groups, against "the other."

As far as international politics is concerned? I do believe we should strive toward less foreign adventurism, and support for a more equitable, multi-polar world, instead of having the US taxpayer fund the Crown and the US billionaires Anglo-American / Uni-polar world order plans. (Even the French and Germans are starting to get sick of our shit, TBH.) We have been listening to these same CFR and RIIA, Bilderburg, WEF, EU, NATO psychopaths, that keep us in these forever wars now, for the past fifty years.

It has only cost the global population, millions of lives, and the US tax payer trillions of dollars, and for what?


Nationalism is a good thing.
Always was. Nationalism is just an euphemism for Patriotism-- pride in one's country, and was the call of the day to every citizen of every country in every age until just a few years ago when the fraudulent communist-driven US media got hold of the issue and started spinning it now as some new, Trumpian extreme, dangerous, cultist, racist POV akin to Aryanists. All according to Alinsky's Rules For Radicals for deconstructing a society into chaos subsequent to its takeover.

It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that?
If everyone just took care of their own, we would all be better off. Just that it would put all of the hyper-rich globalists pushing socialism and world-centralization out of business. Just imagine having all of their trillions of dollars tapped off of society all back in our own pockets?

The term should not have a skin color associated with it.
There is no skin color requirement for entry to wanting the best for your own country. That is just one of many psych-ops ploys being tried by the globalist seditionists wanting centralized control over all of the planet.

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