Voting for nil


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
When you vote, whether you win or not, you are accepting that someone else has the right to rule you. You are conceding the states authority over you. You are agreeing that you are going to be someone else's slave (sort of speak), with the only question being who will be your political master.

I choose not to support any politician who will have that much control over me and mine.

Isn't that what we're all going for here? Electing someone who won't want to control us or our lives? But the system is set up to oppose any politician who has that sort of mindset. They control the rules that control the people. So when you vote, you're conceding that you want this person or that person to control you.
If you don't get off your ass and support a politician you think would do the best job, one will be picked for you.

You're not paying attention. You're just playing the game. Using the same propaganda that been force fed into our minds since we were kids.
All you're doing is accepting the fact that someone will be put in a position to control almost all aspects of everyone's person and business lives.
You are granting them authority over you. And because there are so many people like that, this game will continue to be played by their rules. And they will always win.
"They" being the political parties and their leadership.
When you vote, whether you win or not, you are accepting that someone else has the right to rule you. You are conceding the states authority over you.

Somebody gets elected whether you vote or not. It's pretty stupid IMHO not to vote and let others make that decision for you.

You are agreeing that you are going to be someone else's slave (sort of speak), with the only question being who will be your political master.

Horseshit. Slaves have no rights. Americans do.

I choose not to support any politician who will have that much control over me and mine.

You are being controlled anyway. Suck it up.

All you're doing is accepting the fact that someone will be put in a position to control almost all aspects of everyone's person and business lives.

Horseshit. No one in this country controls all aspects of anyone's life. If you know of a better place to live, maybe you should consider going there. As soon as possible.
For those of you that voted for Bidung....that's what ya got...NIL. Considering inflation. crime, illegals ya got less than NIL.
If you don't like your choices, get involved yourself.

The rules are still set by them. Not "we the people." I have been involved. And have seen with my own eyes and ears how the rigging begins at the local level. And I'm not talking about vote counting. I'm talking about who your local R or D party chairman allows to go to the state party convention. Who the state allows to go to the national convention.
Only those who play by their rules are allowed. Only those who can't see how they're manipulated are allowed to advance within the party.
Honesty isn't allowed in party leadership. Honesty isn't allowed to be aired in the MSM about the party, unless it makes the party look good.

Do you think Trump was a fluke? Not in the least. That who charade was created to make people think Trump was independent. Try to become a delegate for an actual underdog candidate in the next presidential election. By underdog, I mean someone who doesn't get many questions during the televised debates. Someone who's barely mentioned in the news.
Horseshit. No one in this country controls all aspects of anyone's life. If you know of a better place to live, maybe you should consider going there. As soon as possible.

I said "almost all." Not "all." They decide how much you have to pay them for working. How much you have to pay them to buy something. How much SS they will pay you (back) when you retire. How much of your money they'll spend on buying bombs, paying welfare and everything else.
They decide what's allowed in your food & drink (from the manufacturer). They decide what deductions you're "allowed" to make on your tax return.
Not all. Just the important things.
For those of you that voted for Bidung....that's what ya got...NIL. Considering inflation. crime, illegals ya got less than NIL.

We got what the establishment gave us. Same as Trump. Trump wasn't a fluke. Trump was just playing the part.
I know it doesn't seem like it. But that's the genius part of this whole charade.
I said "almost all." Not "all." They decide how much you have to pay them for working. How much you have to pay them to buy something. How much SS they will pay you (back) when you retire. How much of your money they'll spend on buying bombs, paying welfare and everything else.
They decide what's allowed in your food & drink (from the manufacturer). They decide what deductions you're "allowed" to make on your tax return.
Not all. Just the important things.

So, do you have an alternative, or are you just spreading bullshit?

Added: Oh, it's April 1. My bad, I thought you were being serious. Ya got me.
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When you vote, whether you win or not, you are accepting that someone else has the right to rule you. You are conceding the states authority over you. You are agreeing that you are going to be someone else's slave (sort of speak), with the only question being who will be your political master.

I choose not to support any politician who will have that much control over me and mine.

