Zone1 It looks like Protestants have their own issues vis a vis "bowing down to idols"


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

Weird article here. Whoever wrote it is uncertain whether Olsteen owns a Ferrari or not (as commonly alleged)

But one thing that has not been disputed is Olsteen's net worth

$100 million

Gee, that could build a lot of low-income housing for poor people! And he'd still have money left to buy a nice car.


Weird article here. Whoever wrote it is uncertain whether Olsteen owns a Ferrari or not (as commonly alleged)

But one thing that has not been disputed is Olsteen's net worth

$100 million

Gee, that could build a lot of low-income housing for poor people! And he'd still have money left to buy a nice car.

He makes his money honestly as he accepts no salary from his church. So why does that concern you?
Maybe I should denounce the Catholic faith and start my own 'church' What I couldn't do with $100 mil

There is only one Church, however. That's a fact I would never give up

not for the all the Ferraris in the world.

Weird article here. Whoever wrote it is uncertain whether Olsteen owns a Ferrari or not (as commonly alleged)

But one thing that has not been disputed is Olsteen's net worth

$100 million

Gee, that could build a lot of low-income housing for poor people! And he'd still have money left to buy a nice car.

Joel Osteen sells millions of copies of his books. These are real sales rather than most bought up by people/entities intending to pad his bank account as is the case with many politicians. They royalties have made him a wealthy man. I won't judge him for his lifestyle for who among us would not enjoy the fruit of such labor were we able to have that?

Osteen gave up taking any kind of salary or expense account from the church some 15 to 20 years ago because he doesn't need it. While he doesn't make his tax returns public, it is widely reported that he gives away millions to various charitable and worthy causes every year.

Is Osteen good or bad? I will leave that up to God to sort out. I have never followed the man and don't think I've ever heard a complete sermon of his nor have I read any of his books. But if his ministry is beneficial to many and no corruption or evil is evident, I won't tear him down. I may imagine how great it would be to enjoy what he is able to have.
Joel Osteen sells millions of copies of his books. These are real sales rather than most bought up by people/entities intending to pad his bank account as is the case with many politicians. They royalties have made him a wealthy man. I won't judge him for his lifestyle for who among us would not enjoy the fruit of such labor were we able to have that?

Osteen gave up taking any kind of salary or expense account from the church some 15 to 20 years ago because he doesn't need it. While he doesn't make his tax returns public, it is widely reported that he gives away millions to various charitable and worthy causes every year.

Is Osteen good or bad? I will leave that up to God to sort out. I have never followed the man and don't think I've ever heard a complete sermon of his nor have I read any of his books. But if his ministry is beneficial to many and no corruption or evil is evident, I won't tear him down. I may imagine how great it would be to enjoy what he is able to have.

well, the problem with that or one of them is that his congregation who send him money.. a lot of them probably can't afford to eat out every Sunday, while he can do whatever he sets his mind to doing. I just don't like that. Maybe it is capitalistic and etc... but .. and also, I have not heard of which charities he gives to. Maybe I'd like him better if I knew more about that?

Priests take a vow of poverty

of course, who knows what goes on in the modern Church. Again, the last valid pope was Pius XII

Still, I'm sure most priests take thesame vow.. poverty, chastity and obedience
The main point is that protestants scream bloody murder over "how much money the Vatican has"

as a way of rejecting Christ's Church

and then they support people like Olsteen


Weird article here. Whoever wrote it is uncertain whether Olsteen owns a Ferrari or not (as commonly alleged)

But one thing that has not been disputed is Olsteen's net worth

$100 million

Gee, that could build a lot of low-income housing for poor people! And he'd still have money left to buy a nice car.

"the poor will be with you , always, and you can bet a prosperity gospel televangelist won't be anywhere near them.
"the poor will be with you , always, and you can bet a prosperity gospel televangelist won't be anywhere near them.


I don't recall hearing the news story of Olsteen providing for poor people with low income housing or anything like that. Maybe that would bring too many people off the mean streets?

notice I didn't say Free housing.. but my God, rent is ridiculous these days. Can you blame people for living in their vehicles? Some can't afford it, just CANNOT afford rent in some of these (usually dim-run) cities. It's as simple as that.

I don't recall hearing the news story of Olsteen providing for poor people with low income housing or anything like that. Maybe that would bring too many people off the mean streets?

notice I didn't say Free housing.. but my God, rent is ridiculous these days. Can you blame people for living in their vehicles? Some can't afford it, just CANNOT afford rent in some of these (usually dim-run) cities. It's as simple as that.

I guess the most significant thing I recall ever hearing about him is his refusal to shelter disaster victims in his church.


I guess the most significant thing I recall ever hearing about him is his refusal to shelter disaster victims in his church.

yes, I had momentarily forgotten about that.

that is terrible. And as you may know, POPE (true pope) Pius XII of blessed memory housed the Jews in the Vatican buildings and in monasteries.

But he's evil,

so saith the protesters because all things Catholic are evil

I don't recall hearing the news story of Olsteen providing for poor people with low income housing or anything like that. Maybe that would bring too many people off the mean streets?

notice I didn't say Free housing.. but my God, rent is ridiculous these days. Can you blame people for living in their vehicles? Some can't afford it, just CANNOT afford rent in some of these (usually dim-run) cities. It's as simple as that.
high rent is a free market decision. sounds like we have a ,lot more people who need housing.

more seriously, big city or small town your chamber of commerce makes serious contributions towards people to keep those housing prices up.

"the more you pay, the more its worth." don mclean

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