USMB Superlatives


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Care to nominate for USMB Superlatives (think Senior Superlatives like in High School)

I'm thinking the following categories. Once I get a list of 5-7 names, will make a poll.

(1) Most annoying
(2) Most humorous
(3) Most offensive
(4) Best troll
(5) Most interesting
(6) Biggest flirt

Open to other categories or nominations for a poll for one of the 6 above....
This will prolly belong (or get moved to) Flamer Zone.

You'll have to define or reword #4, since "troll" is not a positive. Maybe "trolliest troll" -- ?

I'll be running for #s 2 and 6 myself.... :D
Some of them are nice to... funniest, most interesting... not sure it's necessarily flaming but maybe....

I guess I might be forced to come up with my own list of people to throw under the bus (or into the limousine)....
Some of them are nice to... funniest, most interesting... not sure it's necessarily flaming but maybe....

I guess I might be forced to come up with my own list of people to throw under the bus (or into the limousine)....

Well some of it would be. 3 and 4. Not that it's not worthy but would prolly amount to "flaming" since it's subjective.

"Best troll" could be taken another way -- poster who trolls in the nicest or most entertaining way (e.g. Aaron) rather than poster who trolls the most (e.g. Unkotare). So that might need clarification depending on what you want the overall.. uh... thrust to be.

Speaking of thrust, how's 'bout "Most suggestive".... :eusa_shifty:
Some of them are nice to... funniest, most interesting... not sure it's necessarily flaming but maybe....

I guess I might be forced to come up with my own list of people to throw under the bus (or into the limousine)....

Well some of it would be. 3 and 4. Not that it's not worthy but would prolly amount to "flaming" since it's subjective.

"Best troll" could be taken another way -- poster who trolls in the nicest or most entertaining way (e.g. Aaron) rather than poster who trolls the most (e.g. Unkotare). So that might need clarification depending on what you want the overall.. uh... thrust to be.

Speaking of thrust, how's 'bout "Most suggestive".... :eusa_shifty:

we need a "grin" button................... (Mods...?)
may have to start with the Bacon... might need a contest first.. then the poll/list....
I have to state the obvious here --- I just flat out do not get the whole bacon revival thing. Bacon's been around forever, certainly longer than me. Yet suddenly in the last, I dunno two years (?) or so it's become this weird obsession, as if it just got here, from the people who brought you sliced bread.

Whence cometh this weird shit? Has the bacon lobby been secretly placing implants in people's heads? It just doesn't add up.

Bacon used to be an occasional breakfast accessory; nobody really gave a rasher one way or the other. Now it's as if orange juice has been declared Lord God Supreme. Makes no sense. :dunno:

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---- and there ya go. Best Bacon Post of the Year. Thangyew, thangyew...
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