Isn't that what we're all going for here? Electing someone who won't want to control us or our lives? But the system is set up to oppose any politician who has that sort of mindset. They control the rules that control the people. So when you vote, you're conceding that you want this person or that person to control you.
You're expressing the same thoughts that motivated Trump's followers at the Jan.6th. coup attempt. Trump was to them the anti-government who was going to bring back the imagined old times when working class Americans would matter.

You're really saying that democracy doesn't work and so you think you can sit back and not participate anymore. You can but it's not a solution to the problem.

Taking down America's democracy and installing a fascist regime 'is' a solution. Trump's followers have all the talking points right, even though most of them will deny that they want to take down democracy.

You're only half way there with your realization that the system isn't working for you. You'll soon understand that sitting back and not participating is not going to work.

Choosing a strategy that is the opposite of accepting fascism is the only way forward. That is 'socially responsible' government that includes 'socialism' within a capitalist system.

Nearly everyone on this board are talking about it in some form or another, but few are reasy to accept the obvious.

And now today, fwiw, there's a new thread up to strengthen the illusion of working Americans doing well!
So, do you have an alternative, or are you just spreading bullshit?
Everybody wants an alternative but he's not there yet, and so dropping out is his alternative. But yes, there is an alternative and I've posted the ideas above.
The rules are still set by them. Not "we the people." I have been involved. And have seen with my own eyes and ears how the rigging begins at the local level. And I'm not talking about vote counting. I'm talking about who your local R or D party chairman allows to go to the state party convention. Who the state allows to go to the national convention.
Only those who play by their rules are allowed. Only those who can't see how they're manipulated are allowed to advance within the party.
Honesty isn't allowed in party leadership. Honesty isn't allowed to be aired in the MSM about the party, unless it makes the party look good.

Do you think Trump was a fluke? Not in the least. That who charade was created to make people think Trump was independent. Try to become a delegate for an actual underdog candidate in the next presidential election. By underdog, I mean someone who doesn't get many questions during the televised debates. Someone who's barely mentioned in the news.
Yes, you get it but you're still not ready to take the next step.

Trump's people tried to take that step forward by inviting fascism. They're not secretive about it at all, even though they can't connect the word to their agenda. Others should be finding it quite obvious.
Somebody gets elected whether you vote or not. It's pretty stupid IMHO not to vote and let others make that decision for you.

Horseshit. Slaves have no rights. Americans do.

You are being controlled anyway. Suck it up.

Horseshit. No one in this country controls all aspects of anyone's life. If you know of a better place to live, maybe you should consider going there. As soon as possible.
How about any of the democracies that have moved so far ahead of America on freedoms and quality of life for the working class?
Yes, you get it but you're still not ready to take the next step.

Trump's people tried to take that step forward by inviting fascism. They're not secretive about it at all, even though they can't connect the word to their agenda. Others should be finding it quite obvious.

You left leaning people have this "Trump fascism" thing embedded so deep into your brains that you can't even carry on a conversation about anything, without bring Trump or fascism into it.

If you voted for Biden, Trump, Hillary, Obama or any of them, you are being owned. You are allowing them to take authority over you. "We the people" cannot keep sticking our fingers into the political light socket and expect to one day not get shocked.

Republicans: I'm shocked that Trump banned bump stocks. I'm shocked the Trump increased spending and didn't even try to balance the budget.
Democrats: I'm shocked that Biden opened up oil leases. I'm shocked that He gave Ukraine a lot of money (after I spent two years complaining about Trump giving Ukraine a bunch of money)

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.

You party loyalist keep playing by their rules, allowing them to dictate who your choices are and who you're going to vote for as your leader. <<<Key word, "leader." As in owner, master, handler.
And you justify this with "Well my leader doesn't suck as bad as yours."
How about any of the democracies that have moved so far ahead of America on freedoms and quality of life for the working class?

Don't go down this "working class road" bro. Because this is exactly why the democratic party used to be highly opposed to illegals coming across our borders. Because illegals took jobs that Americans would do back then. (during the Clinton years)

Now you're owners are not for building walls and fences to keep illegals out. How or why the left flipped flopped on that issue is still a mystery. And an even bigger mystery as to why the democrat voters allowed their owners (party) to flip flop.

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