Zone1 We can all blame Martin Luther for the disaster that is the Catholic Church today


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
Luther (former Catholic priest/excommunicated heretic) was the first to seriously rupture the Church, claiming to set up other "churches" not founded by Christ but by him, a mere human being, a pattern that persists to this day since people no longer even accept the notion that there IS such a thing as "the original Church" (since they can't find it, &/or won't look for it....)

Luther (et al) started the first rupture that led to all the other ruptures, which then led to what we have today, which is

one word



This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw recently:

Don't blame me, I voted for Trump

Don't blame me, I didn't disrupt the Church. Never would it enter my mind to drastically change --liberalize--the Church Christ Himself established on Earth....!

(I guess I just don't have the balls Luther did... yet, balls or not, he is very likely burning in Hell)
Luther (former Catholic priest/excommunicated heretic) was the first to seriously rupture the Church, claiming to set up other "churches" not founded by Christ but by him, a mere human being, a pattern that persists to this day since people no longer even accept the notion that there IS such a thing as "the original Church" (since they can't find it, &/or won't look for it....)

Luther (et al) started the first rupture that led to all the other ruptures, which then led to what we have today, which is

one word



This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw recently:

Don't blame me, I voted for Trump

Don't blame me, I didn't disrupt the Church. Never would it enter my mind to drastically change --liberalize--the Church Christ Himself established on Earth....!

(I guess I just don't have the balls Luther did... yet, balls or not, he is very likely burning in Hell)
If it was not for Martin Luther, we would all be lectured by the Pope on how backward American Catholics are and told that gay sex is the best.

Thanks Martin.

Maybe the church needs to split again, or just put up with the nonsense and heretical teachings that lead to damnation.

The choice is yours really.
without Luther there would not have been the war of 30 years,!
which likely had much to do with wars that came subsequently



Vietnam etc

All war comes from sin: selfishness... greed... power-hungry politicans etc
the war of 30 years …. from 1615 to 1645 … or so ….caused great misery for central europe

the war of 30 years …. from 1615 to 1645 … or so ….caused great misery for central europe

Have u studied this much?

Please inform those of us who... maybe we have heard of it (I have bc I've studied the infamous Luther) but don't know details

Luther (former Catholic priest/excommunicated heretic) was the first to seriously rupture the Church, claiming to set up other "churches" not founded by Christ but by him, a mere human being, a pattern that persists to this day since people no longer even accept the notion that there IS such a thing as "the original Church" (since they can't find it, &/or won't look for it....)

Luther (et al) started the first rupture that led to all the other ruptures, which then led to what we have today, which is

one word



This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw recently:

Don't blame me, I voted for Trump

Don't blame me, I didn't disrupt the Church. Never would it enter my mind to drastically change --liberalize--the Church Christ Himself established on Earth....!

(I guess I just don't have the balls Luther did... yet, balls or not, he is very likely burning in Hell)
How do you account for the Orthodox churches?
Have u studied this much?

Please inform those of us who... maybe we have heard of it (I have bc I've studied the infamous Luther) but don't know details

luther is indirectly responsible…. for that war started as a war of catholics against protestants ….
luther is indirectly responsible…. for that war started as a war of catholics against protestants ….
which obviously continues to t his day :rolleyes:

we fight like cats anddogs who actually they get along better than Catholic and P do.

In any case, we should all be concerned bc the world is literally going to Hell. In fact, it has arrived

luther was also antisemitic

More concrete: He was first a friend of the Jews and became later an enemy of the Jews. Most people think he was angry because he was not able to convince Jews from his points of view.
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luther was right- compare the bible vs the rcc catechism, the catechism is opposite of what the bible teaches.

Luther was right because he said Catholics are wrong? ... Hmm ... Will be interesting to hear what Merlin ... ah sorry: Alkuin ... ,the author of the first catechism, will say to this theme, if I will meet him one day. Luther wrote on his own also catechisms.
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the war of 30 years …. from 1615 to 1645 … or so ….caused great misery for central europe


About 1/2- 2/3rd of all Germans were murdered in this war. World War 2 was a sunday afternoon walk compared with the 30 years war. This war was unbelieveable brutal and cruel. In the end the 30 years war was not lost and not won but solved in the Peace of Westfalia. As far as I know it was the first time in history that this had happened.
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Luther (former Catholic priest/excommunicated heretic) was the first to seriously rupture the Church, claiming to set up other "churches" not founded by Christ but by him, a mere human being, a pattern that persists to this day since people no longer even accept the notion that there IS such a thing as "the original Church" (since they can't find it, &/or won't look for it....)

Luther (et al) started the first rupture that led to all the other ruptures, which then led to what we have today, which is

one word



This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw recently:

Don't blame me, I voted for Trump

Don't blame me, I didn't disrupt the Church. Never would it enter my mind to drastically change --liberalize--the Church Christ Himself established on Earth....!

(I guess I just don't have the balls Luther did... yet, balls or not, he is very likely burning in Hell)
i guess i'll have to take this case of miz vs francis pro bono

liberation theology is part and parcel of christ's teaching on the mount. if francis can continue to set the course of the church in that direction i would be very happy.

you may have noticed that there is room for a variety of opinions, even within the patriarchal/hierarchical structure of the church.

luthor. i don't know if indulgences are effective or heretical. i do know that , as a practical matter, the 30 years war did confirm, for thousands of soldiers and peasants, who were denied access through the pearly gates through insufficient indulgence "works."

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